How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?

How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?

bad newsBad news. On my way home, climbing the long stairway off Euclid Avenue, I was listening to Step 21 of the 67 Steps. It’s about the superpower of being able to get into a relationship with people. Get into a relationship because you can see how their machine works. and because you see it, therefore you can speak their language.

Everything comes to you through people… and…

…you cannot get more abundance than what your people skills allow you to have.

I have been resigned about my ability to get better at dealing with people.

Resigned means: I have a fixed mindset about it, that says: it may be possible for you, but it’s impossible for me. Continue reading “How bad news can be a godsend or how to eliminate neediness?”

Guiding feelings. Are you guided to look away? Run?

Guiding feelings. Are you guided to look away? Run?

Do you know the difference between a feeling and an emotion? You don’t? I hadn’t, until recently.

So I would have never thought of asking this question prior to reading Margoczi’s books, Feelings and Words a few years ago.

Before, I learned in Landmark Education that regret, remorse, resentment, the ‘infamous’ three R’s are useless, and harmful.

But today I dare to differ. Continue reading “Guiding feelings. Are you guided to look away? Run?”

Remorse, regret, and self-recrimination…

Remorse, regret, and self-recrimination…

Remorse is the ability to humble oneself and healthily repent for past mistakes ~ Ryan Fan

I read an article yesterday about Scientology children who left the ‘mother ship’.

I am left with just one thing from the article: in Scientology they train you to have no feelings, no expression.

I remember being in a Landmark Education program, years ago, that railed against the 3 R’s… regret, resentment, and I don’t remember the third. But they were wrong.

I have more time nowadays. I have more room for bad feelings too. And I don’t think they shouldn’t be.

I don’t hurry and run away from bad feelings.

Continue reading “Remorse, regret, and self-recrimination…”

Reality for dummies or what can you find there?

Reality for dummies or what can you find there?

reality for dummiesThere is no such book… I made up the cover myself…

A few years ago I made a lot of money selling my Sleep Rescue Remedy. It worked, and 80% of the buyers bought it again. All I needed to do is fill and ship bottles fast enough.

Sleep is a big problem… Continue reading “Reality for dummies or what can you find there?”

Are you ready to find out what you are missing for success?

Are you ready to find out what you are missing for success?

All successful people share a number of principles by which they operate. Missing even just one of those principles will render you unsuccessful. So find out, at least, what you are missing… What you can’t see you can’t change.

All successful people are alike; every unsuccessful person is unsuccessful in its own way… thousands of way.

The Anna Karenina principle describes an endeavor in which a deficiency in any one of a number of factors dooms it to failure. Consequently, a successful endeavor (subject to this principle) is one where every possible deficiency has been avoided. Continue reading “Are you ready to find out what you are missing for success?”

If you feel like I have slighted you, can you learn from me?

If you feel like I have slighted you, can you learn from me?

I had a cat a decade or so ago. Her name was Kiki. She had a relationship with me that was very similar to my clients’ relationship with me.

I could say love and hate, but it would be a lie.
I could say need and resentment… that is the closest I can get to wording what was the essence.

My cat was a stray kitten when I adopted her. I already had another cat, a huge tomcat. But occasionally I invited the tiny and scrawny kitten to eat. She ran in and ran out several times. Took a bite and then ran. I guess to make sure that she wasn’t imprisoned. Continue reading “If you feel like I have slighted you, can you learn from me?”

Seeing process: the ratcheting power of success

Seeing process: the ratcheting power of success
One of the concepts that none of my students have gotten before is process. Until now.

And maybe when she shares what she sees you’ll be able to see what you haven’t seen before. Whether you are a student of mine or just a reader.

This is from a student of mine. She has been in training for nine months. It’s taken that long to reach the state where she is ready for ‘step 1’ as she calls it. Continue reading “Seeing process: the ratcheting power of success”

I started to read my one non-fiction book of the quarter.

I started to read my one non-fiction book of the quarter.

This morning I started to read my one non-fiction book for the quarter. John Carlton’s The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Getting Your Shit Together

I wish I have read it a decade or two ago. It would have made a huge difference.

It brought to light a ‘delusional’ worldview I have, where I expect people to do what I would do.

I’d never realized, and I am in shock. I am mortified, and it is, sometimes, too late, even though it’s not over till the fat lady sings. But I think it may be too late for me, but it is not too late for you.

So I am sharing it, even though I look bad… I am OK with that. Continue reading “I started to read my one non-fiction book of the quarter.”

If your life is a ‘no matter what I do’ life… listen up

If your life is a ‘no matter what I do’ life… listen up

Most lives are like that… never really getting from A to B…

I just read something really profound that can change your life.

Don’t think about being consistently great. It’s a trap. It’s impossible. Think about being great at being consistent. It’s a reliable path to growth and achieving one’s potential that makes a lot more sense.

Replace ‘great’ with whatever you are weak at…

One of my students invented herself being excellent… and it has proven to be harmful. It acted like a straitjacket she needed to escape from. Continue reading “If your life is a ‘no matter what I do’ life… listen up”

Inventing oneself… the subtraction way of sculpting

Inventing oneself… the subtraction way of sculpting

At or after your original incident, you invented yourself first.

In fact, most people invented themselves many times… creating themselves as a layer cake.

I am not a baker. My mother didn’t have a working oven until I was about 10… maybe that’s why I never warmed to cookies and cakes.

But I am a brick mason… and bricks are laid much like the layers of a cake. If the previous layer was crooked, the wall will be crooked, and maybe it will even fall down.

The created self is crooked. Each layer tells a story that doesn’t quite fit with the other layers. Continue reading “Inventing oneself… the subtraction way of sculpting”