Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia: Fact of Fiction?

Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia: Fact of Fiction?
anastasia and the ringing cedars of russia is a tale, it is fiction, it is a hoaxAnastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia: Fact of Fiction?

A few months ago someone asked about the vibration of Anastasia.

I said 600. I finally bit the bullet and bought the whole set of books.

I was really curious, what is in these books that a whopping 20 million people bought them.

I am halfway through the first of the nine books, and this is, so far, my take (with Source’s help and muscletesting, of course.)

The idea and Utopia that is detailed in this book, vibrates at 600.

About 10% of it is based on facts the rest is fantasy, much like the wildly popular Harry Potter series of the Lord of the Ring Trilogy. Continue reading “Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia: Fact of Fiction?”

Earning your light, raising your vibration

under the level of my conscious awareness Earning your light, raising your vibration

I don’t know everything. In fact, I know very little. And what I know is somewhat sketchy.

I just finished muscletesting the vibrational numbers of the second phase activator class. I was expecting to see who is doing the work of earning their light and who isn’t by the way their vibration was comparing to the numbers two weeks ago.

What I found didn’t make sense, which is a good thing.

When something makes sense, it means that the knowledge is coming from the Tree of Knowledge. It means that I didn’t access anything beyond what everybody should suspect; and the majority is always wrong. Always.

So, in a sense, I was happy that my findings didn’t make sense.

Continue reading “Earning your light, raising your vibration”

I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?

I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?
Be Nice! I love you but…

You are rude on the calls, where is the Heaven on Earth that you promise?

From My Mailbox:

I already love you and care for you because i can feel your heart…way big. The challenge is that the ego is still getting in the way of your delivering the Heaven on Earth and your special talents bringing down energy. Continue reading “I love you but… You are rude on the calls! heaven?”

Excited about tomorrow’s webinar? I am. It’s at 4 pm EST


Dear Sophie,

Read your love article– excellent- again, makes perfect sense

I’m exactly halfway thru the Wattles book, 1 I expect to finish it sometime tonight-

I saw that you have a webinar tomorrow/Saturday at 9 p.m. EST – yes, I remember the instructions about getting on early for downloading the software etc. so I can be on time-
Continue reading “Excited about tomorrow’s webinar? I am. It’s at 4 pm EST”

Vibrational review

Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? ~ Raise Your Vibration, Transform

Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? Posted by Raise Your Vibration on 6:30 AM Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life be available in eBook format on December 24th at Here are some healing

Metaphysics 102: How To Raise Your Vibration (Consciousness

Call it what you will – resonating faster, raising your vibration, or …

How to raise your vibration & lift your spirit? Process your fear! « The

How to raise your vibration & lift your spirit? Process your fear! The anti-human invasion on earth and the manipulation into the recycling of souls · How to live powerfully in 2012 · What does it mean to be ‘a good man’ in the

Education Line How to Raise Your Vibration: The Power and Impact

How to Raise Your Vibration: The Power and Impact of the Law of Vibration. Our vibration is the emotional and spiritual energy level inside our body and our awareness. It is our current inner state, our feeling of frequency, CheckPoint 156-110


Five Ways to Raise your Vibration – Naturally! – Holistic Healing

This is the connection between raising your vibration (frequency) and improving health! Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. In fact quantum physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating

How To Raise Your Vibration: HELP! My Partner Is Negative And

How To Raise Your Vibration. This blog spot has been created to assist you in the Raising of your Vibration. It will provide tips, tools, techniques and knowledge to help you expand your consciousness and raise your energetic

Raise your vibration and belief for 2012 | EFT Therapist

Raise your vibration and belief for 2012. Published December 12, 2011. Listening and reading national news at the moment, is not pleasant. We all live our lives at certain levels of vibration. If our level is set at low, we can feel anger, fear,

Do Spiritual Pictures Raise My Vibration? Equal Life Magazine


In fact a picture does not have the power to create feelings or ‘raise your vibration‘. All such experiences – if you just look at it – are created by YOU in your own mind through your positive and negative value judgments placed

Raise Your Vibration! Be Happy, Stay Happy! | Chakra Chic – Energy


Raise Your Vibration! Be Happy, Stay Happy! November 30, 2011 by Staton | 0 comments. Get tips and understanding of how to raise your vibration and keep yourself clear of blocks in this video…

Healing the Body and Raising Your Vibration


The power of thoughts in healing the body, what level your currently vibrating at and ultimately, how to raise your vibration to a level where you can allow all of the good things to come into your life that you’ve been asking for.



To raise your vibration consider the basic approach you have towards your life. Are you ‘tired” all the time, feel ‘sick”, or just in a “bad” mood? Are you searching for meaning but can’t find any? Are you unhappy? Do you

The Eternal Temple of Nun: RAISE YOUR VIBRATION IN 60



Who Are Our Spiritual Helpers? | Holistic Health and Me


You might be wondering why you need to raise your vibration. The universal Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy; and because the beings in the spiritual realm will not lower their vibration, you must

The Science Behind Luck – Raising Your Personal – Evolution Ezine


Join Energy Coach Christie Marie Sheldon as she reveals the hidden forces blocking your manifestation efforts, and guides you through an immersive group meditation exercise for raising your vibrations. Just Visit: Love or

How to Raise Your Vibration | Talk to Spirit


Looking for ways to elevate your mood & vibration, without needing to go on a weekend retreat? Click here for simple techniques on how to raise your vibration.

Gaia’s Daughter of Truth, 16 Dec 2011 – The Ascension Path

And at that time, if you told yourself (in your mind) something like: “It’s okay to feel this way Love, you’ve had a rough day/week/time, and you just do not have the energy to be able to raise your vibration to that level right now.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Activators produce permanent change once they are established… What’s in the way? What’s the difficulty?

PhotoReading and normal reading produce different results Activators produce permanent change once they are established… What’s in the way?

In several tests, comparing comprehension and the ability to recall and use the information after reading a book, people performed much better when they read the book with the PhotoReading method than when they read it “normally.” The retention, the length of time that the knowledge is available was also multiple of the “normal” reading length.

The tests compare the same person, (as opposed to groups) so the base knowledge, the vocabulary, and interests, (which are fundamentally influencing the results,) are the same in the comparison. Person A, normal reading, vs. person A PhotoReading, got it? If you compared my results with yours, the comparison would not be valid, because we have a different level of knowledge and vocabulary, and interests.

So the comparison is comparing comprehension between two states:

  1. you have a chance to read every word with your conscious mind, look up words that you don’t know, re-read paragraphs that you don’t understand completely, ponder, etc. You can read, at the rate of about 30 pages an hour, and it will take as long as it takes.
  2. in an altered state of mind, with eyes fuzzy and focused behind the pages so you cannot actually see what’s on the page, at a rate of 1 page a second… a normal book takes a few minutes to read this way.

Why would it be so? After all it doesn’t make sense, does it?

Continue reading “Activators produce permanent change once they are established… What’s in the way? What’s the difficulty?”

How We Raise Your Vibration: Activators explained… again.

zapping the emotions that kill you Activators explained… again.

Activators are specific type of energy submissions. They don’t add anything, they work with what you have.

There are two types of activators:

  1. positive (adding) downloads: adds something that contributes to your well-being. Similar to adding fertilizer to your garden soil.
  2. elimination or take-away downloads: Similar to pulling weeds, or picking off pests that eat your plants.

Both types of activators have two components:

Continue reading “How We Raise Your Vibration: Activators explained… again.”