Evolution, overpopulation, Life’s laws vs human laws

Evolution, overpopulation, Life’s laws vs human laws

Yesterday the raccoons’ turf war began.

The video on the left isDNA from the internet: I cannot see the raccoons fighting in the house… I can only hear them. Frightening. And you need to add the crying of the babies… ugh.

The background: a mother and a daughter raccoon chose the house where I live as their breeding ground. Continue reading “Evolution, overpopulation, Life’s laws vs human laws”

Your health and your soul correction: what’s the connection?

Your health and your soul correction: what’s the connection?

More often than not, what makes you sick, ill, is you doing what you feel will make you feel better.

No discipline, and very narrow cone of vision.

Let’s look at that: what you think is making you well, or going to make you well.

What is there is low tolerance or no tolerance to feel how you feel. No willingness to be present, to observe it, to let it talk. You react.

TLB is the degree that you are reactive. Twitchy Little Bastard… TLB. Continue reading “Your health and your soul correction: what’s the connection?”

Discerning, discipline, and a whole lot of ranting

Discerning, discipline, and a whole lot of ranting

This article is about becoming more discerning in the area of health and money… so you can have both in abundance.

Giving you a food list looks like a great idea. But unless you can find the food items without all the preservatives, all the chemicals, everything can be bad for you.

What do preservatives do? And, by the way, the amount they put on your food, raw ingredients, is growing in leaps and bounds… almost as much as spam grows in my inbox.

Laws do not curtail… punishment is so rare that the billionaire food companies and the not so rich restaurants don’t care… the chance to be reprimanded and punished is slight.

In every area of life. Continue reading “Discerning, discipline, and a whole lot of ranting”

A new take on what ‘positive thinking’ could be but isn’t

A new take on what ‘positive thinking’ could be but isn’t

Positive THINKING, negative THINKING… listen up: it is not all about THINKING!

Instead, it is deciding where to look, and where to go.

Don’t look backwards unless you are planning to go that way (Thoureau).

Or if you are climbing a rock… don’t look down. You can look after you are safe… but not during the climb.

This has been my mantra for many decades. With it I avoided law suits, blaming, vengeance, and probably depression. Continue reading “A new take on what ‘positive thinking’ could be but isn’t”

If humanity lived in father-nature instead of mother-nature

If humanity lived in father-nature instead of mother-nature

If humanity lived in father-nature, it would have to learn how to live, how to be, how to do best with what they have, so it can last. Mothers are to be used and abused… it’s just how it is… every living thing devours their mother… No compassion, no remorse.

  • mother-child is about getting
  • father-child is about instruction

Whether you are about getting or about being instructed… it’s a worldview.

Guess which worldview will make you more successful? At life… at living… at everything…

Continue reading “If humanity lived in father-nature instead of mother-nature”

Why can’t you, why don’t you learn… ever

Why can’t you, why don’t you learn… ever

Huge learning today. In this article I’ll take you through two ways to see why you can’t learn, don’t learn, and won’t learn, unless… and I am not talking about information, learning about, I am talking about learning to do…

The world is changing rapidly… and unless YOU change, you’ll be a casualty.

To change when the world changes you need to learn a lot of new stuff… and unlearn just as many. So the fittest that will survive is the one who can and willing to learn. Continue reading “Why can’t you, why don’t you learn… ever”

We are all in business one way or another.

We are all in business one way or another.

What is business? The purpose of a business is to get a customer.

Customer means: someone we sell something. Ourselves, a product, our time… our knowledge… our pretenses… our lies.

So, ultimately we are all in business, and we all have others who want what we have… Here is an older article of mine about who is your customer…our customer. A really useful way to look at life and at your relationships.

OK, now with that established, I can repeat what I heard yesterday… and it will make sense to you. Continue reading “We are all in business one way or another.”

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

And for most people it does…

And it does look the same old, even though the only thing we know for sure that in reality the only constant is change… So why doesn’t what you see, change?

The answer can be unsettling… I hope for your sake that it is. Continue reading “If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…”

Why knowing your Self is the rock of change?

Why knowing your Self is the rock of change?

I have read Robert Fritz’s books… and took out one gem of each.

The oscillating structures from ‘The Path of Least Resistance’, I forgot what it was of ‘Creating’.

But the most valuable nugget was from the book ‘Corporate Tides’.

Even though it is about changing corporations, corporate culture, it felt more truthful about individuals to me.

It says, simply put, what some other sage said: When you want to change something, don’t deal with what you want to change. Instead build something you want to strengthen. Continue reading “Why knowing your Self is the rock of change?”

How do you remove a rusted in screw from wood or metal?

How do you remove a rusted in screw from wood or metal?

Life is like a rusty screw: resists your efforts to be smooth… Full of frustration… isn’t it?

Introducing The rusty screw method… Removing the frustration without anything other than a screwdriver…

Your life, the quality of your life is the direct consequence of what you see.

Not everyone sees the same thing… even though what happens, what is in reality is the exact same thing… the only thing different is the observer.

People who are effective, happy, healthy, productive see reality differently. Continue reading “How do you remove a rusted in screw from wood or metal?”