Where do you look to answer the question: “how are you feeling?”

Where do you look to answer the question: “how are you feeling?”

I love learning. Even if the learning is preceded, or a result of some bad experience… even if it is pain…

You learn nothing from pleasant, or good, or happy.

You can only learn from bad, mistakes, wrong steps, screw-ups, or failures.

If you are willing. If you are not willing, then you’ll never learn. And if the glove doesn’t fit… don’t wear it.

I talked to two clients yesterday.

I asked one how he was feeling. I already knew because I had run his numbers, but I was curious how he felt about how he felt. Continue reading “Where do you look to answer the question: “how are you feeling?””

The Unexamined Life Begins With The Unwillingness To Ask Tough Questions… Do You Know How To Ask Tough Questions?

asking questions is a sign of a good brain Here are 15 questions. They are not easy questions. It will take a little looking, a little pondering to answer them. Maybe even asking others… when the question asks for that.

I have some 50 more where these came from… at a later date I’ll publish those too.

    1. Am I aware that someone always has it worse than me? Or do I keep my attention on what I don’t have? Can I turn this around?
    2. Am I cheap? As in “cheap bastard.” Who am I cheap with? Am I cheap with myself?

    Continue reading “The Unexamined Life Begins With The Unwillingness To Ask Tough Questions… Do You Know How To Ask Tough Questions?”

    Self-reflection: Questions to ask myself

    Freecell2I am sitting here this morning, playing Freecell.

    Every game this morning is such that it takes no effort, no talent, no guidance.

    WTF? What is the message here? If Freecell is my guidance system, and I have to extend no effort, what does that mean about me?

    I am playing and I am thinking, probing, pondering.

    Is it a reflection of my life? My life right now? That I am shying away from doing courageous things? Hm, that feels bad enough, so I must be on the right track! Bummer. I muscletest, and the answer is YES. Hm.
    Continue reading “Self-reflection: Questions to ask myself”

    What it takes to get ahead in life, or to raise your vibration

    What it takes to get ahead in life, or to raise your vibration

    Albert Einstein - everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a treeWe must admit there are people who do LIFE better than we do, they get ahead, they live well, seem happy.

    How do successful people do it? They have good judgment. But where do you get such good judgement from? Good judgment comes from bad experience. And the bad experience comes from pain. What you do with it will make all the difference, what is your attitude towards it, will make you win in life, or stuck in life.

    Here is a famous story, an illustration:
    Continue reading “What it takes to get ahead in life, or to raise your vibration”

    Is how you feel an accurate indicator of your vibration?

    Is how you feel an accurate indicator of your vibration?


    Please check the special offer on the mini speaker that sounds like a Bose (the best audio I know). Also a great gift! Harmonize your vibration included!

    Dr David Hawkins says that your mood indicated your vibration aka consciousness level. Is that accurate?

    Continue reading “Is how you feel an accurate indicator of your vibration?”