Is this the world you intended to create with your word?

Is this the world you intended to create with your word?

Integrity: The Key To A Life That Works. Key to Peace Of Mind, Accomplishment, Satisfaction, And Happiness

When I measure your integrity, it is low. The average integrity of people on this planet is 1%…

Integrity is the relationship between your word and your actions, your word and your beingness, your word and your attitude… Continue reading “Is this the world you intended to create with your word?”

Mastering your word to make things happen

the power of your word to make things happen

mastering your wordWhy can’t you make things happen? Why can’t you make your life work…

You’ll hate me for this… but hate me as much as you want, this is why: Your integrity is shot.

Without integrity nothing works. Sounds very general, and definitely doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you: you are always on time, you brush your teeth twice a day, you keep your diet, you don’t cheat on your spouse… so what am I talking about?

I’ll explain it in a little bit, but let me just say something more:

Whenever ANYTHING doesn’t work about my life, about any of my relationship, about my health, about my work, about my money, I automatically go to my integrity.

I say: what is the integrity issue that I have that this is what I see… the area not working.

The out-of-integrity can be in many different ways, so I have a checklist: 1

    • have I been keeping my word? to myself, or to anyone…
    • is anything hidden? half-truths? pretenses? misleading others? hidden agendas? false statements?
    • have I skimped on any of my work, my diet, my exercise, my hygiene?

Continue reading “Mastering your word to make things happen”

Want confidence, want your life to change? Here is a simple way to do it…

every speaking is committingAll speaking is committing. All speaking. Even if it is inside your head, and only you can hear it. Not even… especially those speakings you speak to yourself are committing.

How many of those speakings have you fulfilled upon? Next to none, I guess…

If you had a team that is committed to fulfilling every wish, ever commitment you have, they only need you to act… would that team look at you today and say that you are full of crap? Given that your word has no power? That you don’t mean half of what you say?

So, what has it cost you that you are like that?

No excuse will make it easier or lighter, or less costly.
Continue reading “Want confidence, want your life to change? Here is a simple way to do it…”