Will you allow the learning to change who you are?

Will you allow the learning to change who you are?

This is NOT a funny article… And actually I struggled mightily writing it… because it talks about something I have never been able to teach… Your beingness.

I am reading a book for the third time in a month. And I will read it again and again until I become who I want to become.

Some people read the words in a book. I read the spirit. I align my whole inside with it… if it is worth it.

And if it is worth it: it won’t happen at the first reading, the second reading, and probably NOT at the third reading either. So I read it until it happens.

The two reasons to read it are:

  • 1. to allow the material to change you, to change who you are
  • 2. all the other reasons people read for…

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