Thank you for sending the audio.The effect I’m experiencing – is that I feel more determined to accomplish my goals. I feel driven – as if nothing will stop me from seeing my goals completed.
I tried to explain your audios to someone, but she wanted more info. Without giving away trade secrets – you need to be clearer on what the audios are. Do you have subliminal messages beneath the nature sounds, is it just sounds, vibrations? People are unwilling to try something new unless you explain exactly what they are getting. Lots of people have tried everything under the sun without getting results, so now people are getting a little wary. Just my thoughts…
Tag: avatar state activators
Affirmations don’t work. Context works…

Affirmations don’t work. Context works whether you want it or not. What’s the difference between an invented context and an affirmation?
“I’ve always been famous, it’s just no one knew it yet.” Lady Gaga
What’s the difference between you saying that sentence and Lady Gaga saying that sentence?
The difference is fundamental, and goes to the heart of the “human condition” and the quality of your life.
Human Being, as a species, is capable of self-direction, at least by design. Capable of self-evolvement, capable of using their WORD to create.
Whether Lady Gaga has this capacity, or this is just a bon mot… i.e. a clever saying, is immaterial.
Some people’s word matters (creates), and others’ word doesn’t.
Continue reading “Affirmations don’t work. Context works…”
Our moral code was born out of tradition. Here is how

Here is a very apt analogy how it works:
The monkeys and the banana
Start with a cage containing five monkeys.
Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.
After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result – all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him.
After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked.
Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not? Because as far as they know that’s the way it’s always been done round here.
And that, my friends, is how company policies are made.
And how religion was born and is maintained…
I often feel like I want to get off this planet… please.
How many of your assumptions of what’s wrong and what’s right, how it is, what works what doesn’t are not your experience, but handed down like tradition, like Tree of Knowledge stuff, like this banana stuff to the monkeys in the experiment? 98% 99%
No wonder you feel caged in, no matter the number one feeling coming up, the number one desire coming up on my calls is the desire to be able to be yourself… Feel your own feelings, make your own decisions, follow your own drummer.
Even when you can discover only 1% of what you know as false, inherited bs… the quality of your life, the quality of your existence improves 100%… How is that for a good investment of your time?
Here is a very apt analogy how it works:
In my attempt to come up with an equation or formula that would give a more holistic view of where you are as a human being, I have been measuring a number: how many percentage of your brain you use for retaining useless information, information that is not your experience, not even the experience of the “source” of that information, but like the “climbing the steps equals cold shower” type of knowledge.
About 50% of your brain is available to think, deduce, see, compare, analyze, connect to the great unknown, intuition, and other thinking tasks. But you can use up this part to try to remember instead, and never have an original thought.
Society treats thinkers the way the monkeys in the experiment were treating the newcomers. This way, misery loves company, no one has access to the banana… and that’s that.
But when you free up, just one measly percent of your brain capacity for real thinking, real connecting, your life improves tremendously. All the perceived injustices disappear, all the judgment disappears, and you discover that there was never anything wrong, there was never any place to get, and there was never anything wrong with you…
This is what’s possible in my courses, or with using my Avatar State activators. Quite a banana, isn’t it?
Our buggy moral code – Dan Ariely | TED-Ed
Behavioral economist Dan Ariely studies the bugs in our moral code: the hidden reasons we think it’s OK to cheat or steal (sometimes). Clever studies help make …

Morality – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion suggested that our morality is a result of our …. Any moral code that is even worth looking at has that at its core somehow.

From surviving life to real living… add the big picture

Whatever works… Or how to go from surviving life to real living by expanding your horizons to the big picture
You can’t argue with results… yet, we (you and I) catch ourselves not ever looking at the results, instead we look at something else… Continue reading “From surviving life to real living… add the big picture”
Follow A Guru Whose Vibration Is Lower Than Yours?
What Does It Say About You That You Follow A Guru Whose Vibration Is Lower Than Yours?
Why do I feel sad?
I got up this morning. I slept well in spite of the heat. The first email I opened was about a guru I had reviewed before, but I put someone else’s picture next to his name. A reader pointed it out, so I searched for the right picture. The vibrational numbers were correct, I re-measured them, 170 and 200.
Then another email talked about another guru, I measured: personal vibration: 150, truth value of teachings: 100 … whoa… that is almost record low. Criminals have higher vibration. Politicians and their campaign promises have higher vibration.
I went over many of the gurus, criminal, ugly, low vibration, fake, sinister…
And then I got really sad. Heavy heart, droopy, like life is over.
It felt that I was grieving over the badness of the world… I even wanted to eat, though nowadays I don’t touch food till 2 pm.
Continue reading “Follow A Guru Whose Vibration Is Lower Than Yours?”
Instant Healing, Instant Transformation. The Dream Scam

I have started to do one-on-one consulting again. I didn’t know what to expect, but I now know I can handle anything…
I just started today, so I have had one session. It was wonderful, and the results could be spectacular, except…
This is what this article will be about, that “except…” To see what’s in the way of anyone, any modality, any methodology being able to produce results, ever.
We live in a world of instant gratification, and instant is expected. Continue reading “Instant Healing, Instant Transformation. The Dream Scam”
Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: is it any good?

Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: identify your nine fat triggers and lose all the weight
Jon Gabriel is an amateur(?) Biochemical Researcher. In this new Mind Valley program, the Gabriel Code, he claims that your body has fat triggers.
Test your fat triggers Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Gabriel Code: is it any good?”
What is the Self? What happens after you find your self?

What is the self? This question comes up again and again. Is it the same as the ego? Is it the same as soul? Is it this, is it that?
I have been asking this question as well. We didn’t come to this world to know self, and definitely weren’t allowed to get to know self.
The moment, in the cradle, you discovered that when you smiled adults got excited and gave you more attention, your corruption, the corruption of the untarnished, unspoiled self began.
The personality that you now honor as your self is on the circumference of your being. The circumference is rich in adjectives, adverbs, and poor in being.
You say I am this, and I am that, and I have to maintain this and that… or sometimes you say “being this” or “being that.”
The moment there is a word after the word “being” we are moving away from Self.
Continue reading “What is the Self? What happens after you find your self?”
Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?

How to get the most out of your Avatar State audio?
Hello Sophie
Below is a copy of the receipt I got from PayPal as requested in your “Package Deal” to acquire access to “Harmonize Your Vibration Audio”.
Also I have some questions.
I have both the Self Discipline and the Unconditional Love Activators and have listened to both at different times while on my computer. My question is this, should they be listened to separately, perhaps even alternating days or can they be listened to one after the other? Ideally I could have both of them running in the background simultaneously, but I don’t know if they would cancel each other out or worse, fry some brain cells. LOL! Is that an option?
For the nth time, let me say how the Avatar State Audios work:
How the harmonize works: the harmonize audio is slightly different from the rest of the Avatar State audios, in that it does not have a FOCUS.
It “shakes” you to harmonize your vibration with the vibration of the Universe.
The more out of sync you are, the more work the audio has to do.
Continue reading “Can I play two Avatar State Audios at the same time?”