Who, what is responsible for your health or the lack of it?

A few comments and observations that have arisen from my offer to muscletest your health measurements for free.If you think that past sins can be erased: you are probably mistaken about that.Injuries, inner or outer, may leave you permanent disfigurement.Pockmarks on your skin due to you not leaving your pimples alone is one example. The … Continue reading “Who, what is responsible for your health or the lack of it?”

How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review

I monitor visitor behavior on my site… to see how they treat my articles… I spend a few minutes a week, in the morning. It often gives me an idea of what to write about, what to teach next.This article is a result of those few minutes of looking today.Oh, I mostly look at people … Continue reading “How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review”

From Pain Island to Pleasure Island… how to get unstuck

Get comfortable with not knowing the answerBecause you won’t… and maybe for a long time.But if you insist on knowing, then you won’t actually look, you won’t actually expand. You will keep on pondering, using only what you already ‘know’. And instead of questions that make you grow, you’ll be looking for answers, that confirm … Continue reading “From Pain Island to Pleasure Island… how to get unstuck”

What is the Tree of Knowledge? How does it work?

Everything that you BELIEVE is Tree of Knowledge.What does it mean believe? It means that you don’t actually know, because you don’t have any proof. You didn’t see it, didn’t experience it, so you have to believe it.When I measure the truth value of something, I am measuring, in essence, the proportion of Tree of … Continue reading “What is the Tree of Knowledge? How does it work?”

Learning lessons the hard way or the easy way, choose 2

The brilliance in the movie, It’s a wonderful life is that the angel creates a thought experiment: what the world would be like if our hero hadn’t been born.Thought experiments are uniquely human: animals can’t do thought experiments.

Your health and your soul correction: what’s the connection?

More often than not, what makes you sick, ill, is you doing what you feel will make you feel better.No discipline, and very narrow cone of vision.Let’s look at that: what you think is making you well, or going to make you well.What is there is low tolerance or no tolerance to feel how you … Continue reading “Your health and your soul correction: what’s the connection?”

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…And for most people it does…And it does look the same old, even though the only thing we know for sure that in reality the only constant is change… So why doesn’t what you see, change?The answer can be unsettling… I hope for your … Continue reading “If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…”

You are what you repeatedly do. The path of least resistance

You are what you repeatedly do. The path of least resistanceWhat you repeatedly do because it is the path of least resistance is called habits.And just like water will not willingly flow uphill… habits, what you do, is difficult to change.And yet… we want a different life. We want to feel differently about ourselves. And … Continue reading “You are what you repeatedly do. The path of least resistance”

Let’s look deeper to see what consciousness really may be

Let’s talk about the planes of existence… Where we live where consciousness can come from… shall we?A plane is like a whole world, where certain things are obvious, certain things are possible, while other things aren’t even possible.The two main planes I know of are the horizontal and the vertical plane.

Idee fixe… or how the mind and the mind-dwellers operate

Where do you listen from? An important distinctionAccording to many awareness is the most missing when you are poor, sick, and miserable.But what IS awareness? Aware of what? And with what organ? What sense? What equipment?I call the awareness, really the same thing SEEING.Why? just a personal preference… even though I probably would do better … Continue reading “Idee fixe… or how the mind and the mind-dwellers operate”