How do you live your life to develop intelligence? Intelligence is the end of anguish and anxiety

How do you live your life to develop intelligence? Intelligence is the end of anguish and anxiety

Intelligence is operational when there is no thinking, there are no thoughts. You can only detect that intelligence is growing by detecting that there are less thoughts.

One of the main causes of anxiety and anguish is living through the mind, not ever being in the present moment, not ever being in the here-and-now. You can only be intelligent in the here-and-now. Any departure from the now moment causes anguish and unintelligent ways of living and making decisions.

One of the things my Activate Divinity Course (closed) accomplishes is returning people to being whole and complete. It is almost impossible to be intelligent unless you are reasonable whole and complete, no parts suppressed, no aspects of you abandoned, denied.

The Harmonize The Planet meditation with the Heaven on Earth energy bundle is a great way to prepare yourself to be able to start the work of becoming whole and complete.

How did it happen, that in spite of my formal education (21 years total), I still managed to pull through with some intelligence intact? Not mentioning 27 years of Landmark Education, a 100% intellectual pursuit… When I look at landmark graduates, I see people waiting for someone else to give it to them, or repeating what they have already heard. Second-handers’ galore.
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Could an Avatar ever cause Peace on Earth?

Could an Avatar ever cause Peace on Earth?

avatar nickelodeon teaching by proxyAfter watching all the Avatar series quite a few times, I saw that an Avatar is just one person. Without the Team Avatar and the country rallying for the cause, the Avatar is defeated before he starts.

There have been Avatars in the history of humanity. As Avatars all failed.

The job of the Avatar is to fight and usher in a long period of peace. But it cannot be just a good idea of the Avatar: it needs to be an idea whose time has come.

The Judeo/Christian idea of an avenging Messiah is way out of sync with how it works. Without the majority rising up with the leadership of the Avatar or Team Avatar, the result can only be slaying the Avatar, and that’s that.

I’ll put in here, instead of my own words, two people’s words: Osho and Art Williams. Osho, a failed Avatar, Art Williams, a successful business man whose crusade was successful, in terms of business. Osho talks about why it could not succeed, can’t succeed, Art Williams talks about how to succeed as an Avatar.

Very long, but worth reading. Will it wake you up? Not likely… but maybe one or two of you. If you have been feeling that life is senseless and have been seeking some purpose to life, Art Williams words will give you a glimpse of what’s missing.

Question to Osho: Why is humanity so willing to walk the path towards global suicide?

Osho – The reason is clear. People have become clear that their life has no meaning, that except misery, nothing happens; except anxiety, anguish, life has nothing to offer.
Continue reading “Could an Avatar ever cause Peace on Earth?”

The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?

The Path to Enlightenment:  an inside affair?

I love movies where humans seem to be endowed with supernatural capabilities. They are fun, and they give hope to people. For me they show the possibility of being a human being, shows me what’s possible, what kind of being is possible for human beings.

Hope in those supernatural beings, like in all saviors, allows humanity to be wretched, to buy time, to live below its potential, to live in hate, to live in pretense, to live in unreality, to never have to take responsibility for who we are and how we are. Continue reading “The Path to Enlightenment: an inside affair?”

Soul Correction: Farewell To Arms

Your Soul Correction is “Farewell to arms”

There is a Hungarian saying that the intelligent won’t stick by their gun, they let the other person win. People with this soul correction are not intelligent that way. They argue, they fault-find, they start animosity and wars.

Don’t hold grudges, don’t get into arguments, the only thing you are protecting is not real, it’s the ego, and it is a made-up persona. Live and let live. You’ll be a happier person. And the world will be a better place.

The underlying ego based desire is greed. Greed for significance, greed to be right, greed to power over another.
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Fructose in the infant formula formed your personality?

There are some unchallenged myths about well-being, being emotionally and intellectually well-adjusted, that are ripe to be challenged.

One of the myths, one of the urban legends is that infants, when they grow up in an institution, and aren’t touched, held, they develop to be emotionally disturbed, aloof, self-absorbed, etc. adults.

But what if there is more to this early development than meets the eye?

Some of my closest associates were either adopted as infants, were prematurely born, and not breast fed as infants.

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What is an Avatar? What is the Job of an Avatar?

What is an Avatar? What is the Job of an Avatar?
What is an Avatar?

There is a huge confusion about avatars on the Internet. The recent blockbuster is partially to blame, Avatar.

I watched the movie. I enjoyed it. A certain point I had to go and do something for like 20 minutes: the conflict in the movie was impossible for me to bear. Continue reading “What is an Avatar? What is the Job of an Avatar?”

Path To Enlightenment: I Recommend Eliminating Drama

Path To Enlightenment: I Recommend Eliminating Drama
Drama is a human phenomenon. Animals, trees, don’t know drama. Nature doesn’t know drama. Existence doesn’t know drama.

Drama is the result of ego-mind.

If you closed your eyes, and managed, for a moment, pulling your attention back from the future, and pulling your attention back from the past, you would get to a space, I call existence. Existence is not part of the time/space continuum, existence is part of the beyond. Continue reading “Path To Enlightenment: I Recommend Eliminating Drama”

Path To Enlightenment: What Is Enlightenment?

Path To Enlightenment: What Is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is not a place to get to: it is a state, it is a relationship to existence, that exists outside of duality, outside of right and wrong, outside of time, outside of comparison and outside of competition.

In spite of what everyone says, enlightenment is not something that you arrive to and then you are set for life. Continue reading “Path To Enlightenment: What Is Enlightenment?”

The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century

The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century

I think the biggest and most significant accomplishment of the the 20th Century was distinguishing that you can muscletesting.

The original idea of that, which they called muscletesting, was that the body knows what’s true and what’s not. Unfortunately, the body what’s good for it, but not exactly the way muscletesting has been using and abusing it. Continue reading “The most significant accomplishment of the 20th Century”