What made me happy, happy enough to want to live

What made me happy, happy enough to want to live

If, and when you manage to get out from behind your own eyeballs, you make someone happy… what just happened?

I have been alive for 75 years. I have experienced being made happy, made proud, only a few times.

What makes anyone happy is when what they do is acknowledged as useful. When they find that they were instrumental is someone else’s success, or happiness.

Not what you thought? Continue reading “What made me happy, happy enough to want to live”

What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?

What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?

Assumptions, assuming… the not seeing beyond the cover

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life…

The biggest, I say, were the result of this cognitive bias we all have. Making assumptions based on insufficient data.

Assumption is jumping from seeing something and its meaning… without looking further, or looking again.

Given that astuteness is the exact opposite: making the correct interpretation of phenomena or data, assumption is the sign of stupidity.

And I have been guilty of that. Continue reading “What is faith, what is belief? Do you know what you know?”

What is really the strait and narrow in real life?

What is really the strait and narrow in real life?

I assume that the Bible is talking about strait and narrow spiritually.

And then there are sermons, and teachings, and mimes about it, because it’s not working. people don’t know what to do with it.

But strait and narrow is a very potent medicine. It could heal a lot of the ills that anyone can experience.

So what are the ills of people, what are the ills of society that strait and narrow, and its brother strait and deep could reverse?

Inversion is a great tool to start with. Continue reading “What is really the strait and narrow in real life?”

The fastest way to get better in every area of life…

The fastest way to get better in every area of life…
…or how you are a one-legged person trying to win an ass-kicking contest

I have been experimenting.

I have run two experiments among the many that have brought results I did not expect. Results that told me that I have been one of these one-legged people. Continue reading “The fastest way to get better in every area of life…”

The gap… let’s see how to use it to move forward, upward

The gap… let’s see how to use it to move forward, upward

Yesterday I had a huge whatever it is you call when you end up with cream on your face… cream from a cream pie.

I had been dismayed that my clients aren’t getting the gap, and therefore they don’t present me with real coaching opportunities.

I am intentionally writing this in a self-deprecating way, because I am, I have been humbled.

How? I said: it is easy…

…and then wanted to think of an example, and could not.

WTF? Continue reading “The gap… let’s see how to use it to move forward, upward”

The process to accomplish anything no one I know teaches

The process to accomplish anything no one I know teaches
Introducing The bridge building process to get from where you are to where you want to be

One of the hardest thing for people, as I see, is to come up with the bridge between a dream and actions.

You can have the most amazing dream for the future, for a business, if you don’t know what actions to take to get there the dream will remain a dream… unfulfilled. Continue reading “The process to accomplish anything no one I know teaches”

Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event

Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event

It’s a process, not an event

One of the issues you may deal with is the result of widespread misinformation. It’s been around for thousands of years, and it is as damaging as any mass-distributed toxin, maybe even more. Why? Because your body can’t manufacture antibodies against information.

The idea of instant healing, instant transformation, instant transfiguration is what I am talking about. Continue reading “Raising Your Vibration: It’s a process, not an event”

Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time

If you want to get the most: focus on one thing in a program

In my Friday Podcast with Bonnie this past Friday it became clear that the methodology of using courses, coaching calls, programs is not taught anywhere, so each person feels that they need to make up their own method. Each coach, each participant.

By methodology I mean: how to get the most out of a course, a coaching call, a program.

In this article I’ll teach the most effective way to get the most out of anything. Literally anything you do. Continue reading “Want to get the most? focus on one thing at a time”

How to go from passenger to the driver of your life?

How to go from passenger to the driver of your life?

The secret is SEEING.

Seeing is a metaskill, says the visual artist.

He probably meant a skill that takes you to the next century. Because it is undeniable that as the world changes, the skillset that makes people make a living even now is not enough to make a living in the future…

Meta, the word, means a go-between. Like a bridge. Going between one and another piece… Like the gap between two things.

And maybe I am twisting words, but unless you have that bridge between how it is, and how you envision it, there is no path.

When I look at the people I have trained, I have consulted, I have had conversations with, the most obvious missing skill was this bridge: seeing it, building it, walking it. Continue reading “How to go from passenger to the driver of your life?”

Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!

squirrel-stuck-in-a-treeIf you know you are stuck… stuck in a rut, stuck in a behavior, in a cycle, in a predictable outcome, or maybe you are stuck on a plateau… What you may want to consider that you need energy to move away from that place.

In this article I’ll show you two methods to create the energy to move. Continue reading “Methods of getting unstuck… getting unstuck needs energy!”