Who is Responsible? Or How To Increase Your Personal Power… Raise Your Vibration, Improve Your Health… etc.

cantaloupe or who is responsible?One of the things that show the level of your intelligence is how much of your power you give away. Or keep for yourself and use it for what you need to do…

We, humans, are really good at playing the “blame game.”

We, humans, are really good at playing the “blame game.” That, combined with the other favorite, “suddenly,” is really lethal.

I don’t have a TV, I don’t read the newspaper, but can’t avoid getting glimpses of “big news,” like the cantaloupes that killed.

Let’s look beyond where the news (and probably you) stopped: what is the assumption that killed here?

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The secret to raising your vibration: to grow, unstoppably

This article is not for everyone. If you are the type of person who reads, and nods, and starts to read the next article, this article is not for you.

This method, the secret method to raise your vibration is the hardest thing you’ll ever have to do in your life. No wonder that the vibration of all of humanity is going down steadily, including yours. Only a handful of people even contemplate this method. Why? You’ll find out. Continue reading “The secret to raising your vibration: to grow, unstoppably”

Grow like a tree! Inside where it matters…

growing-like-a-treeI got an insight in how you think through an email interaction with a client of mine.

She thanked me for talking to her. Something didn’t sit well with me about that, so I answered:

By the way, if I were you, and someone did what I do with you, then this is what I would say
Thank you for seeing me as someone who can grow, even when I don’t see it.
Thank you for being there so I can grow and I can grow fast
Thank you for holding the space for me to be all I can be.
Continue reading “Grow like a tree! Inside where it matters…”

What or who prevents you from growing? And how?

Never+love+anybody+who+treats+The seed or nuclear unit of “society” is family, or more precisely, marriage. Nucleus means “core”.

Everything that society doesn’t bear you to be, doesn’t tolerate you to be, is also intolerable in marriage, even in a relationship.

What is a relationship?
Continue reading “What or who prevents you from growing? And how?”

So you want to become a healer?

healing handsEnergy Healing, Energy Healers

People want to become healers. It is all ego, pride, a way to go around doing their own spiritual work.

Thousands upon thousands search to become Reiki “Masters”… they are not a master in anything, barely can tie their shoe laces, but they are Reiki Masters. Yeah, right.

It’s the best racket of our age:wave your arms, and get paid. No one can see energy, no one can measure energy, and only a very small percentage of people can feel energy. And when they don’t… it is their fault, isn’t it?
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Wanting to help? Don’t get hooked and pulled off your path

help wanted. inquire withinA friend of mine called me this morning. He reported that on Channel 5 they are selling audios like mine. I got hooked.

I said: “Not audios like mine! audios sounding like mine… Those audios are just sound, no energy!” actually I shouted it.

But he had a different agenda, he just needed a foot in the door… But for that he needed to pull me out of my equilibrium, my harmony… like make me stand on one foot, or rub my tummy circularly with one hand and hit my head… near impossible.
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The tragedy of marriage

quote-the-tragedy-of-marriage-is-that-while-all-women-marry-thinking-that-their-man-will-change-all-men-len-deighton-223490The tragedy of marriage is that women think that man will change, but they won’t. Men think the woman won’t change but they do.

I heard this sentence yesterday on Netflix. I immediately had to write it down. Just like I wrote down a previous sentence, that I loved: I fit into that crowd like a fart in a crowded elevator.
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Carol Tuttle bio and Dr. Eben Alexander bio… A guru’s bio: any of it is true?

selling with a story: your bioIn another article I wrote about the importance of the “story”.

Because the customer, the buyer, the client, can relate to a story, a well crafted story sells you and sells your business. Why? Because the story appeals to the emotional, hypnotizeable part of the brain… People buy into the story, and if the story was true, then all is good. If the story was a lie, then only the people who have a religious bent will stay, the rest leave, or cry bloody murder.

In personal development, spirituality, we mostly deal with the beyond, what is beyond people’s conscious awareness, what mostly cannot be tracked, measured, documented, or even agreed upon.
Continue reading “Carol Tuttle bio and Dr. Eben Alexander bio… A guru’s bio: any of it is true?”

Fear of death

threatened-gunYesterday, in the Playground session, we spoke about the fear of death.

“They” say all fear is fear of death. I am not afraid of death. I have faced death several times. Some of the times it was because I was ill. Many of the times I did it to meet death, to make friends with death. And even more often I faced death to get beyond it. To get where only through death you can get.
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Carol Tuttle — more reviews

carol-tuttle-chakras-balancedMindValley is coming out with a new course, by Carol Tuttle. I don’t know Carol Tuttle… but I want to make sure I know how to advise my readers, my students, my clients… should they spend their money and their time with this course.

Of course the course is about making more money. Of course that is the answer to all misery: if you had money you would be happier… bah humbug. You would be just as miserable, with bragging rights.

But apart from that, a core issue, you want to fix your outside, your circumstances, so you can be well on the inside… utterly backwards, I want to be able to see the methodology without having to buy the course myself.
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