What you call things matter more than you know

What you call things matter more than you know

Just from this morning’s ‘crop’…

I woke up with the alarm. At 4 am… Then I fell back to sleep. I said: ‘oops, it is late!‘ and the whole world was now witness to me being a slacker whose word you can’t count on.

I made myself a cup of Tetley’s British Blend tea.

I am testing not using sweetener. My body is covered in hives…

Continue reading “What you call things matter more than you know”

We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional

We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional
We are in the midst of the Drink your food challenge.

I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t know what will happen… what spiritual, what intellectual, what personality issues will be driven up.

Here is what I am getting: people find themselves in the GAP. The gap between who they think they are, and who they are proven to be by the challenge.

This article from 2018 will shed a lot of light on what’s going on. Continue reading “We all have multiple personalities… One is delusional”

What is different between the driver and a passenger?

What is different between the driver and a passenger?

What is different between the driver and a passenger of a car?

Now, you could say that their actions, but you would be both right and wrong…

The real difference is between the language they use.

The driver calls the shot… While the passenger goes wherever the driver takes them… and at best they can grovel.

I’d like to, I want to, I need to, I should. I will. Continue reading “What is different between the driver and a passenger?”

Becoming. A change of state through increase…

Becoming. A change of state through increase…

Water becomes vapor. A species becomes sentient. A person becomes a Man.

But the ‘gurus’ say: you are already god. You are already perfect.

Why? To stop you from becoming. To stop you from putting in the effort to actually become someone you can love.

The language is to blame… And, of course, the crab bucket. Continue reading “Becoming. A change of state through increase…”

People, language, conspire to keep you off the path

People, language, conspire to keep you off the path

I am re-reading the book Chop Wood Carry Water.

It’s a 3-hour read at my slow reading speed.

It is a veritable storehouse of all ‘mind bugs’…

You can use the book as a coach… by the way.

So let’s say you are bummed out. Discouraged. Down on yourself. ‘I am never going to succeed!’ says the little voice. Continue reading “People, language, conspire to keep you off the path”

Success doesn’t teach anything. Failure does…

Success doesn’t teach anything. Failure does…

Success doesn’t teach anything. Failure does…

But only if learning is welcome. Failure is deemed both wrong and unnecessary by today’s man.

Let’s look first what is the meaning of success and what is the meaning of failure, so we have the same picture of what we are looking at. Continue reading “Success doesn’t teach anything. Failure does…”

Why is winning harder than losing? Don’t say ‘of course!’

Why is winning harder than losing? Don’t say ‘of course!’
Why is winning harder that losing? And don’t say ‘of course!’

Even when I don’t think there is anything further to see… I find out: there is.

I have said before, but I don’t think anyone heard it.

The most EFFECTIVE way to deal with reality is dealing with things how they are and how they aren’t.

People, things, events.

Easier said than done. Continue reading “Why is winning harder than losing? Don’t say ‘of course!’”

What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?

What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?

I wrote about the Baby genes yesterday… The two entitlements genes that were supposed to turn off, one at age 3, the other around age 6.

Thinking that it is an end point would be a mistake.

A bunch of people paid me to disable the baby genes for them, some paid me for the second time. And I was left with a sense of ‘it is not over till the fat lady sings‘ and the fat lady hasn’t sung yet.

So in this article I am continuing this whole entitlement issue… and look to see what’s underneath it… Continue reading “What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?”

You are not the arbiter of the Universe… Disappointed?

You are not the arbiter of the Universe… Disappointed?

You are not the arbiter of the Universe

It’s hard to know if you still have the baby genes working, even though you are an adult.

Here is one of the ways you know:

This is one of the things I have recently found out about the entitlement genes: They say: you have the right to call things wrong and then they ARE wrong. Continue reading “You are not the arbiter of the Universe… Disappointed?”

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable
Just like the front and the back of the hand, being and action are distinct yet inseparable. WernerCorrecting the language

This article tries to explain something I heard 30 years ago, and it took, till today to understand. So it’s not easy, but it has the answer to the question in the title, and it has the key you’ve been looking for, though you didn’t know what exactly you were looking for.

The reason you are unhappy, lonely, and afraid because language directly leads there. Continue reading “Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable”