Why cannot you learn, cannot heal, cannot be happy?

Why cannot you learn, cannot heal, cannot be happy?

I learned to drive with manual transmission. there were no automatic shifts cars in Hungary at the time. Are there now? I have no idea.

I drove my first automatic in Israel. But even though it was automatic, I shifted back when we were climbing the mountain Jerusalem sits on. A steep serpentine road winding up the mountain with plenty of switchbacks. Not perfect for automatic transmission.

Jerusalem sits on a 2474 feet (754 meters above sea level). So I shifted back to second gear.

Driving that way made for a smoother ride. Continue reading “Why cannot you learn, cannot heal, cannot be happy?”

The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…

The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…

70% of all people feel that they are stuck… And I guess, 100% of the people feel, at least occasionally, that they are stuck.

Feeling stuck is very unpleasant. I know because I know how it feels.

But being stuck is not real, unless it is something physical, and no one means that, when they say they feel stuck. Continue reading “The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…”

Coming Out Of Grief – The Process And the Problem

Coming Out Of Grief – The Process And the Problem

grief replaced angerThis article deals with the stages of healing, healing your grief. Denial, anger, fear, and so on.

The most important distinction I can add is: check your cone of vision. If your cone of vision is narrow, everything is colored or filled with your grief: the context of life becomes your grief, independent of the content of life.

In addition to that, when you are grief stricken, you start interacting with unreality, and avoid reality. Continue reading “Coming Out Of Grief – The Process And the Problem”

Who has the right to say? The right to judge you?

Who has the right to say? The right to judge you?

I think the main issue that has arrested human evolution is not in the individual, but in the system.

What is the system? because it is always the system… stupid.

But the word system is as slippery as the word context… because it always means something different, yet there is a distinction that points to context or points to system regardless of size, age, or circumstance. Continue reading “Who has the right to say? The right to judge you?”

Why am I pushing allowing while others push against it?

Why am I pushing allowing while others push against it?

I will have a webinar for people who bought the Allowing DNA capacity…So, of course, I put my whole life into the context: what is allowing?

And it should not surprise me that life is showing up consistent with that. Consistent with: allowing is missing when something doesn’t go well.

What does that mean, Sophie?

It means: suddenly I need to allow a ton more things that under nearly any other context.

Examples: Continue reading “Why am I pushing allowing while others push against it?”

Being, Granting Beingness, granting being, allowing to be

Being, Granting Beingness, granting being, allowing to be

value-to-beingnessWhatever you resist, make wrong, want to change, fix, and can’t leave alone, hooks you and makes you prisoner.

Now, here is the rub. Talking about flying isn’t. Talking about beingess isn’t.

Beingness is created by WORD, but talking about it doesn’t do anything for anyone.

Werner Erhard talks about beingness, Ron L. Hubbard talked about beingess, the gurus talk about beingness…
Continue reading “Being, Granting Beingness, granting being, allowing to be”

Why you may be tired, maybe depressed, maybe just listless

Why you may be tired, maybe depressed, maybe just listless

I have been tracking the mornings when I wake up with this ‘why bother? it is not going to work!’ feeling for a while. I am tired. Even resting doesn’t feel good. There is no future, nothing to look forward to.

The most exciting thing is the first sip of tea. and the only exciting thing is the same. The sip of tea.

One of those mornings was today. Continue reading “Why you may be tired, maybe depressed, maybe just listless”

Why do you want to know your soul’s purpose?

Why do you want to know your soul’s purpose?

You want to know what is your soul’s purpose so you can start to live the life of your dreams. You are waiting to do the right thing… but there is a problem.

If and when the right thing comes along, will you be ready for it?

It has taken me 60 years to become ready to do what I do, and although most things are not as complicated and demanding as returning humanity to the Original Design, most things require you to know how to do quite a few things. Continue reading “Why do you want to know your soul’s purpose?”

Pick your battles… And win the war of life

Pick your battles… And win the war of life

Pick-your-battlesEvery Tuesday my driver picks me up and takes me shopping, to the chiropractor, and other errands.

It makes me look like an old lady, but that doesn’t make me an old lady. Yet it took me quite a while to warm up to the idea of having no wheels of my own.

I pay her $30 cash, and I didn’t have any cash yesterday. So I paid with my debit card and asked for $40 cash back. I normally use the self-checkout line, faster for me. Continue reading “Pick your battles… And win the war of life”

What does WANTING do to your spirit, health, wealth?

What does WANTING do to your spirit, health, wealth?

Greed is an energy that is coming directly from the selfish gene

Greed is wanting.

But the wanting is a fixation. It blocks the flow.

  • Life wants to give you what you need.
  • Greed wants you to have what you want.

And greed doesn’t care about anything else. It wants what it wants when it wants it, and doesn’t want what it doesn’t want when it doesn’t want it. Continue reading “What does WANTING do to your spirit, health, wealth?”