I need your help… I am undecided

I need your help… I am undecided

a slide from the secondphase activators courseThe 67 steps coaching is a really good program, but I have a few people who bought it and it is not a good match for them. They are not doing the work.

I am looking at some options:

1. let them go
2. offer them something that has proven itself to create amazing results and transfer their subscription and coaching to that.

What am I talking about? What is the “thing” that has proven itself to create amazing results?

Four years ago I created and ran a program, called the Second Phase Activators.

It ran, if I remember correctly, for 20 weeks… Four sessions a week.

People who graduated from it have such a solid foundation, spiritual foundation, that I can count on them to bounce back from any adversity.

Why? How?
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The politically incorrect path to happiness

The politically incorrect path to happiness

I popped out of bed this morning. I got a glimpse of something. I don’t know what I saw, because it went by so fast, but it was enough to shoot me out of bed.

Urgency. I am driving my life… and sleeping is almost like I am snoozing in the back of the bus.

This whole idea that you are in the driving seat of your life should hit you as a surprise. Why? Because if and when I observe your behavior, your attitude, it doesn’t look to me that you know it.

This is a long article. Be willing to read it, be willing to be lead to the conclusion. If you jump, you’ll miss the point.

Your hands are not on the steering wheel… you are not pressing the gas pedal, you are in passenger mode, exploring the onboard entertainment, and complain, occasionally about the onboard food, the onboard beverages… unaware that you actually allow the automatic pilot to go wherever it is going…
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Context is decisive, or why your dreams only exist in words

Context is decisive, or why your dreams only exist in words

You have freedom to create any context you wish. There are only two kinds of contexts:

1. Empowering Context
2. Disempowering Context

Empowering means, simply, that it gives you power to go in the direction you meant to go. It is like the wind behind your back.

Disempowering, as in anything negative, what takes you off your path, hinders you, takes your power away, makes you doubt, etc. Continue reading “Context is decisive, or why your dreams only exist in words”

Tai Lopez’s 5 Steps To ‘The Good Life’

Tai Lopez’s 5 Steps To ‘The Good Life’

tai-party-croppedI am a coach. But spirituality is a tricky thing: not much action: most things happen on the inside as a result of some shift.

But… but it is only possible to coach someone who is in action.

For decades I tried to coach people who weren’t… and it was a waste of my efforts. Decades. I hated my life… 🙁

Finally I wisened up when I myself bought Tai’s program and started to do it.

It was action. Daily or five times a week action. I either did it or didn’t do it. I either paid attention or I didn’t. I was either humble and soaked it up like a sponge, or judged it. I was either growing or shrinking. It had a what and it had a how aspect. Excellent.

I saw that it is the perfect thing for my clients and students to do: do the 67 steps… and then suddenly there will be sense in coaching them. 1
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