The Sight Consciousness can take the game over at any point

The Sight Consciousness can take the game over at any point

When The Sight capacity is working, ‘knowing’ hands over the reign to ‘seeing’…

Mind hands over the reign to Consciousness.

I consider and play Life as a game.

Of course when the game can’t be saved, then the game can’t be saved.

But even if I, with my physical eyes, and my ‘brilliant intellect’ cannot see that the game can be saved, cannot be taken to winning, cannot be turned around, cannot be saved… when it CAN be, regardless, Consciousness will see it. And it will see how… through what steps.

Consciousness will see it. That  is the meaning of The Sight

I am very grateful that consciousness is not judgmental, consciousness doesn’t badger me when I mess games up. Games, like my health, games like my diet, games like my marketing, games like my income, games like my relationships.

From the limited perspective of the human mind, I take those games, often, to dead-end-looking places, where I surely don’t think the game can be saved, turned around, and become a winning game again.

I am, originally, very emotional, very jumpy, very willing to burn bridges, very keen on keeping things neat, and none of those behaviors are good for any of the games a person can play… Those behaviors all lead to disasters. Unless you can turn the game over to Consciousness, and watch the wrinkles smooth out, watch the bridges rebuilt, watch as from chaos flowers sprout.
Continue reading “The Sight Consciousness can take the game over at any point”

Want to change your life? For the better… much better?

Want to change your life? For the better… much better?

Want to change your life? For the better… much better? Happier, freer, more productive, healthier?

You’ll need to start where it all started.

Every life has a seed level. Mind you, the soul, the parent, the weather conditions matter, but those you can’t change… they are a given. Continue reading “Want to change your life? For the better… much better?”

How the words you say, the words you think make you dumb

How the words you say, the words you think make you dumb

One of the most insidious and invisible parts of being human is that words we use for everything are already meanings, not facts.


And we don’t know it.

We think things are what we say they are. Maybe not.

And because we think the meaning is the thing, we are wrong much of the time. In fact the truth value of language is 30% only… instead of what we think it is… of course 100%.

Not so. Continue reading “How the words you say, the words you think make you dumb”

What you see will give you your emotions, your actions

What you see will give you your emotions, your actions

When I find an issue that a student is struggling or not dealing well with, I write an article.

The issue here, I guess, is universal.

It has two parts:

  • you can’t see the big picture, the forest, for the trees. You are stuck with your ONE interpretation of facts. One of anything is dangerous! You are rigid. You have no imagination. And you have a fixed mindset. You have believed the myth of ‘is’…
  • you are not good, practiced, skillful at taking advantage of the practices I have taught.

A student of mine has a daughter. The daughter decided to join the swim team. She is 13 years old. The only person who can take her to her swimming is my student. Continue reading “What you see will give you your emotions, your actions”

Why can’t, why won’t the Source energies work on you?

Why can’t, why won’t the Source energies work on you?

Why can’t, why won’t the Source energies work on everyone?

This is a very timely question… even though I probably should have asked this question a long time ago…

This question applies to healing… 1-on-1 or in an audio. It applies to activators… whether they come in an audio, or directly from me. Whether the activator tries to activate a feeling or a DNA capacity.

Anything where Source is asked to do something for you.

What is the problem?

Source will NOT violate Free Will. Continue reading “Why can’t, why won’t the Source energies work on you?”

How you keep yourself the same, even when you want to change

How you keep yourself the same, even when you want to change

I have been doing energy healing, healing with energies for 23 years now.

In the first six years I used man-made energies… What?! Yeah. All energies healers use are man-made. On average they are placebo… or 10% effective. So a client with no faith won’t get healing…

I started the healing regimen of a woman on Monday. Distant healing.

I normally do my healing after I go to bed… It also helps me fall asleep, and healing while naked and on my back is easier on my body.

Except… Continue reading “How you keep yourself the same, even when you want to change”

Four Reasons you won’t grow… if and when you don’t grow

Four Reasons you won’t grow… if and when you don’t grow

It should be clear by now that my work is 100% about self-growth, spiritually, mentally, healthwise… in essence: growing as a person…

Grow to what end?

So you can live a life you love and you live it powerfully.

Obviously this is not an easy task.

The following is my experience, my powerful debriefing of why you don’t grow, if and when you don’t grow.

Most of the reasons are readily visible in your starting point measurements and in your health measurements.

But the biggest reason is: Continue reading “Four Reasons you won’t grow… if and when you don’t grow”

Distinction is the currency of intelligence

Distinction is the currency of intelligence

Distinction is the currency of intelligent life.


Without distinctions there is no intelligence, there is no intelligent life. Without distinctions there is only animal life.

And ultimately most humans have no distinctions.

Distinction is the essence of everything, even while most people only see what is on the top… the surface.

The genius of people like Newton is to undress, to peel off the surface and see what is common… what is different from everything else… the distinction.

I only teach distinctions. And obviously if someone cannot see a distinction as a distinction, then nothing I teach makes a difference for them.
Continue reading “Distinction is the currency of intelligence”

Will you allow the learning to change who you are?

Will you allow the learning to change who you are?

This is NOT a funny article… And actually I struggled mightily writing it… because it talks about something I have never been able to teach… Your beingness.

I am reading a book for the third time in a month. And I will read it again and again until I become who I want to become.

Some people read the words in a book. I read the spirit. I align my whole inside with it… if it is worth it.

And if it is worth it: it won’t happen at the first reading, the second reading, and probably NOT at the third reading either. So I read it until it happens.

The two reasons to read it are:

  • 1. to allow the material to change you, to change who you are
  • 2. all the other reasons people read for…

Continue reading “Will you allow the learning to change who you are?”

What you chose and what you didn’t… The secret of choice

What you chose and what you didn’t… The secret of choice

This article is going to be three topics.

belly ache
and unexpected turning points.


As you may have heard me say: I used to be a wild child. I did things, looking back, I feel uncomfortable looking at. Did things that were clearly a sign that I was not the captain of my ship. Of being in the drift, being a beach ball blown this way and that by the wind.

And, of course, I created consequences that were less than ideal. Continue reading “What you chose and what you didn’t… The secret of choice”