Field of relationship? What the heck is that?

Field of relationship? What the heck is that?
father-child fieldThere are five fields where you can live your life.

They are like the rooms of your ‘palace’, the rooms you inhabit. The rest of the palace is uninhibited.

The only fields of relationship, the only fields of communication that lead you to self-growth, that lead you to raise your consciousness, raise your vibration are the ones I reveal in this article. Continue reading “Field of relationship? What the heck is that?”

Let’s do a community project that teaches you something!

Let’s do a community project that teaches you something!
Life, and all its conversations happen in different fields of relationships.

Make sure you scroll down to the comments… tens of great pictures, jokes… that you’ll love.

  • Father/child,
  • mother-child,
  • playmate-sibling,
  • admirer-admired and the all elusive
  • partnership.

Here are a few pictures to get you started.

The assignment is to gather funny memes to illustrate the different fields. Please send them to me… although if you can post a link to them in the comments that would be even better. Go for it. It’s fun and very enlightening.

Here are a few I just collected in five minutes. Continue reading “Let’s do a community project that teaches you something!”

Let’s look deeper to see what consciousness really may be

Let’s look deeper to see what consciousness really may be

Let’s talk about the planes of existence… Where we live where consciousness can come from… shall we?

A plane is like a whole world, where certain things are obvious, certain things are possible, while other things aren’t even possible.

The two main planes I know of are the horizontal and the vertical plane. Continue reading “Let’s look deeper to see what consciousness really may be”

Better late than never… my newest battle cry

Better late than never… my newest battle cry

One of the annoying secrets of communicating with Source through muscletesting is that the questions need to be precise and specific.

I can touch a food and ask if it is good for me. And the answer is as imprecise as the question.

If I ask: is this food generally good for me? that’s a whole lot better.

As a rule of thumb Source considers every question as ‘right now’… and if you want to know if it will be good for you tomorrow, then ask that.

Often because of what else you have eaten on a given day, a perfectly good food will test as ‘no’.

Observing people, and myself as well, our tendency is to assume that the person or Source knows what we mean. This is the source of a lot of mischief… Continue reading “Better late than never… my newest battle cry”

Does thinking about something brings that thing about?

Does thinking about something brings that thing about?

Does thinking about something bring that thing about? Or what mistake the Law of Attraction people make that makes what they do fraud?

The simple answer to the question: ‘Does thinking about something bring that thing about?‘ is no it doesn’t. But it is not for the reason you think. It is because thinking about does not connect you to what you are thinking about.

Attention does. Continue reading “Does thinking about something brings that thing about?”

Most people secretly say: do as I say not as I do

Most people secretly say: do as I say not as I do

Most people secretly say: do as I say not as I do

Am I one of them? How about you?

You are inauthentic unless you are true to yourself…

…or what is the difference between your unless and my unless?

I am looking at the article about my way of accepting new clients or not, and I am going to ask the question you don’t think to ask, or have asked and already answered wrong.

Listen up, this is tricky and subtle… you may miss it! Continue reading “Most people secretly say: do as I say not as I do”

For you everything is the same as everything else…

For you everything is the same as everything else…

For you everything is the same as everything else…

Or said in a different way: you can’t tell the forest from the trees.
You can’t tell your ass from a hole in the ground
You can’t see the big picture

All mean the same: you can’t see distinction.

When you are a student, you use the jargon, but you don’t see what it means. You use it thinking that saying the word means you can see it, you can be guided by it…

I took to distinctions like fish takes to water.

Because of that it never made sense to me what’s the problem. Continue reading “For you everything is the same as everything else…”

Why is it harmful to live in your own world? Bad for you?

Why is it harmful to live in your own world? Bad for you?

Let me set down this first: worldly success completely depends on your ability to bilocate… In essence the size of your awareness…

Whether you bilocate like the light bulb or multitasking, or are able to be both places at the same time is just a little bit different… both work.

What am I talking about? Continue reading “Why is it harmful to live in your own world? Bad for you?”

Why can’t you love yourself? Any idea what’s missing?

Why can’t you love yourself? Any idea what’s missing?

Why can’t you love yourself? Any ideas what’s missing? Prepare to be shocked…

I woke up and it was almost 6 am. My plan is to get up between 3 and 5 am…

I wasn’t upset. I didn’t think I should have gotten up earlier.

The question here is to ask: who is driving my life? My shoulds or me?

Reactive… Continue reading “Why can’t you love yourself? Any idea what’s missing?”

Do you live your life without preparation? Winging it?

Do you live your life without preparation? Winging it?

There is a saying ‘Always be selling’, but I think ‘Always be preparing’ is a better saying.

It doesn’t just apply to everyone, it also is more useful.

There’s a quote famously attributed to Alexander Graham Bell: ‘BEFORE anything else, preparation is the key to success.’

Today’s parents, today’s people don’t think they are unprepared. I have read about a woman who homeschools her children, and decided that they don’t need to learn basic maths… Continue reading “Do you live your life without preparation? Winging it?”