A misunderstanding that clips a lot of people’s wings

There is a misunderstanding of how things work that clips a lot of people’s wings.It comes from the ‘goalsetting culture’ that has proven itself a misery-maker. Being motivated with what you want…You commit to a result.But results are outside of your power. They will either happen if you do the right steps or they won’t.Life … Continue reading “A misunderstanding that clips a lot of people’s wings”

What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

Panem et circenses. That is Bread and circuses… in Latin, the language of ancient Rome.Give the masses bread and circus (entertainment) and they won’t look at what you do on the top. Superficial appeasement.

Why can the 1% do what you can’t do? And how could you?

In my site’s statistics, it is readily apparent that 70% of all visitors to my site are brand new, and have never visited before. They come from some old article, and have no idea about the scope of the work that is delivered here.Most of the visitors are interested in finding out their eating style… … Continue reading “Why can the 1% do what you can’t do? And how could you?”

Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?

All humans are all born with a full DNA tree, like a ‘Christmas tree’ loaded with ornaments. Ornaments are the DNA capacities. Some of those capacities light up, they are active, most of those don’t light up. They are inactive or dormant.DNA capacities? what is a DNA capacity?Capacities are like abilities. In vocational testing, they … Continue reading “Does activating DNA capacities cause an epigenetic shift?”

Validation: The Fastest Way To Raise Your Vibration.

As we are embarking on another 30-day challenge to activate seeing in reality… I change the focus and therefore the process, but want to achieve the same thing: accuracy, astuteness, intelligence… in seeing what is in reality and have accurate, astute and intelligent responses in return.Because, as weird as it sounds, the best the collective … Continue reading “Validation: The Fastest Way To Raise Your Vibration.”

What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation?

What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation? What else can be activated? What changes when it is activated?I wrote this article in 2015-ish. This article expressed a turning point in my work… read it fully if you can.Some of you may wonder why I am not starting the new Second Phase Activators course… … Continue reading “What is an ability activator, what is capacity activation?”

How to get out of your mind into reality where life happens?

Or how to unite your two selves so you can stop hating yourself, punishing yourself, and be happy inside and outI had an insight this morning. I saw that every health issue I have ever had came from some idea, some thought, some teaching, not from my body.Until age nine I was skinny. Then at … Continue reading “How to get out of your mind into reality where life happens?”

More health knowledge… I’ve learned the hard way

You eat what you are, you crave what you areEvery plant, every animal contains toxins that it developed to protect itself from being eaten and extinguished… The selfish gene makes sure of that.Your body, ancestrally, developed a liking and a tolerance to certain foods… that allowed it to survive.

Vibrational frequency: what does it mean, how do you raise it, how do you measure it, and why?

Vibrational frequency: is it really frequency? Is it really vibration?I don’t know who invented the idea that there is such a thing “vibrational frequency”, and it is a good idea if it is high.I know, I know, even my site’s address says yourvibration.com… but between you and me, the idea that you should have a … Continue reading “Vibrational frequency: what does it mean, how do you raise it, how do you measure it, and why?”

The Detached capacity: Gateway to heaven

The Detached capacity is the gateway to heaven… and also the gatekeeper to heaven. All ways to heaven, to higher functioning, to human beingness lead through this capacity…It’s very interesting: whenever I start a new course, or a workshop, suddenly everyone gets quiet.They are waiting for the other shoe to drop. What shoe? lol… so … Continue reading “The Detached capacity: Gateway to heaven”