Royals take it on the chin. Are you really a prince?

Real Royals… Like Muhammad Ali…Real Royals take it on the chin… If you were really a princ(ess), you would too.Disappointments, slights… yeah, those are what I am talking about.I read every book some writers write. Or have ever written.One of these is Neal Stephenson.

Is it the volleyball that saved that man’s life at open sea?

A man survived at open sea adrift clinging to a partially deflated volley ball…What allowed him to survive? It was the hate of the idea of dying.Yesterday I watched, again, the amazing Danish movie ‘After the wedding’.The dynamics were played out with good acting and good directing: The one with strongest hate wins. You hate … Continue reading “Is it the volleyball that saved that man’s life at open sea?”

Some of you demonstrate neither sentience nor consciousness

Imagine you are driving down the highway at 65 miles per hour, and your car’s hood (bonnet?) pops up and suddenly it is all over the windshield.Now that is some conundrum, wouldn’t you say so? It is a problem asking to be solved? What would you do? Better yet: What could you do? What would … Continue reading “Some of you demonstrate neither sentience nor consciousness”

What’s the lesson you haven’t learned that makes you poor?

The lesson that had you learned it you would now live productively and joyfully… And abundantly.I recently offered my 54th invisible dynamic audio for sale. And I gifted my current intensive course’s participants with it too.The response was a big thick silence.Then I found the session we had after that session…Let me backtrack.

The more we witness the more money we can make

I have a mirror I got in a course some ten years ago. It is a mirror and on the board it is glued on are the words: ‘I see you‘.Being seen and NOT being judged, being seen for who you are… and neither be adulated, nor be diminished is a rare experience.People on social … Continue reading “The more we witness the more money we can make”

Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?

Do you have to go down with the ship?In 1987 I did the More Money Workshop… I have fond memories of thatBack in 1987 I was working as an architect in the luxury architecture field. We were building or remodeling Caribbean villas for rich people. Nice when you can have it… lol.I myself was dirt … Continue reading “Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?”

What is the vibration of money? of abundance?

People want to know the vibration of money… I guess because ‘gurus’ say: get into the vibration of what you want.Great sentence, except it doesn’t mean anything… and therefore it is impossible to follow.But if, for a moment, I didn’t mock it, but started to look what it might mean that could be useful is … Continue reading “What is the vibration of money? of abundance?”