Why I stopped participating in Landmark Education?

Why I stopped participating in Landmark Education?

The four core default contexts… or Why I stopped participating in Landmark Education?

Actually, I continued to participate in Landmark Education after the incident I’ll tell you about… but NEVER intended to contribute any more. Or not really. I was participating from hurt… knowing that what was broken cannot be fixed.

18 years ago, as I was coaching someone, it became clear to me that there are this four core invisibles, that are underneath every issue, every distinction, every weird, unethical, unsavory action a human being makes. Continue reading “Why I stopped participating in Landmark Education?”

Knowledge… how accurate is it? How safe is it?

I was looking for pictures for “accurate knowledge” on google… hardly any results. Then I looked for “garbage in garbage out, and I hit the jackpot”… I will put some of the best pictures at the end of this article… they are really funny… But now, let me get to the knowledge article…. OK, here you go:

I am reading Aristotle.

Why? It’s an excellent wake-up call. It knocks you conscious… It has knocked me conscious!

2400 years ago, when Aristotle lived, people, scientists, knew very little about much of anything. They weren’t less inquisitive, they didn’t have less theories, they didn’t argue less. They probably argued more…

They just had theories that are quite ridiculous by today’s standards, knowing what we know today.

Here are a few examples… Be prepared to laugh… Continue reading “Knowledge… how accurate is it? How safe is it?”

Are you experiencing the “post holiday blues”?

Are you experiencing the “post holiday blues”?

In life, victory goes to the most adaptable… 1 says the law of self-selection. 2

The easiest to observe is yourself… when there is a long enough holiday: 4-day holidays are perfect.

If you get into the holiday mood: doing pretty much nothing… then you didn’t need a lot of adaptability: you probably habitually do a lot of nothing in any given day.

But the most important part is: how long does it take for you to get back into the swing of things… becoming productive, doing what there is to do, without sluggishness of complaint, or yearning to get back into holiday mode.

How do I know? I could say that I am watching you, but truth be told, I am watching myself, and getting back into workday mode has been very hard for me.
Continue reading “Are you experiencing the “post holiday blues”?”