Just because you have been waiting so patiently

Just because you have been waiting so patiently

I am feeling almost the same way I felt two weeks ago.

I have decide to give you the recording of a call I had with a student of mine earlier today.

you can find out what’s going on… and I also do a little bit of teaching.


What is MY Tikkun? Tikkun is your soul correction. Kabbalah

Originally posted 2008-09-16 11:30:07.

What is MY Tikkun? Tikkun is your soul correction. Kabbalah

Tikkun is soul correction.

Why does the soul need correction?

Because the original vessel that became the souls of humanity was created for pure receiving. And although it was ‘infected’ with the desire to receive for the sake of sharing, its base and original nature is desire to receive for the self alone.

Each soul correction aka Tikkun has a different way of desire to receive for the self alone…

With that said: your Tikkun is your soul correction.

My tikkun, my soul-correction is ‘Forget Thyself.’ That is #34. You get to the soul correction number through adding up the individual digits of your date of birth. It will be a two digit number…

Ultimately, we could guess that soul correction is a Kabbalistic numerology guided phenomenon. Continue reading “What is MY Tikkun? Tikkun is your soul correction. Kabbalah”

Satan? Ego? Useful or Faulty Design? Do names matter?

Originally posted 2008-09-16 11:30:07.

Satan? Ego? Useful or Faulty Design? Do names matter?

I have been observing myself as a spiritual practice. Trying to ‘remember myself’ as Gurjieff would say it, call upon the ‘witness’ or ‘observer’. Be awake. Either way, I have noticed something interesting about myself: see if you can relate.

I am in front of my computer* (where I spend most of my day). I encounter something that requires the slightest push on my end. I see myself automatically going to the computer game of my choice, Freecell. Continue reading “Satan? Ego? Useful or Faulty Design? Do names matter?”

The Spiritual Rules of Engagement… a book and what works

Originally posted 2008-09-15 11:30:07.

The Spiritual Rules of Engagement… a book and what works

If you can only read one book in your whole life, read this book. Especially if you are a woman. But it can be very fundamentally revolutionary for a man as well, except I am not a man, so I can only guess.

I bought this book, The Spiritual Laws of Engagement

The Spiritual Rules of Engagement: How Kabbalah Can Help Your Soul Mate Find You together with the Nano: Technology of Mind over Matter.

Characteristically, to me, as soon as I got it, I did not want to read the ‘Engagement’ book. I didn’t want to be engaged, i didn’t believe I can attract my soul mate, so why bother. So I lent it to Sandy, my neighbor, she is 38 or so, single, and desperate. Not me, no siree. Continue reading “The Spiritual Rules of Engagement… a book and what works”

What is Kabbalah and Why Should You Care?

Originally posted 2008-08-02 11:30:07.

What is Kabbalah and Why Should You Care?

Imagine that you got yourself a car without a user’s manual. Or a computer. And there would be no person that you know that even knows what they are about… these items would rust, collect dust, be in the way… instead of giving you the power to quickly get from one place to the other, or to solve seemingly impossible problems, communicate to millions with your computer.

This is exactly the situation with regards to life on Earth, with regards to human beings.

Billions of people wonder, daily, why they are here, and what they are supposed to do. Are you one of them? I sure am and have been.

Billions of people wonder why life isn’t working the way it is supposed to work… because somehow we KNOW that life is supposed to be satisfying, joyous, and full of light and love and pleasure.

What if there were a User’s Manual, and it were being “translated” little by little, so every human being that is interested in “riding the horse in the direction it’s going” could figure out which direction the horse is going. Because with life it is not that easy: even though the smell (life stinks) gives us clues… but life is ultimately more complicated that riding a horse. Continue reading “What is Kabbalah and Why Should You Care?”

Kabbalah String aka Red String… and the Evil Eye

Originally posted 2008-08-02 11:30:07.

Kabbalah String aka Red String… and the Evil Eye

kabbalah string red stringThis blog (on Kabbalah) is new, and I decided to look for a logo image for it. A picture of a left wrist with the famous red string around it felt like an excellent idea.

So I went on Google and searched for ‘Kabbalah String.’ What a mistake. First off, there were 420 thousand pages listed. Intimidating. Second: most of those sites are hellbent at throwing dirt, venom, spit, at Kabbalah, and everything that has anything to do with Kabbalah. They call it a religion: it is not. They call it a cult: it is not.

all signs of the evil eye

I resisted being sucked into …
Continue reading “Kabbalah String aka Red String… and the Evil Eye”

Who am I and what gives me the right to write about Kabbalah

Originally posted 2008-07-30 11:30:07.

Who am I and what gives me the right to write about Kabbalah

kabbalahchick is Sophie Benshitta, aka Maven SophieGood question, right? You were just about asking that… Gotcha!

OK, simple question, simple answer.

First I tell you what I am not:

  • I am not a Kabbalist. Kabbalists study, practice, and teach Kabbalah full time, for many many years. It could be even said that being a Kabbalist is like an insider… you need to be appointed.
  • I am not a teacher of Kabbalah
  • I am not a guru
  • I am not someone who knows a lot about Kabbalah but doesn’t live it.

OK, then what am I? Continue reading “Who am I and what gives me the right to write about Kabbalah”

Kabbalahchick hello post: welcome to my blog

Originally posted 2008-07-28 10:53:01.

Kabbalahchick hello post: welcome to my blog

overcoming scarcity mentality scarcity mindset vs abundance mindset scarcity mentality relationships what is scarcity mindset abundance vs scarcity 7 habits scarcity mentality definition scarcity mindset definition scarcity psychology definitionWelcome to my Kabbalahchick blog.

When I say, hello world, I mean the 1%. Malchut. Where you and I locate ourselves, what you and I consider the whole world. the visible, the tangible, the perceivable, the measurable, the world of scarcity and therefore the world of scarcity thinking, scarcity mindset.

Kabbalah says that this world, the world of matter, the world of thoughts and words, is only 1% of all reality. The rest, the 99% reality is the world of unlimited possibilities, the world of unending fulfillment, light, and pleasure. Much like the Christian bible describes heaven.

In the 1%, the world of scarcity, human beings live in scarcity thinking. Some people seem to be different: they treat the world as their oyster, and lo and behold, the world complies.

In this blog we are (you and I) will explore what it takes to receive more of what is coming to us, more light, more fulfillment, more pleasure, lasting and deeply satisfying… not like the pleasure of a candy bar or a glee of winning an argument.

I would like to cause a conversation, a dialog, where you, the reader is a participant.

No elbow room, no freedom to be… that is the ditch

No elbow room, no freedom to be… that is the ditch

We all live in a ditch-like space that gets deeper and maybe even narrower as we go along.

A ditch is like a tunnel except that it is open to the sky.

People don’t know they live in a ditch. Why? Because all they know is the ditch. It becomes everything because the only thing that would distinguish the ditch is ‘not-ditch’. But because a person in a ditch can only see what is in the ditch and the dirt that is its wall, ditch can’t be distinguished from the inside of it.

My job, in this article, is to cause you to SEE, aka distinguish your ditch so you can have more than just that in your life. Continue reading “No elbow room, no freedom to be… that is the ditch”

Who Were My Teachers in Transformation and Mindset… ?

Originally posted 2007-11-20 07:26:31.

Well, this could be a real long article, even a book.

I won’t go there! writing a book is way too long for my ADHD personality.

But there is one teacher, who I admire, Colin Wilson (of ‘Outsider’ and ‘The Mind Parasite’ fame, who wrote a book, ‘The Books In My Life’ where he strung about 15 essays into a book, and I learned more from the writers he speaks of than I would have learned, had I read the original books. Continue reading “Who Were My Teachers in Transformation and Mindset… ?”