Happiness is an inside job, visible from the sideways view

Happiness is an inside job, visible from the sideways view
Reality can only be seen from the sideways view…

And therein lies the reason why humans, the species hasn’t evolved for tens of thousands of years.

The inability for humans, for homo sapiens to grow, evolve, is a fact because 98% of all humans can’t or won’t even attempt to look from the sideways view. Continue reading “Happiness is an inside job, visible from the sideways view”

Reality… can you tell what is real and what isn’t?

Reality… can you tell what is real and what isn’t?
Happiness is a function of accepting what is. Reality.

Love is accepting the other exactly the way they are and exactly the way they aren’t.

If you pay attention, deeply, both statements talk about what is and what isn’t.

Love mention what isn’t… Isn’t in reality, because it only exists in the mind, as an expectation. Continue reading “Reality… can you tell what is real and what isn’t?”

Prison Break? What prison are you in unbeknownst to you?

Prison Break? What prison are you in unbeknownst to you?
Prison Break or the Art of Questions…

What could someone do when the world, your health, your body, your relationships are not going the way they should… do anything other than be complacent, resigned, live in quiet desperation?

I always had this question, but reading the Fatemarks series the question is getting louder in my head.

On the internet Continue reading “Prison Break? What prison are you in unbeknownst to you?”

What is Transformation? How it’s like an onion…

What is Transformation? How it’s like an onion…

What is Transformation?

On the very outside of the onion called transformation, is the ‘wow’ layer. Wow… what just happened? Wow… that’s not how I’ve been seeing it… An experience.

It is miraculous. It is reality changing in front of your very eyes. Continue reading “What is Transformation? How it’s like an onion…”

The homework attitude and the desire trap

The homework attitude and the desire trap

dreaming of a castleI got an insight today…

People are asking this question: how do I start? How do I get to where I want to get to?

And when I tell them how to get started, they ask the same question again. My answer wasn’t good enough for them.

So the insight I got is this: when you followed the current harmful teaching to imagine yourself where you want to be, you are expecting me to hand you the key… not tell you how to build that new reality from the bottom up.

This ‘imagine…’ bullshit has destroyed people’s ability to see themselves, and see reality, accurately.

Nothing works the way those ‘imagine people’ say… everything in reality is built from the ground up.

Yesterday someone asked me how to talk to someone to get a date.

I offered, instead, to look if he is ready to date, if he knows what he wants from dating, what is his agenda, etc.
Continue reading “The homework attitude and the desire trap”

The Desire Trap and how to release a life of wants

The Desire Trap and how to release a life of wants

The Desire Trap and how to release it… A life with greed, want, desire, or resistance cannot be a happy life

The book Feelings writes at length about the Desire Trap,

Quoting from the Feelings book by Margoczi:

Although the desire trap may look harmless at first sight, this is the trap the most people suffer from around the world.

Continue reading “The Desire Trap and how to release a life of wants”

This explains why we are fat, broke, sick and unhappy

This explains why we are fat, broke, sick and unhappy

In Reddit there is a thread where the guy shares that he ordered in his grocery pickup, eight bananas.

So they gave him eight bunches of bananas, and charged him for one single banana.

So he posts this on Reddit, and the people there went apeshit with ideas how to eat all the bananas, recipes galore. More comments than in any post I have seen before. Continue reading “This explains why we are fat, broke, sick and unhappy”

Mental toughness, your TLB… and desire traps

Mental toughness, your TLB… and desire traps

TLB is your Twitchy Little Bastard score. Mental toughness, AND high TLB is the difference between a reactive, undisciplined, five year old who cannot see past the next five minutes, and a person (whatever age) who can actually see and act conscious of the consequences of their action or inaction.

Tai Lopez calls these according to names of the Greek philosophies that reigned around the time of Seneca the Elder: the Stoics, and the Epicurians.

If you gobble up a cheese burger, you are an Epicurian who can’t see where eating that toxic stuff will leads you… fat, poor, sick, and wanting more.

If money burns a hole in your pocket… you are probably living the Epicurian lifestyle. You can’t stand not having your phone with you, ditto.

You dream of instant success, instant weight loss, instant love… you are an Epicurian… and a TLB 1. Continue reading “Mental toughness, your TLB… and desire traps”

Times are a-changing… are you prepared?

Times are a-changing… are you prepared?

Are you secure enough in who you are to look at things that are of no personal relevance to you?

That sounds like a ‘so what?’ question, but it isn’t.

You see, one of the most important measures in predicting your happiness and success in life is your cone of vision plus your about-me score.

Ultimately the two measures, combined, give me how much of all-knowledge you are willing and able to see… so you can navigate life, the economy, relationships, health, successfully.

The smaller the combined measure is, the less you are willing to see. Your reaction to it: ‘it doesn’t apply to me‘ and you just block it out. You don’t even entertain it for a moment. (I can see it in your 67-step reports clearly. Or in what articles you open… or not) Continue reading “Times are a-changing… are you prepared?”

Allow easy things to be easy. Smooth. Flowing.

Allow easy things to be easy. Smooth. Flowing.

Here is an identity, a life script I have been a slave to.

I am up against impossible odds… and yet I can win. Look a me! Look at me!

It’s both funny and tragic.

It was pointed out to me back 1987, but I wasn’t ready to get it.

I KNOW that if you look first, look at what is there to do, the layout, the situation, then the success is almost certain.

But where is the fun!? Screams the identity. Let’s make it hard and let’s win against impossible odds! Continue reading “Allow easy things to be easy. Smooth. Flowing.”