The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training

Just one more thing: the cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training…And you cannot become cause without training either…So if you think DNA activation by itself will make you a human being, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Even though you’ll have the capacity… and now with the 14 second audio you do, you still need TRAINING in … Continue reading “The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training”

Have you bidded yet on the tiny audio to adjust your DNA?

Yesterday’s article and the idea of letting people bid on the DNA adjusting tiny audio has been very interesting.I don’t know what I was expecting.People bidded? bade? very consistently with how much value they lay on a life that they can love and live powerfully.Isn’t the life you love invaluable? Maybe.

Is transformation possible without causing transformation?

Responsibility isn’t only having caused, it is also I am causing, I will cause…This is what is missing, and I just caught it.Even people, outside the 1000, NEVER cause ANYTHING… even if they have the responsibility capacity on to some degree.That is the ONLY DIFFERENCE between the eight billion and the 1000…

Return to sanity. Get out of your head and live in reality

‘The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.’Return to sanity? What sanity? Isn’t everything, including ourselves getting … Continue reading “Return to sanity. Get out of your head and live in reality”

Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do

If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.If you can dream it, you can become itBelieve it and you canLots of inspirational quotes say the same thing, so today we’ll examine what is the truth about this whole seeing/doing, seeing/being thing.I won’t say bullshit on these, although this time yesterday I would have. And … Continue reading “Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do”

How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that

Today I got struck with an insight.I have written 613 articles on building, that is roughly 10% of all my articles, and yet I have noticed that building didn’t, hasn’t become part of the vocabulary of clients and readers of my articles.Why is that?I am not sure, but I think that it is a mindset … Continue reading “How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that”

Are dogs happy? Are cats happy? Are humans happy?

I woke up this morning. Felt a sore throat. I started to get dressed. Put on my socks, my thick padded pants, and… went back to bed.I slept a little, pondered a little during that hour.I am reading a book by Neal Stephenson (Termination Shock) that is dealing with global warming. It is a tome… … Continue reading “Are dogs happy? Are cats happy? Are humans happy?”

How bad do you want it? Not that bad, I see!

I have a workshop I give occasionally. (What’s missing) In all honesty, I stole it from Landmark Education, and yet I consider it my own.In that workshop there is a moment of drama. Drama that opens your eyes wide, and you are mortified by seeing who you are, and how you are.

What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT

What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is the EFFORT it takes to break out of the cocoon.My best selling product is called Effortless Abundance.The best selling products are gadgets… gadgets that make everything effortless… because you don’t want any effort.You are, through and through, part of the eight billion. And you are not happy.If … Continue reading “What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT”

Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?

I am pretty tolerant. In some ways I am really easy going… Except…My soul correction (34) has a big issue with trusting… and I have a really big problem with trusting if and when you are trying to pull one on me… pull the wool over my eyes, try to fake me out… how many … Continue reading “Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?”