Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?

Your starting point measurements tell me the whole story that you are.And the picture of putting all those starting point measurements together also tells me how humanity as a whole is doing.Pitiful.But why?Most people think that what they do when they are at their best, when they go to church in their best church-going outfit, … Continue reading “Your life-success score is low… how do you raise it?”

Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?

In February 1988 my career as an architect ended with a whimperIt went out like a light.I was 41 years old.I was sure I had nothing to offer, I had no value, and I had no future.It felt like I was on a stormy sea, on a ship, and had no control where the ship … Continue reading “Wherefrom comes the energy? and why does it fizzle out?”

Where do your worldview, expectations, beliefs, come from?

I just listened to a Frank Zappa song and I loved it.Most people I know listen to music. What they call music is songs. You listen to them. And you are put in a trance. The songs areĀ  hypnotic in nature. They implant b.s. in your mind about HOW IT SHOULD BE. About the order … Continue reading “Where do your worldview, expectations, beliefs, come from?”

Pathways To Gratitude… Why is the dog laughing?!

Pathways To GratitudeAcknowledging source is a great way to get to gratitude… And ‘they’ say that Gratitude Is The Activator Of The Law Of Attraction, or what I’d prefer to call it: receiving for the sake of sharing.The purpose of this article is to introduce to you another way to access and activate receiving for … Continue reading “Pathways To Gratitude… Why is the dog laughing?!”

What creates the warped worldview that keeps you the same?

How you look at today comes from a worldview that you created for yourself at or around 3 year old age.You can go and learn anything, philosophy, theology, Marxism, and yet, at the root of your worldview, the way you look at everything was created by an upset 3-year old.At age 3, with very rare … Continue reading “What creates the warped worldview that keeps you the same?”

Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See? Accurately?

Most of us, we are sure we can see everything. We are sure we see the world exactly the way it is.We make decisions based on what we see. And our decisions and actions take us to live the life we live.Most of us live a life of quiet desperation. It was true at the … Continue reading “Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See? Accurately?”

Entitlement is a worldview? Really? Not an attitude?

Ernest Hemingway once wrote a story on a restaurant napkin In Key West, a story in six words.‘For sale: baby shoes, never worn‘He could have written about all humans, about my students… who are just like those baby shoes; unfulfilled dreams… unfulfilled potential.I just finished my ‘Distinctions’ podcast call that today was all about entitlement.The … Continue reading “Entitlement is a worldview? Really? Not an attitude?”

Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.

One of my students who, on the surface appears optimistic, enthusiastic, and unstoppable, saw yesterday that inventing herself hopeful could change her life.Hopeful is not one of the ways of being that are considered, traditionally, healthy and high vibration.Why? Because hopeful, the way people use it, is a mind thing… while beingness is not a … Continue reading “Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.”

The Sight capacity and its many uses. What is there to see?

The Sight, obviously, is about seeing.And unless you are blind or visually impaired, you think you see.But you are simplifying the issue.The expression: you don’t know that you don’t know it should be re-written to be more accurate: you don’t see what you don’t see.

Got a monkey on your back? What monkey? Monkey!?

You say you don’t have a monkey on your back? If that were so, then you would be one in a billion:We all have a monkey on our back… one monkey or more. It’s a humanity wide issue… more on that in another article…In this idiom the monkey is a problem that has been difficult … Continue reading “Got a monkey on your back? What monkey? Monkey!?”