Life is best lead as a series of projects. Like a cheetah

Life is best lead as a series of projects. Like a cheetah

One of my teachers, Sean teaches that instead of starting a business is start a project, not a business.

But most people don’t know diddly squat about building, creating a project.

They know goal setting… daydreaming… wishing, wanting, etc.

But projects? Continue reading “Life is best lead as a series of projects. Like a cheetah”

What do your human predatory genes do? Make you do…

What do your human predatory genes do? Make you do…

coyotes and predatory genesWhat do your predatory genes do? judging from what happens when some are turned off, and some are turned on?

Some things in reality are outside of our direct knowledge. but we can still glean an insight by observing what happens when we tweak them, turn them off, turn them on.

One of the most memorable things I have ever read was in a book The Terminal Man. In the beginning, scientists want to find out what area of the brain is responsible for certain behaviors, certain memories… Continue reading “What do your human predatory genes do? Make you do…”

How wanting is the root of misery, not hate, money, or wars

How wanting is the root of misery, not hate, money, or wars

An interesting result from the ‘one emotion to rule them all‘ article is this:

when you use your energy, when you downgrade your drive to be satisfied with instant gratification, what is easy, it is like you feed it junk food.

An aside: Most of what you eat is junk food, by the way. Unless the food leaves you energized, not hungry for at least four hours, it was junk food. Probably the least junky food is your breakfast… Continue reading “How wanting is the root of misery, not hate, money, or wars”

One emotion to rule them all… What is it?

One emotion to rule them all… What is it?

I got an email yesterday with the subject line: One Emotion to Rule them All

I had to know what it is. But the dude who sent that email buried the answer into a long interactive video I wasn’t willing to go through.

So I went to Mr. Google, and put that whole sentence into the search box. Only one dude used that exact sentence, a pastor. Continue reading “One emotion to rule them all… What is it?”

How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation

How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation
Oprah's TLB score is 10On the other side of pain, on the other side of unpleasant… How firewalking is an analogy to life… Or how to innovate yourself out of a bad situation

Firewalking is the act of walking barefoot over a bed of hot embers or stones.

Firewalking has been practiced by many people and cultures in all parts of the world, with the earliest known reference dating back to Iron Age India – c. 1200 BC. It is often used as a rite of passage, as a test of an individual’s strength and courage, or in religion as a test of one’s faith.

One of the buzz-words Tai uses in several of his steps is ‘innovate yourself out of’ the trouble you are in… the stuck states, the problem, etc. It’s Jeff Bezos’ favorite method of growth… Jeff Bezos of fame…

I have never met a person, I have never met a student who even remotely could imagine this accurately, including Tai. Continue reading “How to innovate yourself out of a bad situation”

Why isn’t Gordon Ramsey’s Pad Thai a Pad Thai?

Why isn’t Gordon Ramsey’s Pad Thai a Pad Thai?

One of the hardest things I have ever encountered is hard because of my weakness of mental representation.

I do have the capacity open, but I have never used it consciously. I have been looking at myself as if the only path to any place is the path of the bumbling idiot, the meandering path. The path I’ve always taken. I even bragged about it… ugh.

And no matter how many courses, workshops, programs, I have done before, it has taken three decades to where I am now. Continue reading “Why isn’t Gordon Ramsey’s Pad Thai a Pad Thai?”

Can I connect to your Consciousness to get you well?

Can I connect to your Consciousness to get you well?

Unexpectedly, I am finding myself doing health coaching on the Reclaim program.

Although that wasn’t my original intention, it turns out that if someone chooses to get well, get enough energy to live life well, to relate well, to find and live a purposeful life, then health coaching is their path, and my job is to accommodate it.

It’s a whole different coaching experience than my $300 per session health coaching: here I get daily feedback for weeks or months… invaluable.
Continue reading “Can I connect to your Consciousness to get you well?”

How the missing Sight capacity relegates you to…

How the missing Sight capacity relegates you to…

How the missing Sight capacity relegates you to the lower echelons of society?

One of the signs of no Sight, I found, is the lack of skills.

Before you can choose a direction for your professional life, you need to find your portable skills. Skills that you have used in a different context. And then, among those skills, you need to find the ones that you like to use, enjoy using, and use them effectively, leading to success.

If you like to write music, enjoy it, but it hasn’t lead to success. Then writing music is not one of your portable skills that you want to base your life on. Continue reading “How the missing Sight capacity relegates you to…”

A holographic approach to attitude adjustment

A holographic approach to attitude adjustment

attitude-quotes-1Attitude, the most misunderstood word in the world…

In this article we’ll take a holographic approach to attitude adjustment.

By the way, that word, approach, is another word for attitude. Approach is a physical, kinesthetic word. You can approach something timidly, bravely, unconsciously, sideways, cautiously, and having the body posture of the boss… superior. A thousand different ways. Continue reading “A holographic approach to attitude adjustment”

Distinctions and what you don’t know that you don’t know

Distinctions and what you don’t know that you don’t know
What is missing is always in your blind spot.

Distinctions shed light on your blind spot. They point to what you didn’t know that you didn’t know.

You may have a thousand things you have and you know. But what points out the what’s missing is what is not there but should be.

And it’s not there because you probably don’t know it should be… Continue reading “Distinctions and what you don’t know that you don’t know”