The Cleansing event went well. The energy was reasonably strong, and the feedback is that people felt the energy, felt their hands warm up, felt the nausea, so it showed people that something was happening.
Some people wrote to me that they are afraid to attend because they can’t afford to get the healing crisis in the middle of the week. I understand. I made sure that the duration of the energy in each position was really short.
The next call is on Monday, and I am wondering what will happen afterwards.
I am not particularly committed to the path of healer. Why? Because people that are interested in healers, or healing, are mostly people that have physical issues, and they want to fix them.
I like to be on the side of health, on the side of life, on the side of power.
I am not interested in fixing anything: Every solution is the beginning of a much bigger problem. This has been the story of life on earth… remember, the Holocaust was the Final Solution…
Regardless, let me impart some of the “solutions” I have met in the recent years, that I have tested, and at least for a while, found useful.
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