You are out of step with yourself. You are split. You are schizophrenic.

You are out of step with yourself. You are split. You are schizophrenic.

inner-splitI wrote this article five years ago, but it is as fresh as if I wrote it today. And, of course… I updated it.

On today’s Talk-to-me call I had an insight: I saw something I had never seen:

You are out of step with yourself.

The you that interfaces with the world, does stuff, makes mistakes, overeats, gets angry is either ahead of or behind the you that you really are. The you that tries to look good, keep up with the appearances is always trying to fix the you that you really are.

No acceptance, no tolerance, no compassion, no love, no music, no harmony, no dance, no peace. Continue reading “You are out of step with yourself. You are split. You are schizophrenic.”