The guidance you miss, the guidance you fight

The guidance you miss, the guidance you fight

Bats can hear shapes. Plants can eat light. Bees can dance maps.

Humans that have weak eye sight, weak hearing, weak everything, used to feel the messages in their bodies… but no any more.

Humans erroneously decided that their minds is king. And ever since then humans don’t listen to their bodies.

Here is an example: Continue reading “The guidance you miss, the guidance you fight”

Your attitude in relation to yourself: your self-esteem

Your attitude in relation to yourself: your self-esteem

self-image,self-esteem are both an attitude towards yourselfSummary: Attitude. the most potent invisible builder of your life. or the invisible destroyer of your life. Destroyer of your dreams, of your results, of your relationships.

It is invisible to you, but glaringly obvious to others.

Isn’t it time you took an inventory and start changing your attitudes, one by one. As an Expanding Human Being, I study. A lot. I study books, movies, people, myself. Sometimes there is no rhyme and reason in my studying, and sometimes, like now, there is.

Perceived as an expert

I have recently found a teacher who teaches people how to become an expert and market themselves as such, online.

Most people that learn from this guy are already experts at some things, but… It is one thing to be an expert, and another to be perceived as an expert. People go by their perception, not by the fact, in reality, people have no idea what they see, only what they perceive.
Continue reading “Your attitude in relation to yourself: your self-esteem”

What does the word content or contentment mean?

What does the word content or contentment mean?

Many times it is near impossible to get what words mean…

Luckily I have learned other languages. With some of them have a deeper knowledge than just being able to use them, so I can use them to see in their etymology.

In fact, this article got triggered by a word, a concept, a distinction that is not clear to most people, and it wasn’t for me. Contentment. Continue reading “What does the word content or contentment mean?”

Any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire

Any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire

You can’t JUMP to the truth… in fact, any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire

I like to use the 67 steps in my own process to slowly turning to the truth, and in teaching and coaching. That program seems to JUMP to SOME truth. But it is wise enough to not declare that small and relative truth, THE Truth.

This is in contrast with everybody else. Continue reading “Any jump is jump from the skillet to the fire”

Enchanted Forest, Fairy Tales. Start living like a person

Enchanted Forest, Fairy Tales. Start living like a person

At the moment I have one (1) student who is actually doing the work the way the work was meant to be done.

It sounds meager result… but it is all I ever wanted… really.

If you have one student who actually does what you teach, you can tell if what you teach works or not. Or tweak what you teach to accommodate the difficulties they experience. And watch if the changes you made will make the results match what you intended to accomplish. Continue reading “Enchanted Forest, Fairy Tales. Start living like a person”

Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?

Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?

web-muscletestingI am getting hate mail.

I am happy about it.

They say the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. Continue reading “Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?”

Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design

Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design

original design If you’ve known me and my work, you know that I talk to something I call Source. I begged Source for decades to allow me to do the work for it. Today I get all my knowledge from Source.

Our conversations happen on many levels. feelings, premonitions, dreams, stuff showing up when I need to deal with it. and also through things that I initiate: muscletesting yes/no answers. Continue reading “Raise Your Vibration: The Original Design”

Sentience, self-awareness, and responsibility

Sentience, self-awareness, and responsibility

Many scientists say: humans are a sentient species. They tell you you are human and therefore sentient.

What they don’t tell you, because they don’t know is that sentience is a state. It is either on or it’s off. And a person’s sentience can be measured on a scale of 1-100 in time. So, for example, if you sentience were 30%, it would mean that 70% of the time you are not sentient. Continue reading “Sentience, self-awareness, and responsibility”

A Case Study in The Law of Attraction… or whatever it was

A Case Study in The Law of Attraction… or whatever it was

In another blogpost on another blog I wrote about my last two years vs. my last four months history.

What I didn’t say in THAT blogpost on my recession blog, because it is ALL spiritual, is what happened in the last two weeks. It’s amazing, and it is probably the most important lesson one can learn about causing one’s life. (You may also want to refer back to my Live abundantly article

OK, here you go, here it goes. Continue reading “A Case Study in The Law of Attraction… or whatever it was”

Powerlessness comes with The Original Design

Powerlessness comes with The Original Design
Eliminate the Powerlessness of The Vessel

As far as I can see, feeling powerless, feeling at the mercy of something that is out of your control, is part of the human experience. In fact it is a fundamental part of the human experience. And it will be a part of the human experience, even after the activation of The Original Design where homo sapiens turns into Human Being.

Why is that part of the Original Design?

Continue reading “Powerlessness comes with The Original Design”