Hijacking the conversation… inside and outside

When I owned the magazine I published for 10 years, I was looking to hire an assistant.One of the test assignments I gave to the applicant is to sort the stuff in a junk drawer. I gave them no pointers… it was a big drawer, a lot of things to sort.Every single applicant failed to … Continue reading “Hijacking the conversation… inside and outside”

Meaningful life is what you want? Let’s see how you can get that…

People who have meaningful work, want to work more… they work willingly, study willingly, grow willingly. What could you do to steal meaning into your life? So you can have a meaningful life? The new year is coming. It is customary to make inventory, and to set direction for the new year around this time … Continue reading “Meaningful life is what you want? Let’s see how you can get that…”

If it sounds true, it is probably false. If it sounds not true: it is possibly how it is…

I watched something yesterday that allowed me to have a new insight about the Irish. Note: this is not about the Irish, and not about the Italian, and not about the Chinese… This article is to allow you a glimpse into the dynamic of war, vengeance, the eye for an eye…The more temperamental a group … Continue reading “If it sounds true, it is probably false. If it sounds not true: it is possibly how it is…”

How superiority blocks you from growing. Are you perceptive?

I do a lot of “work” that doesn’t look like work.For example, asking the question: Is being perceptive a capacity?It turns out that it is. It is on a scale of one to 100… very perceptive, somewhat perceptive, not perceptive.Cats are not perceptive. Partially because their eyes are calibrated to only notice movement. A non-moving … Continue reading “How superiority blocks you from growing. Are you perceptive?”

Can you feel energy? I mean you, personally.

When I put the word “energy” into the search box on google, most listings are about electricity, and the rest are about woo woo sites.People still don’t understand energy. Why? Because our receptors for energy are not differentiated enough, and not connected to the conscious mind enough for us to have more words… and without … Continue reading “Can you feel energy? I mean you, personally.”

Should you read Kabbalah? I mean popular Kabbalah, Kabbalah the way the Kabbalah Centre teaches it

Kabbalah the way the Kabbalah Centre teaches it: Truth value: 10%If you take out god, and incarnation, karma, law of attraction, etc., all the religious connotations: 19%Compare the 19%Compare it with the Old Testament: Truth value less than 1%Compare it with the New Testament: Truth value less than 1%Compare it with The Law of Attraction: … Continue reading “Should you read Kabbalah? I mean popular Kabbalah, Kabbalah the way the Kabbalah Centre teaches it”

One principle of becoming a Human Being, that if you miss this, you’ll never raise your vibration

What is the difference between a worker and a manager?What is the difference between the leader and a manager?What is the difference between leading your life and managing your life?What is the difference between working in your business and working ON your business?The answer to all of these question is: the position from where the … Continue reading “One principle of becoming a Human Being, that if you miss this, you’ll never raise your vibration”

True Empath

There are empaths and there is True Empath. What is the difference? An empath can feel others feelings. Mostly they feel them mixed with their own. An empath is able to tell feelings apart, but their relationship to empathy is being a victim of it. I will not talk about the people who claim to … Continue reading “True Empath”

Social Evolution… what level of evolution is your ethnicity at?

I am reading my n-th book on Genghis Khan and the Mongols. I don’t know how many thousands of pages… this book is about 2,000 pages: I am now used to reading really long books: Kindle makes it weightless.There is something about Genghis Khan that talks to me. He was a great innovator and a … Continue reading “Social Evolution… what level of evolution is your ethnicity at?”

What did Genghis Khan do to raise his people’s IQ?

What did Genghis Khan, the greatest conqueror in history do to raise his people’s IQ?I have been reading about the Mongols, the nomadic people that occupied lands and people in the 13th century, from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea, in the 13th Century under Genghis Khan.99% of those Mongols didn’t read, didn’t write. … Continue reading “What did Genghis Khan do to raise his people’s IQ?”