Explanation of the starting point measurements:
- 1. Vibration is measured on a 1-1000 logarithmic scale and it measures how far up the Tree of Life you have climbed.One could also say that the level you have reached in awareness, accuracy and effectiveness in seeing and dealing with life and your dreams in all areas of life, measurably in health, wealth, love and happiness is signified by your vibration number.People in general are low vibration. I have yet to see anyone over 220 coming to me.
- 2. Your overall intelligence measures the same thing in essence: after all it is your intelligence that you use in all areas: intellectual, body intelligence, financial intelligence, number…, relationship intelligence, and your ability to align yourself with a path and walk it…70 is average. Mine is 100. It’s a weighted average of all intelligences
- 3. Spiritual capacities: we have hardcoded in our DNA all the capacities the species is capable to master, but we use very few. You use the number I have in your measurements. There are 160 capacities, focus, autonomy, foresight, courage, humility, authenticity, etc.I can’t tell you what capacities you have activated, but from emotions I can make guesses what you don’t have active.You need to jump into the pool to learn to swim, jump off the cliff to learn to fly… this is the principle of capacities: they don’t turn on unless they are needed.
- 4. Your soul correction follows some archetypes. Your soul correction contains and suggests the capacities and behaviors that can turn your life around and allow to rise on the evolutionary/vibrational scale.I borrowed the names from Kabbalah, but the descriptions are from my observation of people, the outside and the inside, their reactions, their dominant emotions, etc.
- 5. Attachments are spiritual and energetic wounds on your energy body where you leak energy. Can come from the outside, or can come from within. I pull the strings or heal the holes… when I am paid to do that.
- 6. The level of your health is on a scale of 1 to 100.It says how effectively your body is working, turning the food you eat into energy, intelligence, and happiness.The main reason, I found, for deteriorating health is eating food that the body can’t recognize as food. And deficiencies is the daily essentials, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and essential fatty acids.Also, many people deal with allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances, gut microbial imbalances…. In my health consultations I endeavor examining all these, and prescribe a diet and lifestyle that is sustainable and optimal for the person.
- 7. The level of hydration of your cells shows how much of the ideal and original 100% of the workability you are maintaining in your cells.Only water compatible with the cell water is allowed in… coherent water. If you put no coherent water in your body, your cells will eventually dry out… and if some disease doesn’t kill you, cell dehydration will.I have the Water Energizer as the solution. https://yourvibration.com/energywaterI have found that soups, or any water with flavoring, teas, etc. do not hydrate the cells. Why? I don’t know. The cell considers the flavors in the water something that needs to be digested before it can be used.
I have found that diuretics like alcohol, caffeine, etc. dry out the cells faster, regardless of how much coherent water you drink.
- 8. Your coachability category:
wise:–welcomes coaching and feedback, ponders it, and if it is appropriate: implements it
foolish:–deflects coaching and doesn’t apply it
evil:–attacks you when given feedback. - 9. The level of discomfort you are willing to allow without the urge and the habit of “fixing” it… dispersing, leaking, it.This is the most revealing of all the measures. If this is high then you can grow, you can learn, you can widen your cone of vision, because you have a bigger tolerance for the discomfort of unknonwn, of not knowing, of delayed gratification. If it is low… then you are a fixit machine and a cry-baby. You have a lot of getting aware and toughening up to do…This is your TLB score, the Twitchy Little Bastard score aka Marshmallow eater
This is also a logarithmic scale… where 2 is 10 times higher than 1, 3 is ten times higher than 2… etc.
The higher your score that better off you are.
- 10. Your accurate vocabulary: this measure shows to what degree your map of reality and reality match… The lower the number the more delusional, inaccurate your view of reality is, when it is accessed with words.Unarguably, the number is higher if you are literate and well read, but reading does not necessarily mean that you have made what you read adjusted instincts, the only real knowledge.
Get your own starting point measurements.