People who raise their vibration and people who don’t?

Humanity can be divided to two groups. The dividing line is the vibration of 200… the level of responsibility and integrity.

Responsibility is a view of life where it is up to you. What? Everything. And when it is up to you, then you are never a victim, although things may happen to you, thing may be done to you, and yet you are not a victim. Because you have something to say in the matter… and you don’t say that you are a victim.

Responsibility is a dividing line, and I fully expect that 99 out of 100 of my readers, including my regular readers, my clients, my students, think responsibility is either a duty (you have to, need to, or should) or blame (you had to, you needed to, you should have… and you didn’t!) Continue reading “People who raise their vibration and people who don’t?”

For men are good in but one way, but bad in many

If you are like most of the people that visit my site, you came here in search of the best way to get what you want.

Healing yourself, feeling better about yourself and your life. Making money, finding love, or raising your vibration. Or maybe even becoming an Expanding Human Being.

And you, like myself, probably cannot tell one system from another.

  • good from bad,
  • effective from ineffective,
  • efficient from inefficient,
  • real or a fraudulent… we have no criteria by which to judge.

Continue reading “For men are good in but one way, but bad in many”

Just hang in there! Your reactiveness is destructive!

reactiveness, false drama

reactiveness, false dramaWhether you know it or not: you are reactive… It is part of the human condition.

Reactiveness: Hastiness coupled with easy resignation is the death of any dream.

Although you can kill a dream in many different ways… whether it is a dream for a superb business that allows you the time to work on the business and not in the business… whether it is a dream for self-expression, fulfillment, and making a difference, whether it is for fame and fortune, whether it is for health, vitality and mobility in your later years… you can kill it in many many many ways.

And god knows we do everything in our power to kill our dreams. Continue reading “Just hang in there! Your reactiveness is destructive!”

Taking away what doesn’t contribute: the Anna Karenina Principle

anna karenina principle

anna karenina principleHow does change fit into the Anna Karenina Principle, or the principle said in another way: the method of taking away what doesn’t contribute to happiness to make your life better?

Remember: the Anna Karenina Principle says: All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.

The principle implies that the unhappy families have one or more things that make them unhappy, things happy families don’t have… That happiness is simple, while unhappiness is complicated.

In this article I will look at change and how the Anna Karenina principle, of taking away what doesn’t contribute can be done in the context of change. Continue reading “Taking away what doesn’t contribute: the Anna Karenina Principle”

The pull and push system of growth… How inspiration is proving to be stronger

I have been ‘playing’ this self-improvement, self-development game for 35 years. It germinated and grew into a full ‘tree’ in me, while in others it remained stunted, or maybe even died.

What was the difference between those others and myself?

The main difference was, I thought, is that I saw going up incredibly inspiring, while others focused on protecting their egos. We call it precious I in my work.

I had a precious I too, but I could see that what it had given me is grief, so I was willing to think and do things that offended or scared my precious I, because what I saw was available was inspiring enough for me to do so. Continue reading “The pull and push system of growth… How inspiration is proving to be stronger”

What robs you of the ability to be astute?

Astute, astuteness has a bad reputation… so do the words: selling, ambitious… or taking care of yourself. But it is unjust, in fact it is against Life.

But, unfortunately, we live in an age where being selfless seems like a virtue… but it isn’t a virtue, it is imposed upon us.

It is stupid and a learned ‘value’…

The best people in the world are selfish…

Selfish… meaning: they take care of themselves… instead of hoping that others will be selfless and take care of them. And then they can contribute… from being well and being taken care of.

No matter how many times people understand, on airplanes, that when the oxygen masks are dropped at them, they should put on their own first… and then assist others… Because they see it there, but the ability to see it everywhere would require a wider cone of vision than they have… Take care of yourself first doesn’t live like a distinction, it lives as an example that is true on airplanes. Continue reading “What robs you of the ability to be astute?”

Diet cults vs. HOW to prepare your food your body will love

how-to-chop-onion-800-dmI just finished reading the book “Diet Cults”.

I mostly hated it, especially when he is elaborating on his non-cult cult rules… ugh. Just as unnatural as the diet cults he criticizes.

What is most striking in all the diet-cults, to me, is their ignorance of the fact that food, unless it is prepared in a tasty, mouth-watering way, isn’t nourishing for most people.

Food prepared and offered pleasing to the mind is not nourishing, not edible for the body.

Continue reading “Diet cults vs. HOW to prepare your food your body will love”

What you do habitually is what gets into trouble

The power of “instead of”

Consider that it is not what you don’t do that gets you into trouble, but what you do do… or what is the meaning of the strait and narrow method of going to heaven, whatever YOU call heaven.

Every article, every book that deals with procrastination, with being an underachiever, with being an unsuccessful person concerns themselves with what you are not doing… and not with what you are doing that makes you unsuccessful, unhappy, etc.

But what if that attention, that focus is misplaced? What if what you ARE doing is what really creates the consequence of an unsuccessful, unhappy life?

Continue reading “What you do habitually is what gets into trouble”

Guaranteed to make you feel happy: It’s all in a day’s work

It’s all in a day’s work

Of all the things I have ever said to myself, this is the most potent saying.

It has saved me from suffering, it has saved me from all the nasty feelings that plague humans nowadays: belligerence, entitledness, feeling slighted, frustration, anger, laziness, yearning, wanting, and more.

How? Why? Continue reading “Guaranteed to make you feel happy: It’s all in a day’s work”

The Michelangelo Method of becoming you

As I said it before, I have a strong affinity to the dramatic… in every area of life. This may be part of my bipolar personality… taking things to the extreme.

I do that with food… I call them experiments, but largely these are experiments taken just too far or too long…

And, of course, I pay the price. With my health, mainly.

But… as in everything, there is a silver lining, a benefit, that I would be amiss not to appreciate.

I have discovered almost everything in the area of health this way. Or in the area of training, self or others… or in anything else.

So my latest “fad” thing has been sorghum. I cooked up a huge vat of sorghum seeds with sauteed (fried?) onions and butter… delicious. Continue reading “The Michelangelo Method of becoming you”