Are you stingy with yourself? Do you say you don’t deserve?

Are you stingy with yourself? Do you say you don’t deserve?

Are you stingy with yourself? Do you say you don’t deserve?

You may be. And you may be right.

One of the obvious signs of stinginess with yourself is that you don’t give yourself enough time to do what there is to do, enough time so you could actually ENJOY what you are doing.

I call this ‘homework attitude’, where you are more interested in checking an activity off your todo list than actually doing it, enjoying it, savoring it.

And to no one’s surprise, you can do everything with this homework stingy attitude. Sex. Conversations. Dinner. Reading. And, of course, the 67 steps. Continue reading “Are you stingy with yourself? Do you say you don’t deserve?”

A house divided against itself cannot stand

A house divided against itself cannot stand

A house divided against itself cannot stand, said Abraham Lincoln, invoking a biblical truth.

Congruence = agreement or harmony; compatibility. Congruent = in agreement or harmony.

Pretense, lying, you and your actions not saying the same thing leads to no success.

An inner division, lack of integrity, lack of authenticity is the main reason you are not successful, because your energies are divided and fight against each other, instead of using that same energy to get things done. To accomplish. To produce.

Criminals are happier than you. Hitmen are happier than you.

You need to decide who you are… and stick with your decision. In words and in action.

Continue reading “A house divided against itself cannot stand”

From my correspondence: what would Sophie do?

From my correspondence: what would Sophie do?

Hi Sophie,

I’m still here in the thick of these holidays, holiday that I don’t even like. Still visiting friends. Having house guests. Feeling myself become more and more discombobulated.

I started to feel myself beginning to panic the way I used to. Thinking ‘I’m falling behind!‘. ‘I want to get back to my 67 steps!‘. ‘Sophie will wonder where I disappeared to!‘. ‘my vibration is sinking!‘. ‘I am out of my routine, the sky is falling!

I had to stop myself and consider, ‘what would Sophie do?Continue reading “From my correspondence: what would Sophie do?”

All people are stingy but don’t know it…

All people are stingy but don’t know it…

All people are stingy but don’t know it. (stingy: unwilling to give or spend; ungenerous)

Why? Because when you say stingy, you also need to specify what way. How. What they are not willing to give, reciprocate, provide, spend or invest in, because that is what they are stingy with.

And unless you know what lands as stingy in the world, for another, you cannot change it because, I think, you are justified.

You don’t have enough. You don’t see that it is necessary. Or it would render you below another… somehow. Continue reading “All people are stingy but don’t know it…”

If you are not Jewish, can you learn receiving? aka Kabbalah

If you are not Jewish, can you learn receiving? aka Kabbalah

My article teaching the strategy of getting out of a deep ditch hit the spot for some people.

Here is one answer I got:

I found your article very helpful with the steps to get out of a catastrophe.  I am also beginning to see the original incident and how its been playing out.
Since the original incident I’ve wanted to be liked so badly that I could not say no to the salesperson – I did not want to make her mad at me. I wanted all the things she promised to happen so that others would like me too. And for some reason, because she said others were successful with the [product], I took it as a challenge in a way. In the original incident I must have said that they – my parents –  don’t like me. I am still looking. I don’t think I hit the sentence quite right – but it seems close.
Thank you for helping me. When I read it was the undertow – I knew I wasn’t crazy.

Continue reading “If you are not Jewish, can you learn receiving? aka Kabbalah”

Is your vibration a good measure to ask for?

Is your vibration a good measure to ask for?

Is your vibration a good measure to ask for? What one number could be better?

Hundreds of people ask for their vibration, or their frequency… and none of them is too happy about the number they get.

Why? Because they don’t know what to do with that number.

This article will explore a more useful number, a number that, if you are so inclined, can grow… and your vibration and life satisfaction will grow with it.

My training/coaching program focuses on another measure…

Continue reading “Is your vibration a good measure to ask for?”

If you find yourself behind the eight ball… way behind

If you find yourself behind the eight ball… way behind

If you find yourself behind the eight ball… or way behind…

I am surprised this is just surfacing now.

Someone being behind their rent, behind other payments, or behind taking care of their health and the numbers are going crazy.

Getting to what seems to be unmanageable.

What do you do?

Your/my inability to be with what doesn’t work will take you there. Just give it time.

The sound of scrambling is everywhere.

So without making you wrong for what you have done wrong… Continue reading “If you find yourself behind the eight ball… way behind”

Watching videos lowers your intelligence, while reading…

Watching videos lowers your intelligence, while reading…

I am watching The Incredible Hulk (2008 With Edward Norton).

I have jumped up and paused the movie every five minutes so far… And I have been pondering why.

I can read two-three-four hours without jumping up…

And suddenly I realized: a movie forces itself, forces its speed, forces its ‘don’t think just take what I want you to thinkattitude on you, so you don’t have any time to digest, to ponder, to have a say. None.

And maybe that is the reason humans never think. Information overload Continue reading “Watching videos lowers your intelligence, while reading…”

It takes energy to go to the next level, to be happy.

It takes energy to go to the next level, to be happy.

avalanche... great power! It takes energy to go to the next level. It takes energy to be happy.

Where are you leaking energy? Reclaim your energy

I am reading a book by one of my absolute favorite writers, Colin Wilson.

This is the first non-fiction book I read in a month. I have put myself on a Tree-of-Knowledge withdrawal fast. I am breaking the fast with his book. The title is ‘Super Consciousness: In Quest for the Peak ExperienceContinue reading “It takes energy to go to the next level, to be happy.”

A rocket ship drops what would tether it to Earth

A rocket ship drops what would tether it to Earth

Birds, reptiles, bugs molt… mammals shed.

Molting is a tool. You outgrow who you were, and shed the old size.

Humans are mammals and they don’t molt. Culling is the design to cause evolution for mammals. More about that in another article…

Humans haven’t changed, inside, the who hasn’t changed for 100,000 years.

In this article I teach you how to molt, even if other humans don’t. How to use molting to become better and better version of yourself. So you can build a better and better life for yourself. Continue reading “A rocket ship drops what would tether it to Earth”