What’s the difference between a lake and a person? Can you guess?

 What’s the difference between a lake and a person? Can you guess?Harold and Maude (Hal Ashby; 1971) “It’s best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life.Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you’re bound to live life fully.”As you may have read in another article, last … Continue reading “What’s the difference between a lake and a person? Can you guess?”

The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?

The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?Imagine yourself having a hammer, walking about in the world… you would have that hammer handy all the time, like a carpenter.How would the world occur to you?If you hadn’t gone into your head for an answer, you would have said: hey, I would be looking … Continue reading “The Hammer And The Nail, Or What Is A Pattern-Interrupt?”

The Shortest Way to Enlightenment, Ascension

I have said it. I have repeated it. And I’ll say it till my face gets blue, until you all hear it!You cannot do anything meaningful in life, you cannot get happy, fulfilled, satisfied, have a great relationship, or earn enough money to feel prosperous by doing the stuff that would seem the logical choice: … Continue reading “The Shortest Way to Enlightenment, Ascension”