How to see a painful incident differently, even after years

How to see a painful incident differently, even after years

In our ‘Reframing Challenge’ suddenly being laughed at, or snarky remarks have come up to reframe.

The challenge is to not take it personally.

In the homo sapiens world everything is personal. They are laughing AT YOU…

Here is an example when a person is bigger than that… and how that scenario looks from the sideways view. This is from Reddit.

The thread starts thus: I set the timer on the camera then fell running to get in the photo. My family’s reaction…

Here is the picture the camera took… Click on the picture to see it full size…


I laughed with that family, and it felt soooo goooood!

Continue reading “How to see a painful incident differently, even after years”

Scarcity, fear of not enough, reciprocal altruism…

Scarcity, fear of not enough, reciprocal altruism…

Recently I learned some things… And when I learn something, I turn around and open my eyes widely… so I can see the big picture, so I can see how many and how far the dots are that belong to the same thing.

This article will document some of my learnings, and will let you see the dots that are not readily visible as part of the same distinction. Continue reading “Scarcity, fear of not enough, reciprocal altruism…”

They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory

They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory

I know, I know. the saying goes differently: they grabbed victory from the jaws of defeat…

But, in my experience, most people, myself included, give up hopeless, before they could get to victory… some as soon as they would start.

If I had to point out one secret to my longevity, both in life and in business, I would point to this shift: that I can now hang in there beyond the point where I used to grab defeat from the jaws of victory. Continue reading “They snatched defeat from the jaws of victory”

When it was the best, was it really really good?

When it was the best, was it really really good?

Too Good to Leave, Too Bad to Stay: A Step-by-Step Guide to Help You Decide Whether to Stay In or Get Out of Your Relationship is the title of the book that had a deep impact on me. I read it some 20 years ago…

That question is underneath most of my life… including my commitment to go where I am celebrated, not where I am only tolerated.

It isn’t about relationships for me, by the way, it is about the question it poses, the only question I remember from the book. The one question that you can ask about anything and allow that question to guide you in your life. Continue reading “When it was the best, was it really really good?”

Idee fixe… or how the mind and the mind-dwellers operate

Idee fixe… or how the mind and the mind-dwellers operate

Where do you listen from? An important distinction

According to many awareness is the most missing when you are poor, sick, and miserable.

But what IS awareness? Aware of what? And with what organ? What sense? What equipment?

I call the awareness, really the same thing SEEING.

Why? just a personal preference… even though I probably would do better if I called it what smart people call it.

Awareness, the word, includes a certain level of conscious seeing…

Continue reading “Idee fixe… or how the mind and the mind-dwellers operate”

Why self-control is the ultimate linchpin for humans

Why self-control is the ultimate linchpin for humans

I worked on food and nutritional deficiency lists this morning and I noticed something interesting:

I felt resentful because what I want, what I like, what I think don’t matter when I muscletest.

And when I do those lists I need to give up acting on what I like, on what I want, and surrender my hands, literally, to Source, to Life, to whatever… Continue reading “Why self-control is the ultimate linchpin for humans”

The Selfish Gene explains much of why humans behave so badly

The Selfish Gene explains much of why humans behave so badly

This will be, likely, the weirdest article I have ever published… Let’s how many brave people will read it… I read books on the Kindle. And on the Kindle you can highlight something and post it as a note on Goodreads. I think I have thousands of notes there…

I am using a few of them to create this article… weird? hell, I think so.

I am now surrounded with the purring, trilling sounds of freshly born raccoons… They are already fighting. For dominance. For who will eat, who will procreate… it is the nature of Life…

Humans have taken it to the next level… Continue reading “The Selfish Gene explains much of why humans behave so badly”

Sell dreams, not products. said Steve Jobs.

Sell dreams, not products. said Steve Jobs.
the dream of not being stopped by fearMost purchases stay a dream only, a disappointing one at that… because…

If you are like me, if you understand the title of this article, you are terrified, dismayed, disgusted… Feel cheated, duped, bamboozled… But chances are you have no idea what the title says. You keep buying the stuff and get no results whatsoever. This article may change it for you forever.
Continue reading “Sell dreams, not products. said Steve Jobs.”

There is more than one way to skin a cat or solve a problem

There is more than one way to skin a cat or solve a problem

We are in the middle of Passover. Passover or Pesach is a Jewish holiday, celebrating braking out of the prison of slavery. Being a slave how it has always been, how it is, the fixed mindset…

The process of reframing, and thus the Reframing Challenge is a PrisonBreak program. It is designed to take you from the misery of slavery to the joy of freedom. Please give it respect by treating it as that, not as MY good idea… Continue reading “There is more than one way to skin a cat or solve a problem”

Most people who will die in the next decade are already sick

Most people who will die in the next decade are already sick

We are in the midst of the Reframing Challenge… aka Creativity Challenge… So that is the context of this article…

Most killing diseases take many years if not decades to grow to the level where they can be detected with traditional methods.

So by the time they are detected, they are so established that healing them is not possible.

The expression ‘your cancer is in remission‘, 98% of the time means: you did not have cancer to begin with. But most cancer treatments are worse than what they are trying to ‘heal’.

So what are you supposed to do? Wait for death? Continue reading “Most people who will die in the next decade are already sick”