Acidity. what is it, the cause, the symptoms, remedy

Acidity. what is it, the cause, the symptoms, remedy

real eyes realize real liesI have been meaning to write about acidity, alkalinity, and this whole field of misunderstanding, misdirection, you should know about, because it is important.

Acidity is a symptom.

It is also a cause…

Cause of a lot of mischief in your body and in your life. Continue reading “Acidity. what is it, the cause, the symptoms, remedy”


remove the biggest blockage: your head up your ass

Summary: We have all heard about blockages… we can even visualize them. We know of people who claim that they clear them… but what are blockages, really? And how do you remove them?

Yesterday we had a session on the Carrot and Stick webinar workshop, and it went differently than the way I planned. We could say that I encountered a blockage in or with people… because they didn’t want to do what I wanted them to do… Instead of forcing my plan on them, I started to listen and started to hear that I was forcing to build a skyscraper on insufficient foundation… We spent the whole 210 minute long session building foundation, and tearing up foundation that was fear-based. We are not done, but we started the work that needs to be done… foundation building. Foundation that will allow a healthy human being to be built upon, instead of trying to fix the plumbing on the 3rd floor… which is like hocus pocus.

You can do a lot of hocus pocus, but you can only work with what’s there, and you can only have flow if you find out exactly what keeps some old stuff stuck there.
Continue reading “Blockages”

Acidity, Cholesterol, Spirituality. fixing is stupid

Acidity, Cholesterol, Spirituality. fixing is stupid

colin wilson mind parasitesFixing: the number one way the mind leads you astray. If you are a fixer, know that fixing is stupid

Background: One of my favorite books is Colin Wilson’s Mind Parasites. I read it a few times, and it was, maybe, the first time I was alerted to the fact that the mind may not be your friend. Continue reading “Acidity, Cholesterol, Spirituality. fixing is stupid”