Can the “Ask and it is given” work for you?

Can the “Ask and it is given” work for you?

Ask and it is givenAsk and it is given… But if that were so easy and simple, there would not be a whole system of thought, Kabbalah, receiving in Hebrew…

You pray and you think you are effectively asking for what you want. You believe that you will get it… but only 1% of the asks are given…

This article is about why only 1% of what you ask for is given, no matter who you ask from. Yourself, someone else, or some deity.

In yesterday’s core group huddle I started to see something that is so hidden and so hideous that even when people see it, they don’t see it.

What is it?

You don’t, you can’t see what you want and why (context)  so what you ask for is vague, fuzzy, and not going to get given. Continue reading “Can the “Ask and it is given” work for you?”