If you want to make a difference you have to start with…

One person. Yup. One person. If you can’t make a difference for one person, then you seriously need to overhaul your entire operation, meaning your whole life… and start observing what it is about you and how you do it that leaves people … hm… (note: read the PS about this… please.)So let’s look at … Continue reading “If you want to make a difference you have to start with…”

The lost art of catching mice with what they want

It got suddenly cold in my area… and the troubles with it came…I live in an area of Syracuse, the city, where my house is next to a wooded area… lately it has gotten a name…There is wildlife. I can observe the white tail deer families, I can observe the badger taking its brood to … Continue reading “The lost art of catching mice with what they want”

Grow something… maybe grow some balls? Anyone?

Let me tell you a little story. A little story that delighted me more than a whole New York cheesecake and left me wanting more. And left me wanting to share it.The story goes like this:There was once a man, we could call him Harold, but you would think I am still talking about Harold … Continue reading “Grow something… maybe grow some balls? Anyone?”

This is how can you become sane in an insane world?

Falling in step, do it my way, destroy everything in the processThere are two ways to live.One is to force, complain about what you don’t have, sufferThe other is to work with what you haveRoughly 3,000 years ago humanity moved towards the ‘my way or the highway’ direction.Judaism was a religion that required submission to … Continue reading “This is how can you become sane in an insane world?”

I am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students

I am Harold to your Maude… said one of my studentsI feel gratitude. I love that movie. And I loved Maude in that movie. I loved Cat Stevens’ music.She says:When I think of Maude I smile: I see you like that. And we, your students, are like clueless Harolds. But eventually even Harold turned his … Continue reading “I am Harold to your Maude… said one of my students”

About THAT picture and the pumpkin plan… get unstuck

About WHAT picture and the pumpkin plan… isn’t it Halloween tonight? NOT Thanksgiving.Oops, I am such a foreigner… I forgot Halloween pumpkins…Well that is not what this article is about…OK, stop yelling… settle down, something important in this article… promise.It’s about YOU.

Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?

Do you feel locked out of abundance? There is a reason…There are two main ways to be an entrepreneurOne way is to be in love with yourself, with your product, with your process, and push it. Sell it. Promote it.The second way is to take your eyes off of what you want, of what you … Continue reading “Do you feel that you are locked out of abundance?”

My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller

My amazon best seller is out.The book I co-authored. I paid a thousand bucks to be part of that project.First it was exciting. There was also fear, ‘am I good enough?’. Then a whole month where my attention was stolen by the topic of the book (The Entrepreneur Code) and every article I wrote, every … Continue reading “My amazon best seller is now out and is a best seller”

Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!

‘One of the reasons people are so unhappy is they don’t talk to themselves,‘ says author Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat Pray Love). ‘You have to keep a conversation going with yourself throughout your life, to see how you’re doing, to keep your focus, to remain your own friend.‘I bet Elizabeth Gilbert doesn’t know that part of … Continue reading “Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!”

If you had access to a portkey, where would you want to go?

A portkey is a magical transportation device. You ask it to take you somewhere.In essence the question in the title asks:What do you want for yourself?I don’t know who said it, maybe Aristotle, that asking questions is smart, having answers is no so much.And even if those questions aren’t yours, you didn’t make them up, … Continue reading “If you had access to a portkey, where would you want to go?”