The invisible difference between a producer and you…

The invisible difference between a producer and you…

your precious i covers much of your cone of visionDon’t be mistaken. The only way to feel good about yourself, to have a life you love and a life you live powerfully is by being a producer.

The secret of producers lies in the invisible dimension. The dimension that is invisible to both to you and them. They do something differently (not different, differently!) from you… and they don’t even know it. I am an empath… and I feel what you do, and I feel what they do… I feel your how…

One area where the two how’s are strikingly different is your self-image. This is crucial… by the way. So please pay attention.

I won’t charge you a million dollars, even though it could be worth it.

Continue reading “The invisible difference between a producer and you…”

Self awareness is not enough. Understanding is not enough.

Self awareness is not enough. Understanding is not enough.

If you want to become more, grow, evolve, self awareness is important. But it is not enough. Meditation is not enough. Having a person to model yourself after is not enough. Reading is not enough. Understanding is not enough.

Something is missing, the presence of which would make the most difference, and could take you through the barrier to full knowledge of your machine.

What machine, you ask? Continue reading “Self awareness is not enough. Understanding is not enough.”

Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed?

Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed?

Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed? Only to HAVE?

Asked in another way: can you sabotage your success if you just dream about success, as a destination, but never about the path, the work, the effort to get there.

Or can you sabotage your dreams? Continue reading “Is it self-sabotage if you never intended to succeed?”

Avoidance of success… It’s a pitfall to avoid

Avoidance of success… It’s a pitfall to avoid

Avoidance of success… but it is more natural than you think.

It sounds nonsensical that you would fear success, but most likely you do.

That fear comes from unclarity.

Success feels daunting, it feels like a big freakin’ should.

It has happened to my clients. Someone was doing quite well. became the top of the class, and bam, dropped it all, and dropped below the level they were at when they started. Continue reading “Avoidance of success… It’s a pitfall to avoid”

The allure of what vs. the how. Scarcity vs abundance

The allure of what vs. the how. Scarcity vs abundance

Your vocabulary, the number and the kind of words you use, is a dead giveaway of the level of your spiritual evolution… simply put your vibrational frequency.

If I could not measure your spiritual/consciousness level accurately other ways, I would use your vocabulary number to tell you what is your spiritual vibration, what is your level of consciousness.

How? What? Are you kidding Sophie? Continue reading “The allure of what vs. the how. Scarcity vs abundance”

What are the most typical signs of low or no intelligence?

What are the most typical signs of low or no intelligence?

What are the most typical signs of stupid… aka low or no intelligence?

First off, what do I consider intelligent?

Intelligent, if you look, has a certain appropriateness. Flow. Fitting. Maybe even elegance. Maybe even grace and ease. Workability. Life working.

Nowadays we hear a lot about AI, artificial intelligence chatbots. Notice that they don’t call it artificial smarts… It’s intelligence. Continue reading “What are the most typical signs of low or no intelligence?”

What does it do to you that you think you are smart?

What does it do to you that you think you are smart?

I woke up too early again this morning. 2:30. The question was: shall I get up? Will I have a good day?

I muscletested and muscletest says: get up… but in the end I went back to bed… And I had this insight:

All questions, is this good, is this bad, shall I do this?, shall I do that? are all a variation of should…

All are signs of not willing to take responsibility of how life turns out. Continue reading “What does it do to you that you think you are smart?”

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.

If you look fixers want to fix the world. You, me, things. Everything. They are most people. The campaigners, the reddit, twitter, etc posters… They want to fix you, and they want to fix the world.


Because it is not the way they want you to be, they want me to be, things to be.

They are never happy, they are never fulfilled. They just complain, and label, and go around telling you, me, things, the world how we should be. Continue reading “There are fixers and there are are creators. Producers.”

If I were god… Would I try to fix humanity?

If I were god… Would I try to fix humanity?

IF i WERE GODIf I were god…

If I were god and my creation didn’t function the way I envisioned, what would I do? Would I try to start over? Would I send in a repairman to fix it?

Whether I would be a powerful god, or a lesser god, reality and its rules would apply, and that is bad news.

You can’t change something from the outside.

You can create it, but once it is done, it has its own rules, and you can only change it from the inside. Continue reading “If I were god… Would I try to fix humanity?”

This is the way the cookie crumbles… Really

This is the way the cookie crumbles… Really

This is the way the cookie crumbles: your life, the quality of your life depends on you.

I’ve read somewhere that people are only curious about something they already know. Not ‘know about’ but actually know. Had experience with.

Knowing about is idle curiosity: useless.

  • You don’t know the river until you wade into it.
  • You don’t know a person unless you wade in and deal with him.
  • And you don’t know a poem until you try to say it out loud.

Continue reading “This is the way the cookie crumbles… Really”