107 Quotes About Change to Help You Get Through Anything
Change happens. The only thing that is promised in life is change… and death and taxes if you ask Ben Franklin. Change can be a great thing. It propelled Barack Obama to the highest office in the land and it can also buy you a soda from the break room. These quotes about change will help you embrace change, see the beauty in the ‘new’ and help you stay positive when change hurts.
Gandhi Brings It Home.
‘Be the change you wish to see in the world.’ – Mahatma Gandhi
This quote about change is one of the most famous quotes in history. That doesn’t make it any less important for our list. We end here because this is the challenge for today and every day. What will you do today to be the change that you want to see in this world?
‘Change is inevitable. Change is constant.’ – Benjamin Disraeli
Yet another world leader with an appreciation for change, Mr. Disraeli knew that there was no way to escape change. Instead, you must learn to adapt to the change that comes toward you. You never know what the universe is going to send your way, so it’s best to roll with the punches.
Maya Angelou Needs an Attitude Adjustment.
‘If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.’ – Maya Angelou
Who would understand change more than Maya Angelou? The woman wrote the book on change. Literally. Reading her autobiographical writings, you get a sense that she never knew monotony. Her life was constantly turning over and upside down and over again. She had such powerful presence because she was so pliable to the ebb and flow of life.
‘Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.’ – George Bernard Shaw
The most important aspect of change is that it starts within. If we only focus on outward change, then we will always be discouraged, confused, and even lost. If we allow those outward changes to bring opportunity, we can grow through them and become even stronger. Don’t be afraid to change.
President Obama the Change that We Seek.
‘Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.’ – Barack Obama
If things aren’t going your way, you only have yourself to blame. You must be the one to enact the change that you need. Chances are, things are in constant motion all around you. Maybe you have become stagnant in your personal or professional life. You must be the one to take the first steps and welcome change.
JFK on Missing the Future.
‘Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.’ – John F. Kennedy
Do not dwell on the things that are happening right now. Don’t worry about the things that have already happened. Instead, focus on how you can make adjustments, grow, and make the changes necessary to be ahead of the game. If it weren’t for changing with the times, JFK would’ve never put the plans in place the ultimately put a man on the moon.
What’s the Difference, Irene Peter?
‘Just because everything is different doesn’t mean anything has changed.’ – Irene Peter
Sometimes change is deceptive. We think things are working toward a positive conclusion for us. Yet, we find ourselves in the same predicaments as before. In the long run, the fact that our circumstances are different, doesn’t mean that we have changed or grown in any real or measureable way.
Alan Watts Takes the Plunge.
‘The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.’ – Alan Watts
We usually sit with our backs against the wall like that awkward 8th grade dance. You eye up the people you’d like to dance with, if you could dance. You sit there waiting, hoping they talk to you without asking you to dance. Instead, we should dive right into the change and take it as an opportunity to flail around proudly.
Viktor E. Frankl on Changing Ourselves.
‘When we are no longer able to change a situation – we are challenged to change ourselves.’ – Viktor E. Frankl
We have little control over the circumstances around us. We are limited to seeking new employment, ending a relationship, dwelling on something or someone we’ve lost, or some other forfeiture. Instead, we must look at what we do have control over. We must go within and approach change as an opportunity for personal growth.
Denise McCluggage Is Sinful.
‘Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the only sin.’ – Denise McCluggage
Change is constant. That’s the first lesson from many of these quotes about change. The next lesson is just as important: Don’t hold on. You are fighting the universe to hold on to something that is meant to change. Whether it’s a relationship or a way of life, you have to learn to let go.
Heraclitus on the Unchanging.
‘There is nothing permanent except change.’ – Heraclitus
This phrase can be translated a few ways. One interpretation says something along the lines of, “Change is unchanging.’ We are continually afraid of changing, but it is the only thing that continues. In the most basic sense of the word, everything is constantly in a state of change. From the moment we begin life, the process of dying begins.
12. Gail Sheehy on Growth.
‘If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.’ – Gail Sheehy
Life is about growth. In the literal sense, if we never grow, we would be 9 pounds and 20 inches long for our entire lives. Besides that, if we stuck to the same principles we develop as a young person, we would all aspire to become ninjas, racecar drivers, and professional athletes. The country would never function.
13. Hugh Prather on the Way to Live.
‘Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes.’ – Hugh Prather
As soon as we get settled in a daily schedule that makes life comfortable, life throws us a curveball. The best thing to do with a curveball is to recognize it and drill it into the opposite field. When life comes at you with something new, accept that something new and make it your new mission to conquer the beast.
14. Elon Musk on Avoiding Disaster.
‘Some people don’t like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.’ – Elon Musk
Sometimes, you have to change. Staying the same may be disastrous. No one ever made a name for themselves by doing the same thing over and over. Well, maybe a tyrant or two. In today’s world, it just doesn’t happen. The most successful people are those that see the need for change and adjust, before disaster closes in.
15. Will Smith on Money Changing People.
‘Money and success don’t change people; they merely amplify what is already there.’ – Will Smith
Whether you are rich and famous, or just one of the rest of us, you are the same type of person. If you know who you are, having more stuff won’t change you as a person. One of the important things about change, is that you change in order to make yourself better, not to take advantage of a situation or a person.
16. Leonardo on a Fixation.
‘He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.’ – Leonardo da Vinci
If you are headed in the right direction with the potential for a great success, you don’t need to change. All this talk about change might have had you believing that you must change instantly or you’d fall behind. The fact of the matter is that you might already be on the right path. If you are headed for the stars, perhaps you’ve already made the changes needed.
17. Bruce Barton Is Through.
‘When you are through changing, you are through.’ – Bruce Barton
Everything is in flux at all times. Just because you have success in one area, or you’re on the right track in an area, doesn’t mean there are no changes. Sure, you are headed straight toward professional success. What about you? Isn’t there something you could change within yourself to strengthen your resolve? If you don’t, that success might go to your head.
18. Clint Eastwood Takes Things Into His Own Hands.
‘Sometimes if you want to see a change for the better, you have to take things into your own hands.’ – Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood made the transition from cowboy, to cop, to the man behind the camera. He is the perfect example of someone who continually pushed himself to grow. He always thought he could do the next thing better than the last guy. Now, he’s a highly respected film maker both for his writing and directing.
19. Andy Warhol Changed Things.
‘They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.’ – Andy Warhol
As an artist, it would’ve been easy to just settle in and blame the market for not being able to sell your work. It would be natural to change your style to make some money. Instead, Andy Warhol invented a new genre and created a market for that art. He brought about the change that he wanted in the art world.
20. Bob Dylan Is Not Stable.
‘There is nothing so stable as change.’ – Bob Dylan
It’s been said a lot of different ways by a lot of different people. The times, and everything else, are a changin’ indeed. Bob Dylan was never one to shy away from a challenge or make himself subject to some industry standard. Instead, he changed the world of music. He started with the Band intending to be a rock star. Eventually, he became the legendary singer songwriter through a natural evolutionary process.
21. Jack Welch Urges You to Change.
‘Change before you have to.’ – Jack Welch
Change is happening. You have a choice. You can embrace that change, as these quotes about change are compelling you to do, or you can just maintain the status quo. If you choose the latter, you’ll be forced to change when the paradigm shift makes you obsolete. Don’t get left behind; make the change today.
22. Confucius Changed Often.
‘They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom.’ – Confucius
If you want to be happy, or you want to be wise, you have to change continually. Every success story centers around a person who made changes. Whether it’s the Silicon Valley era, the oil tycoons, or the Medieval warrior-kings, change is what made the difference for all the major players throughout history.
23. Carl Jung on Accepting Change.
‘We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.’ – Carl Jung
Freud’s most prized pupil, Jung prided himself on discovering the different parts of the human psyche that were a more “appropriate’ explanation of the human mind than Freud could observe. He changed the game because he accepted that times were changing. Freud’s crude language of the stages would not be widely accepted. Jung’s accomplishments made Freud more palatable to the world, making them both relevant today.
24. Billy Crystal Works Hard.
‘Change is such hard work.’ – Billy Crystal
Nobody will tell you that change is easy. It’s not easy in any sense, but especially on your mentality and your psyche. You have to challenge the very fibers of your being to convince yourself that this new change will be worth it. The new step that you’ll take will make the difference in your life that you want.
25. Ellen Glasgow Is Changing and Growing.
‘All change is not growth, as all movement is not forward.’ – Ellen Glasgow
You do have to be careful. Some of the changes that come at you are not always the best. We can get caught up in the moment and make some changes that aren’t moving us forward. You have to make sure that the changes you are making are not setting you back a few months or years.
26. Steve Jobs on Important Things.
‘Things don’t have to change the world to be important.’ – Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs changed the world. We like to think that. In reality, he did not drive us forward the way we think. Sure, smartphones are everywhere. And, they are crucially important to all of us. We could do without them. In some ways, the technology that he introduced set us back a bit. But, would you ever say the iPhone wasn’t important?
27. Anatole France on the Melancholy of Change.
‘All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.’ – Anatole France
Part of recognizing the change is the impact it will have on us and the world around us. Is the change and growth we will receive worth the impact it will have on everyone else? The change we make won’t likely change the world, but it could definitely change our world. If nothing else, it should change our worldview.
28. Goethe on the Life of the Living.
‘Life belongs to the living, and he who lives must be prepared for changes.’ – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
If you are alive and breathing, you must be ready for changes. If you want to live a full and complete life, you will need to be a professional changer. Just the names on this list of quotes about change are a group of people that faced continual change in their own lives: Andy Warhol, Steve Jobs, and Maya Angelou stand out as true change lovers.
29. William James is Flamboyant.
‘To change ones life: Start immediately. Do it flamboyantly.’ – William James
When you decide that life needs a little spice, don’t take just a spoonful. Taste life to its fullest and richest of flavors. Indulge in change. Become the person you want overnight. Don’t just wear an edgy shirt. Go ahead and buy the leather chaps and wear them. Underwear optional if you’re really wanting to mix things up.
30. Tony Robbins on True Value.
‘For changes to be of any true value, they’ve got to be lasting and consistent.’ – Tony Robbins
A change can’t just last for a week. If you work out for a week, you’ll be in better shape for 3 or 4 days. If you wear a nice outfit 3 days in a row, you had a fancy week. If you want to make a change in your life, you have to commit to what it takes. You have to bring that same atttitude and mentality to every aspect of your life. Don’t just paint the car, fix the engine.
31. William Glasser on Changing Attitudes.
‘If you want to change attitudes, start with a change in behavior.’ – William Glasser
Discipline is the key to making lasting changes. You have to start the attitude change through changes in your behavior. You have to set the alarm for an hour earlier. Then you have to actually get out of bed an hour earlier. You have to approach your boss about a raise; you have to decide that you won’t take no for an answer.
32. Esther Dyson on Perfection.
‘Change means that what was before wasn’t perfect. People want things to be better.’ – Esther Dyson
Every change has to bring about a move toward perfection. Things will never be perfect, but every change is a step to making things better. What you have now is not perfect. You can start with small changes to make your world just a little better. Chasing that perfection is what can bring about happiness.
33. Marcus Arelius on Loss.
‘Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature’s delight.’ – Marcus Arelius
Sadly, there are times where you must suffer loss. It could be loss of what you once thought was your dream job. It could be the loss of someone dear. It could be the loss of a particular level of a particular relationship. Regardless of the loss, it is just another change. Change is something that is natural and necessary.
34. Jimi Hendrix on Getting Your Head Together.
‘In order to change the world, you have to get your head together first.’ – Jimi Hendrix
Jimi Hendrix blew the world away. His playing style cannot be emulated. People can try, but no one will ever be in that particular set of scenarios: A left-handed player, a right handed guitar, and no way to learn but plucking away on your own for hours a day while left unattended. The evolution of a musician was the convergence of a million tiny details.
35. Harrison Ford on Big Changes.
‘We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance.’ – Harrison Ford
No one knows more about reaction than an actor. Every actor has painful memories of rejection. If you go through enough of those second and third chances, you will find your success. Harrison Ford is an example of someone who now gets to choose his own roles and make his own decisions about work.
36. Armistead Maupin on Direct Proportions.
‘The world changes in direct proportion to the number of people willing to be honest about their lives.’ – Armistead Maupin
If you are willing to be honest about your life, you can change the world, or at least contribute to change in the world. If you can make a few minor adjustments, your life can change. The reality is that you are contributing to a global change. Just think about all the people around the world that are making some of those same tiny changes.
37. Denis Waitley on Accepting Change and Unaccepting Unchange.
‘Change the changeable, accept the unchangeable, and remove yourself from the unacceptable.’ – Denis Waitley
Everything in your life can fall into one of these 3 categories: There are things you can change, things you cannot change that must be accepted, and some things that are simply unacceptable, which you’ll need to get away from. These are tough decisions and it takes a lot of years and wisdom to know when it’s time to quit.
38. Isaac Asimov on the World Today.
‘It is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.’ – Isaac Asimov
When the changes begin to occur, you must consider the entire world around you. There is a great deal of change continually happening, and you must consider how the changes you make, or choose to ignore, will change the world as a whole. Isaac Asimov invented the 3 rules of robotics to help guide sci fi writers, and start a debate that still rages today in the robotics world.
39. Charles Kettering Hates Change.
‘The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.’ – Charles Kettering
Change and progress are one in the same for the most part. The world as a whole generally dislikes change. Without this hated change, we would’ve never had fire, the wheel, or sliced bread. Frankly, where would we be without the greatest discovery of our species in sliced bread?
40. Thoreau on What Actually Changes.
‘Things do not change; we change.’ – Henry David Thoreau
And so the great Transcendental truth comes out nearly halfway through our list of quotes about change. The fact is that things around us are not changing. Instead, we are changing to better understand the things around us or to make things around us work better. So, what changes can you make to make the world a better place?
41. A. C. Benson Needs a Change of Scenery.
‘Very often a change of self is needed more than a change of scene.’ – A. C. Benson
We always think about changing scenery. We need a week at the beach or a mountain retreat for the weekend. Maybe we just need a relaxing spa day. The truth is that we mostly just need to dig within ourselves and discover the void in us. Most times, that void is just imaginary, a part of our psyche that can be fixed with just a shift in thought.
42. Stephen Hawking on Crossing the Road.
‘I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.’ – Stephen Hawking
You know, even though people will allow destiny or fate or God determine their every move, they never do just walk out into a street without checking for cars. Blind faith is not the same as faith. Don’t get stuck in the rut about change. Change or troubles are often presented as a message from the universe when really it could just be a message from yourself.
43. Kierkegaard on Facing the Facts.
‘Face the facts of being what you are, for that is what changes what you are.’ – Soren Kierkegaard
You have to be honest with yourself. When you look at yourself, don’t hide from your flaws. Instead, focus on those flaws, obsess over them. Make them disappear and make yourself stronger. If you can change the way you behave outwardly to match what you have on the inside, you can change the world, a little bit at a time.
44. Victor Hugo on Gardening Yourself.
‘Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.’ – Victor Hugo
You have to stick to your principles. When change comes your way, you must yield but only on ways to improve. You have to stick to your principles because that’s what gives you strength. Victor Hugo makes the comparison to them being your roots because they ground you. What’s on the surface, your actions and your attitude, must change with the seasons.
45. Carl Rogers Sees a Curious Paradox.
‘The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.’ – Carl Rogers
You must maintain a strict level of honesty with yourself. You must know who you are at all times. Without fully embracing yourself for who you are, warts and all, you cannot experience real change or growth. Once you accept yourself for every strength and weakness you can begin to work to change the things you don’t like.
46. William Arthur Ward Loves Sunshine.
‘Change, like sunshine, can be a friend or a foe, a blessing or a curse, a dawn or a dusk.’ – William Arthur Ward
When change shines down on us, it might not be the most opportune time, but the truly successful make that change work to their advantage. Seldom are we prepared to accept change, but we can use it as a friend and a blessing rather than an enemy we must fight.
47. Sydney J. Harris Has a Dilemma.
‘Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.’ – Sydney J. Harris
It would be wonderful if things could stay exactly how they are. We could do the exact same routine that we’ve become accustomed to and put forth the same effort internally and externally, and see things improve dramatically. The unfortunate truth is that we must change in order for things to get better.
48. James Levine Is Impatient.
‘A lot of people get impatient with the pace of change.’ – James Levine
When we are ready for change, we want it bad. We want things to change immediately. We live in an age where everything is available at a moment’s notice. We live on a whim. That’s not how things begin to change. When things start to change, especially for the better, it can be a long and grueling process.
49. Confucius on the Wise and the Stupid.
‘Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.’ – Confucius
If you are certain that you are the former and not the latter, then don’t worry about changing. You may be onto something. Chances are, you are more likely to be stupid if you are refusing to change, especially if the times are demanding that a shift is required. Refusing to change in some situations might be the wise thing to do, but you must be careful.
50. George Foreman Defines a Hero.
‘A hero is someone right who doesn’t change.’ – George Foreman
If you are lucky enough to be right, then you shouldn’t change too much. You might change the way you behave or interact with others, but you shouldn’t change your beliefs or practices. When you get it right, you will be seen as a hero, someone who sticks to their guns.
51. Robert Anthony on the Blame Game.
‘When you blame others, you give up your power to change.’ – Robert Anthony
When you begin to make changes for the better, there will come times that you have to explain some steps along the way. Never point the finger at someone else. You will have the chance to step up and explain not only what you are doing, but why you are doing it. That gives you an opportunity to change more than just yourself.
52. Georg C. Lichtenberg Makes Things Better.
‘I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is they must change if they are to get better.’ – Georg C. Lichtenberg
You cannot be sure that the changes you make will improve your lot in life. However, if you don’t try to change and improve and grow, then things will only stay the same. The very basis of change is the intent and desire to make things better than they currently are. Refusing to do anything is accepting things the way they are.
53. Bertold Brecht on the Way Things Are.
‘Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.’ – Bertolt Brecht
Nothing stays the same. Things will continue to change around you. If you get locked into things the way they are, you will be left by the wayside as the world around you moves forward. The very reason that things exist is the very reason they will change. Life, at its essence, is a series of changes.
54. Wayne Dyer on Changing Things and Things Changing.
‘If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.’ – Wayne Dyer
When you begin to shift your perspective, the very things around you that seem to be so stressful tend to look a little brighter. Suddenly the doom and gloom that weighed heavy on your chest seems to be just another drop in the bucket. Like Corona ads, shift your latitude.
55. Alphonse Karr on Staying the Same.
‘The more things change, the more they are the same.’ – Alphonse Karr
As things change, we get caught up in those minor changes. We start to notice that circumstances change. Maybe we have a promotion. Maybe we changed companies. Maybe we got a different relationship. The underlying cause of our discontentment might not have changed. Again, true change is within.
56. Josh Billings Knows Two Kinds of Fools.
‘There are two kinds of fools: those who can’t change their opinions and those who won’t.’ – Josh Billings
A recurrent theme in this list of quotes about change is the idea that opinions should indeed be pliable and change to the times. Evaluate your stubborn self and realize if what you stand for is worth standing for. Are you fighting the good fight? Or are you just fighting?
57. Timothy Leary Is a Young Buck.
‘You’re only as young as the last time you changed your mind.’ – Timothy Leary
If we measured our years in how often we changed to the times, we would possibly feel much younger. The reality is that the fast-paced world changes thoughts and ideas at an alarming pace. If you are stuck in tradition, you will be left behind soon. If you are one of those few people that can learn to love change, you will be better off for it.
58. Katherine Mansfield on Changing Our Attitude to Change Our Life.
‘Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different.’ – Katherine Mansfield
When you are able to discern what changes need to be made, you can shift your attitude to accept these changes. Over the course of a few years, you can observe the change in the world, because your perception of the world has changed, rather than the world itself actually changing.
59. Harold Wilson Ain’t Dead Yet.
‘He who rejects change is the architect of decay. The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.’ – Harold Wilson
Even the cemetery changes. The dead decay. They resist that decay because in a sense, even those lifeless bodies long for the time when they were full of life and had the opportunity to grow. Are you taking advantage of your opportunity to live, or are you just dead weight?
60. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Has Something New.
‘All things must change to something new, to something strange.’ – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
At first glance, this quote about change is a bit strange itself. Why would we want something to become strange? The best things in life are a bit strange. Observe children at play. They make up their own strange rules for a game of tag. In the same way, Nature has seasons and moons that dictate the life cycle for all living things. Change is indeed strange.
61. Douglas Horton on Proportional Change.
‘Change occurs in direct proportion to dissatisfaction, but dissatisfaction never changes.’ – Douglas Horton
Just like the world changes proportionally to happiness, change itself also occurs in a direct proportion to dissatisfaction. If you are unhappy enough, you will make the changes you need to make. Unfortunately, that dissatisfaction will still exist because some other poor sap will inherit your old source of dissatisfaction.
62. Flannery O’Connor Is Brutally Honest.
‘The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.’ – Flannery O’Connor
As things begin to work for or against you, the truth is revealed. Some of that truth is ugly. It doesn’t get easy. You have to accept that unchangeable truth whether you like it or not. Not every constant is pretty, and that’s why we have the wonderful tool of change.
63. Aristotle on Sweet Change.
‘Change in all things is sweet.’ – Aristotle
More often than not, change is a sweet thing. Change can bring about a new attitude, a new lease on life. Changes are a sign that progress is being made both internally and externally, in most cases. The most basic thing that all philosophers observed was change in some respect. Even Newton made an observation that changed the way we viewed the world.
64. Mignon McLaughlin on Unhappy People.
‘It’s the most unhappy people who most fear change.’ – Mignon McLaughlin
Oddly enough, it’s when we are at our most miserable point in life when we are the most afraid of change. Change could make things worse. We can’t bear things getting any worse, so we’re fine with the level of misery we have at that terrible moment. Just remember that things get worse before they get better… but they do eventually get better. No need to fear.
65. Andrea Jung on the Difficulty of Success.
‘If you feel like it’s difficult to change, you will probably have a harder time succeeding.’ – Andrea Jung
Change is a natural part of life. It is a natural process, though it might not always feel that way. If you don’t learn to accept change and even thrive in it, you may not find the success you are looking and hoping for. It’s the success you deserve, you just have to work hard for it, inside and out.
66. Vernon Howard on Changing Who You Are.
‘To change what you get you must change who you are.’ – Vernon Howard
You get what you deserve. That’s the rule of karma. If you feel you’ve been dealt a bad hand, do something to change your seat at the table. People as a whole are creatures of habit. You have to change those very habits in the core of your being to change what you earn in a physical or material sense.
67. J. Paul Getty on Rapid Change.
‘In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy.’ – J. Paul Getty
Our world moves at an ever increasing pace. The acceleration of culture is only gaining more momentum as time goes by. If you are relying on the way you’ve always done things to get by, you are probably going to be left behind. Don’t become a dinosaur in the way you do things. You remember Bob from Vendor Management… no one wants to be the next Bob.
68. Machiavelli Leads the Way.
‘One change always leaves the way open for the establishment of others.’ – Niccolo Machiavelli
Once you begin with a small change, the next change is a little easier. This is easy to see with a diet. If you cut out soda, it is suddenly a bit easier to cut out fried foods. Once you get rid of those, you can easily remove junk food in general. The same is true with any changes. You have to start with a few small steps.
69. Arnold Bennett Had Some Drawbacks.
‘Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by drawbacks and discomforts.’ – Arnold Bennett
All you have to do is look back to our example of a diet. When you first give up coffee or soda (or any form of caffeine) you seem to have headaches. Then you get tired at 2 in the afternoon. Then you have sugar withdrawals. You have some major pains and discomforts. Just like a bad habit, an internal change can present just as much discomfort.
70. Enya on Creative Change.
‘As with anything creative, change is inevitable.’ – Enya
Creating is the definition of change. You are changing a blank page into something with meaning. You are taking a canvas and turning it into art. You are taking nothing and making something new and original. When you create, you are changing nothing into something, absence into presence. In a sense, you are making life.
71. May Sarton on the Garden’s Treasures.
‘The garden is growth and change and that means loss as well as constant new treasures to make up for a few disasters.’ – May Sarton
Nothing can exemplify change better than a garden. The garden experiences change with each new season. You have the potential for treasures and disaster year round. You can have vermin to ward off but you can also have a bountiful harvest. And the best harvest of all brings flowers.
72. R. D. Laing Sees the Present.
‘We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing.’ – R. D. Laing
Laing was an expert on mental illness. The most maddening thing is to get caught up in this endless pursuit of living in the present. With all the pundits telling us just how to live in the moment, we can feel the stress of chasing that ever elusive moment. We must realize that the moment has already changed, and we must continue to change in the same way.
73. Nido Qubein on Opportunity.
‘Change brings opportunity.’ – Nido Qubein
Each change brings opportunity. It’s an opportunity to change ourselves internally but also a chance to change our fortunes externally. We must see those changes for the opportunities they present and not for the loss that we encounter as a result of that change. Take the bad with the good, but focus on the good.
74. Thomas Carlyle Is in a Mood.
‘There are good and bad times, but our mood changes more often than our fortune.’ – Thomas Carlyle
In those good times, remember to stay positive as it won’t last. If you can maintain that good mood even when times are bad, then you have control over yourself. Self control is a very powerful weapon in life. It is possibly one of the hardest skills to master, but it is essential to embracing change. We can only exhibit our self control in times of change.
75. Winston Churchill Is Not a Fanatic.
‘A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.’ – Winston Churchill
We’ve all been stuck in a conversation with a stubborn fanatic. This is the guy that swears Bush was a fascist or Obama was born in Kenya. These same stubborn ideas drive their very approach to life. Don’t get sucked into their world. They are stuck and cannot change their mind ever. Sadly, they will never experience true growth.
76. Lord Byron Changed His Mind.
‘Opinions are made to be changed – or how is truth to be got at?’ – Lord Byron
The only way to arrive at a meaningful truth is the listen to varying opinions on a matter. Most problems in any country is the fact that most politicians agree on one thing: They all want to make as much money as possible without actually making any changes to the system that has allowed them to arrive at the top.
77. Robert Anthony Urges You to Change.
‘When it becomes more difficult to suffer than to change… you will change.’ – Robert Anthony
The easiest part is to change when it’s hard. When you master the art of changing and adjusting before things get difficult, your life will be better for it. You can take the opportunity to change when you feel the need coming. In fact, you may begin to evolve beyond the pace of the world to become the most successful version of yourself.
78. As the World Turns for Lord Tennyson.
‘Let the great world spin forever down the ringing grooves of change.’ – Alfred Lord Tennyson
Unlike the soap operas, the world spins continually and changes each second. Our location in the galaxy is continually changing. The Earth itself exists in a continual groove of change. Don’t fight the natural rhythm of the universe. Go with the flow and the universe will show you how to change.
79. Tolstoy on Changing the World.
‘Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.’ – Leo Tolstoy
The only thing we can truly change is within us. We dream of changing the world, but just like Frankl and Tolstoy observe, we must start that change within. Even Michael Jackson said to start with the man in the mirror. You must first begin to change yourself before we can even consider changing the world to be a reality.
80. John Locke Is in Constant Flux.
‘Things of this world are in so constant a flux, that nothing remains long in the same state.’ – John Locke
Everything changes. The theory of relativity eventually settled for explaining that everything is relatively where we see it, but it is relatively somewhere else, too. It gets pretty complicated but that’s the gist of it. Everything is in motion so much so that you can never actually know where anything is.
81. H. Jackson Brown, Jr. Doesn’t Get a Warning.
‘Remember that life’s big changes rarely give advance warning.’ – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.
When you finally get settled, that’s when life decides to mix things up on you. Most of the time we just want a little head’s up that things are about to be shaken up. Unfortunately, there is no banner that says, “Here comes a giant curveball.’ Instead, we have to be ready at all times.
82. W. Clement Stone Just Wants to Change the World.
‘All I want to do is change the world.’ – W. Clement Stone
Isn’t that all everybody wants? I mean, everyone wants to be a hero. Sure, it’d be great to wear tights and fly and have superpowers, but most of us would settle for just saving the world in some huge way. You know, like ending world hunger or negotiating world peace. Is that too much to ask for?
83. James G. Frazer on Moral Changes.
‘The moral world is as little exempt as the physical world from the law of ceaseless change, of perpetual flux.’ – James G. Frazer
Physical changes are easy to see. The shifts in our minds and hearts about what is right and doing what we know is right is harder to see. This change happens gradually over time and for some people, the change is in a negative direction. We owe it to ourselves to do some real soul-searching and discover what is worth changing and what is set in stone.
84. Adlai Stevenson Has a Full-time Job.
‘Change for the better is a full-time job.’ – Adlai Stevenson
If we seek true, lasting, meaningful change, we must commit ourselves to seeking that change. We can’t hope to find quick fixes or home remedies to change and heal the soul. We must make those changes deep within and then hope that those changes take effect in all of our actions.
85. Napoleon Changed Tactics.
‘One must change one’s tactics every ten years if one wishes to maintain one’s superiority.’ – Napoleon Bonaparte
While Napoleon was probably speaking about ruling the world or some other superior plan that resulted from Little Man Syndrome, the lesson is still the same: We must continually re-evaluate our plans and tactics in all aspects of life if we plan to be successful.
86. James Russell Lowell Changed Opinions.
‘The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinions.’ – James Russell Lowell
Only the same two groups are stubborn in their ways. The foolish because they deny that change is necessary. They are certain that their way is the right way. The dead because they were foolish for so long and eventually met their demise. Of course, some people just die naturally.
87. Francois de La Rouchefoucauld Has Taste.
‘Taste may change, but inclination never.’ – Francois de La Rochefoucauld
You may change your opinions, your tastes, your preferences. Deep down, that desire, that passion will never change. You are who you are in your heart and soul. There is no way you can change the deepest desires of your soul. Those are the things you must learn about yourself and embrace in order to be successful.
88. Nancy Astor on Dangers.
‘The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything… or nothing.’ – Nancy Astor
Let’s not get too crazy when we go about changing. Follow your heart. You have a very strong person in the core of your being. Do not abandon that person and change everything. At the same time, you can’t change nothing and expect to discover your true self.
89. Herodotus Is Sick of Being Sick.
‘Illness strikes men when they are exposed to change.’ – Herodotus
Every time a new policy comes out at work, everyone feels a little under the weather. We all suddenly get a little cough and congestion the moment that all staff email dings in the inbox. There’s nothing worse than having change forced upon.
90. Julie Walters Puts Drops in the Ocean.
‘I don’t know if you can change things, but it’s a drop in the ocean.’ – Julie Walters
Things can change. Every single adjustment, every single desire is just a drop in a vast ocean. The oceans are nothing if not a collection of drops. And if you gather enough drops, you have made a drastic change in the temperature, the flow, the tides.
91. Versace on Contrast.
‘I try to contrast; life today is full of contrast… We have to change.’ – Gianni Versace
Contrast is the balance of dark and light. You have to find the delicate balance of light and dark in order for a picture to come into perfect focus. When the light is in perfect harmony with the saturation of color, you have a masterpiece to view.
92. Alice Meynell on Our Fathers’ Change.
‘Our fathers valued change for the sake of its results; we value it in the act.’ – Alice Meynell
For previous generations, change was only an action that was taken in order to get results or right the ship. Now, we view change as a healthy approach to life. We adjust ourselves simply because it is the right thing to do, and because it makes us stronger and wiser.
93. Jimmy Dean Adjusts his Sails.
‘I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.’ – Jimmy Dean
If the winds are blowing against you, adjust your sails and you can use the same vessel to get where you want to go. That is a great metaphor for change. If you have the right tools in place, you can always get to the place you want to go by just making a few minor adjustments, as long as your heart is in the right place.
94. Norman Vincent Peale Changes the World.
‘Change your thoughts and you change your world.’ – Norman Vincent Peale
Your thoughts are the driving force behind the way you interpret the world. If you take a second to let your mind breathe and take in everything around you, you can adjust the way you are seeing the world, which in turn changes the world around you.
95. Robin Williams Proves that We Can Change the World.
‘No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world.’ – Robin Williams
Robin Williams was America’s favorite funny man. He could make us laugh and at times he made us cry. The entire world mourned his untimely death. The truth is that Robin Williams was a lowly comic. With his jokes and his acting, he changed the way everyone lived by bringing us small moments of joy.
96. Carl Rogers on Learning.
‘The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.’ – Carl Rogers
Learning is a process that is changing. You are writing on what John Locke called the Blank Slate of your mind. He believed that every time you began to learn and even apply the things that you learned, you wrote on the blank slate in your mind. And when you wrote on that slate, it became knowledge and made you more enlightened.
97. Stephen R. Covey on Life’s Constants.
‘There are three constants in life… change, choice and principles.’ – Stephen R. Covey
Covey is an expert on leadership. He knows that the only things in life are these three categories. You have your principles that come from deep within you which you must discover for yourself. Then you have choices to make. Each choice can lead you down a particular path which gives you the opportunity to grow and change.
98. William Pollard on Innovation.
‘Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.’ – William Pollard
Change is opportunity. Without these changes, there can be nothing. Change is creation, innovation and growth. We have learned in all these quotes about change that it is something that must happen in order for the world to move forward. Without change, we are stagnant.
99. Stephen Hawking Is Intelligent.
‘Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.’ – Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking is one of the greatest mind of his generation. Well, maybe he’s the greatest mind of several generations. Here, he defines intelligence as something we should all be able to do: Adapt and change. If we can master these abilities, we can be intelligent.
100. Bono Is Music.
‘Music can change the world because it can change people.’ – Bono
Bono is committed to changing the world. Every project he’s involved with seeks to change the world in small ways that can lead to huge changes globally. He seeks peace and the end of world hunger. He’s working toward those goals that we all wish we could really see. Perhaps we should all start globally successful rock bands.
101. Thomas Hardy on Time.
‘Time changes everything except something within us which is always surprised by change.’ – Thomas Hardy
Time can help things get better and change things in general. No matter how much time passes, those deep principles in our soul are the core of that part of us that yells out, “Hey, wait a minute.’ This little voice just wants to make sure that these changes are bringing positive things into our lives.
102. Plutarch on Inward and Outward Changes.
‘What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality.’ – Plutarch
Those deep changes that occur in your psyche, your soul, your heart, or whatever you call it, will be the things that can change the world. Take an inventory of that part of you that doesn’t change. What do you stand for? What do you live for?
103. Simone de Beauvoir Lives for Today.
‘Change your life today. Don’t gamble on the future, act now, without delay. “ – Simone de Beauvoir
Now is the time to make changes. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Today is the day to do that work. Deep down, you know what needs to change. You know what is deeply in your heart and soul. You don’t have to wait any longer to start that hard work of looking within.
104. Bobby Knight on People.
‘People change over the years, and that changes situations for good and for bad.’ – Bobby Knight
Coach Bobby Knight has known a lot of people. Over the years, he was able to see boys become men. He was instrumental in helping those boys become men. In some cases, he got to see them mature and change for the better. Sometimes, they didn’t go so well.
105. R. Kelly on Marriage.
‘They say marriage will change you but it didn’t change me. Being in love changed me.’ – R. Kelly
At our core, love is the thing that changes us the most. It can make us do good things and bad things. Most of the time, it brings about positive changes in our lives. That love that is deep within can be the driving force for you to make some positive changes today.
106. Prince Hates Gates.
‘The gatekeepers must change.’ – Prince
The late musician was known for being odd. He was an advocate for artistry. What many didn’t know until his death was that he fought very hard for artists rights with their own music. To this day, his music is not available on many of the major distributors of digital music. He fought against exploitation and worked to change the industry.
107. Winston Churchill on Perfection.
‘To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.’ – Winston Churchill
The only way to grow is through change. Winston Churchill was near perfect. In the past thousand years or so, no one has been the target of so much hero worship as Mr. Churchill. It’s no wonder he is held in such high regard. He continually accepted the opportunity to change, thereby making himself better.