Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

If you want to get the most: focus on one thing in a program

In my Friday Podcast with Bonnie this past Friday it became clear that the methodology of using courses, coaching calls, programs is not taught anywhere, so each person feels that they need to make up their own method. Each coach, each participant.

By methodology I mean: how to get the most out of a course, a coaching call, a program.

In this article I’ll teach the most effective way to get the most out of anything. Literally anything you do. Continue reading “Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time”

The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not

The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not

The most important questions to  ask: what, how, why, when, who not… What not to do, how not to do/be, why not, when not, who not, what not to pay attention to. What’s not important. Which teachings are b.s. and a good idea to invalidate or just ignore. The no-list.

Without those questions asked in that particular way, that unusual way, your life cannot be like an arrow, cannot have a punch, cannot have a purpose. Continue reading “The most important questions: what, how, why, when, who not”

What is the work, the spiritual work you are asked to do?

What is the work, the spiritual work you are asked to do?

People share one major feeling: a sense a danger, a sense that pain or death is coming. We call it fear.

Depending on how someone handles fear is how humanity can ultimately belong to two groups.

We could also look at anger as a divider, but let’s stick with fear first. Continue reading “What is the work, the spiritual work you are asked to do?”

What can you do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

What can you do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?

I am tired. The kind of tired that doesn’t want to budge from sleeping, or resting. It is not ordinary tired.

I have had it before.

It’s between my ears. Mental tiredness… I think. Continue reading “What can you do with what you don’t want, don’t agree with?”

Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.

Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.

One of my students who, on the surface appears optimistic, enthusiastic, and unstoppable, saw yesterday that inventing herself hopeful could change her life.

Hopeful is not one of the ways of being that are considered, traditionally, healthy and high vibration.

Why? Because hopeful, the way people use it, is a mind thing… while beingness is not a mind thing at all.

When you are hopeful, the way people use it, you are waiting for a benevolent universe, or some angel, or some deity to give you what you want… So hopeful, as the way people use it is a passive mindset, which is low vibration. Continue reading “Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.”

When you are fixing something, the solution becomes the next, bigger problem

Human history has gone from problems to bigger problems throughout most of its 200 thousand years.

What is fixing?

Fixing needs something to be wrong. Wrong is a systemic judgment, cultural and personal. It is never true in reality… one could say: there is never anything wrong in reality.

Dying is not wrong, dying is dying. Being sick is not wrong, it is being sick. Being slow, ugly, lazy is not wrong, it is just being slow, ugly, or lazy.

This means that any and all fixing is working on something that doesn’t need fixing… so the fixing adds a new wrinkle to things that isn’t supposed to be there… the new wrinkle is not natural. It takes you further away from your natural state: joy, productivity, intelligence, wellness. Continue reading “When you are fixing something, the solution becomes the next, bigger problem”