Why can’t you, why don’t you learn… ever

Why can’t you, why don’t you learn… ever

Huge learning today. In this article I’ll take you through two ways to see why you can’t learn, don’t learn, and won’t learn, unless… and I am not talking about information, learning about, I am talking about learning to do…

The world is changing rapidly… and unless YOU change, you’ll be a casualty.

To change when the world changes you need to learn a lot of new stuff… and unlearn just as many. So the fittest that will survive is the one who can and willing to learn. Continue reading “Why can’t you, why don’t you learn… ever”

We are all in business one way or another.

We are all in business one way or another.

What is business? The purpose of a business is to get a customer.

Customer means: someone we sell something. Ourselves, a product, our time… our knowledge… our pretenses… our lies.

So, ultimately we are all in business, and we all have others who want what we have… Here is an older article of mine about who is your customer…our customer. A really useful way to look at life and at your relationships.

OK, now with that established, I can repeat what I heard yesterday… and it will make sense to you. Continue reading “We are all in business one way or another.”

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

And for most people it does…

And it does look the same old, even though the only thing we know for sure that in reality the only constant is change… So why doesn’t what you see, change?

The answer can be unsettling… I hope for your sake that it is. Continue reading “If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…”

Why knowing your Self is the rock of change?

Why knowing your Self is the rock of change?

I have read Robert Fritz’s books… and took out one gem of each.

The oscillating structures from ‘The Path of Least Resistance’, I forgot what it was of ‘Creating’.

But the most valuable nugget was from the book ‘Corporate Tides’.

Even though it is about changing corporations, corporate culture, it felt more truthful about individuals to me.

It says, simply put, what some other sage said: When you want to change something, don’t deal with what you want to change. Instead build something you want to strengthen. Continue reading “Why knowing your Self is the rock of change?”

How do you remove a rusted in screw from wood or metal?

How do you remove a rusted in screw from wood or metal?

Life is like a rusty screw: resists your efforts to be smooth… Full of frustration… isn’t it?

Introducing The rusty screw method… Removing the frustration without anything other than a screwdriver…

Your life, the quality of your life is the direct consequence of what you see.

Not everyone sees the same thing… even though what happens, what is in reality is the exact same thing… the only thing different is the observer.

People who are effective, happy, healthy, productive see reality differently. Continue reading “How do you remove a rusted in screw from wood or metal?”

Monday? It is time for me to read the Monday Morning Memo

Monday? It is time for me to read the Monday Morning Memo

Monday? It is time for me to read the Monday Morning Memo

And if it connects to what’s happening, use it as fertilizer of my brain, my thinking.

And today it is one of those days…

Roy H. Williams is talking about patterns this morning in the Memo.

He talks about archetypes… a particular pattern… but here is the rub: if you have NO distinctions in one area, you probably have no distinctions anywhere.

And a distinction is just another word for a pattern. Continue reading “Monday? It is time for me to read the Monday Morning Memo”

How to not end up eating sh!t in life, like you have been

How to not end up eating sh!t in life, like you have been

What is your complaint? What is your problem?

In this article having a problem, repeatedly, we’ll call it ‘eating sh!t’… even though it sounds crude… it is, I say, what is happening.

Why would you have that problem? That complaint? Continue reading “How to not end up eating sh!t in life, like you have been”

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation explained

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation explained
The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.

A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. ~ Henry David Thoreau

But what is underneath?

I have written about the Kabbalistic concept of time, that says: time is there so you don’t immediately see cause and effect, forcing you to choose with foresight… consciously.

I love that concept.

One cousin once removed of that is how it takes something to actually see the invisible roots of a situation… a backward seeing. If the other is foresight, would this be ‘backsight?’ lol.

How does it look? How does it work?

Continue reading “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation explained”

You are what you repeatedly do. The path of least resistance

You are what you repeatedly do. The path of least resistance

You are what you repeatedly do. The path of least resistance

What you repeatedly do because it is the path of least resistance is called habits.

And just like water will not willingly flow uphill… habits, what you do, is difficult to change.

And yet… we want a different life. We want to feel differently about ourselves. And we want a different body, different work, different relationships. Continue reading “You are what you repeatedly do. The path of least resistance”

How well do you know yourself? And do you like yourself?

How well do you know yourself? And do you like yourself?

How well do you know yourself? And do you like yourself?

When I was about 20, still a full time student, I had a guy. He wasn’t even a boy friend, just a guy I liked. We had casual sex. Then he met a girl who he said was a nymphomaniac, and he never had anything to do with me again.

Fast forward 30 years…

I was living with this dude, who would spend whole nights with this other woman… come home only to change clothes for work. Continue reading “How well do you know yourself? And do you like yourself?”