Winning is amazing. But training is everything.

Winning is amazing. But training is everything.

training-is-everything-quoteTraining is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.
– Mark Twain

A friend of mine is having a hard time.

As an empath I have the bad fortune to connect to whoever I think about. So I am sitting here, having all kinds of bad feelings. I am on the verge of crying. My stomach is lurching… I am feeling my friend’s feelings, right now, this very moment.
Continue reading “Winning is amazing. But training is everything.”

Trim Tab, the counter cultural tool of winners


TrimmedBoat_bigYou want to raise your vibration? Want to be happy, fulfilled, harmonious, in balance, at peace? This may be the most important article you can read.

Without this tool you have a rough ride, with this tool… your ride is smooth. 1

One of the most counter-cultural distinctions that came from Buckminster Fuller is the trim tab, or small actions that turns big ships.
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Announcing: “My secret weapon” webinar

Sophie Benshitta Maven webinarNow that a bunch of you have bought my Secret Weapon, the Big Bundle of energies 2 The purpose of this article is to announce the WEBINAR I am forced to do to let you feel the energy and teach you to use it correctly.

So, announcing the Big Bundle webinar.
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John Assaraf and his Winning the inner game of money

John Assaraf and his Winning the inner game of money

John and maria assarafI review a lot of gurus and teachers… I reviewed John Assaraf, a money guru, almost three years ago.

I connect to the person and muscletest numbers, feel their emotions and intentions… and draw conclusions from my findings.

Winning the inner game of money is the course John Assaraf is offering nowadays. Should you buy it? Will it suddenly enable you to make money in spite of yourself? Continue reading “John Assaraf and his Winning the inner game of money”

What is the opposite of astute?

einstein-astuteAstute is a word that 99% of people don’t know. Or if they know, they think it’s a bad thing. Like shrewd… it is a missing thing… It is not part of the vocabulary of the uneducated, unsophisticated, simple folks who live a pedestrian existence.

Words are great divider of people. If it is beyond you… if it is beyond your comprehension, you probably get found out by now knowing the word.

Now, with that said: astute is a person who can tell things apart, even similar things, with certainty, and ease.

People have certain areas where they are astute.
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One surprise side effect of fighting the mite epidemic…

unexpected positive side effectsThere have been a surprise side effect to fighting the mite epidemic: people are able to see if they are conscious or not, if they are awake or not, if they are in their head or not.

Now, that doesn’t seem like much… after all they have to do it, because otherwise the mites kill them, maim them, or just plain make them miserable.

But the truth is a lot simpler and at the same time a lot more complicated: awareness doesn’t care what you are aware of. Awareness, once it there, is aware of a lot more than where it’s directed.

So, people got aware of their attitude, their forcefulness, their moods, their actions, their inner monologue… and, surprise, this sudden awareness, this sudden bringing conscious awareness, consciousness to life, has started to raise people’s vibration.
Continue reading “One surprise side effect of fighting the mite epidemic…”

Republished: Meditation: How To Use It? Instead of just sitting… or waiting for an experience…

meditation Meditation: a very philosophical article. You’ll probably hate it! I wrote it four years ago, and I revisited, by accident, today.

What is meditation and what is the role of meditation?

I will examine this question as a non-meditator who has tried to meditate (TM) and failed.

I am not against meditation. Meditation is a tool, to allow all knowledge to reach you, past the noise, from all there is, distinguished as knowledge beyond your own, and as a tool: it is invaluable.

I have been quasi “meditating” the past day or so… the questions I am meditating over are

  1. whether God is a sentient being
  2. whether the “law” of attraction, the law that says that you can earn something coming to you by adjusting your vibration to its…

Continue reading “Republished: Meditation: How To Use It? Instead of just sitting… or waiting for an experience…”

Anything you pursue is running from you…

I visited a website today that is packed with articles about 5 steps to this and 7 steps to that, about happiness, about your body, about money.

And people are eating it up. They share it. They comment… Yaay, some different ways to pursue what you desire.

But all those readers are like lemmings throwing themselves off the cliff… What?

This past week I took a break from nonfiction reading, and have been reading novels and novellas again.
Continue reading “Anything you pursue is running from you…”

Do you want to become smarter? Slow down!

Do you want to become smarter? Slow down!

simple-fake-solutions-2Cheap Closure Now

As you know I am working, instead of the CDC that, truthfully, should do this work, but doesn’t… I am working on effective methods of turning this epidemic of biting mites around.

And while I am doing the work of a scientist, being scientist, guinea pig, janitor, judge and executioner at the same time, I learn more than I have bargained for.

I have learned something today, and I’d like to share it with you. It is one of the main moves you render yourself a miserable loser in this game called Life.

The move is called: Cheap Closure Now.
Continue reading “Do you want to become smarter? Slow down!”

Tool for self-knowledge: Mapping


Not until you are lost, that you can start finding yourself

It’s a lot like “empty your cup” in the last article… as long as you know, you are stuck with it…

I watched the movie “Something The Lord Made” again.

This time I paid attention to the music, and started to see the underlying message the film makers were making: poor black kid… blah blah blah.

The story is about a smart, ambitious black kid, who wants to be a doctor, but has no money to go to school. He starts working, first as a janitor, then as a lab assistant, and then as a researcher for a surgeon in a hospital, and develops the method for the first heart surgery, the blue baby surgery.

Continue reading “Tool for self-knowledge: Mapping”