Prophetic Conversation With God About 2012

Originally posted 2011-07-01 15:48:12.

2012 prophecy?

2012 Prophecy? WTF?


You know that I talk to God every day… It is not your usual one-way conversation, not like a monolog.

God answers. God talks. God laughs. It’s fun.

You know that I have developed this technology to activate your dormant circuits, activate your divine blueprint, raise your vibration… Oh, that? So far even my friends don’t want it. They test it, out of love and respect for me, not because they want it. Once they get it they love it.

Sai Baba said: “Give them what they want so you can give them what you have for them.” He said that to explain why he was doing those circus-act-like miracles, the ash, etc. Even the healings.

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Vibrational Review: Quantum Thought Shifting With Pam Ragland

Originally posted 2011-07-01 15:03:26.

Pam Ragland Quantum Thought Shifting Update 1/14/2012

Vibrational Review: updated on 3/15/2015

Pam Ragland personal vibration: 295 re-measured on April 27, 2014: vibration is 200 3/15/2015: 170
quantum thought shifting methodology: 200
truth value of teaching: 2%

Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Quantum Thought Shifting With Pam Ragland”

Vibrational Review: Holosync

Originally posted 2011-06-30 15:03:21.

bill harris holosync meditation

Bill Harris personal vibration: 210 (3/15/15) has risen since I first measured it
Holosync free disc (efficacy): 7% (200 vibration). But it does a particular job really well… it wakes up the brain that it is not in touch with reality…
Holosync whole program truth value: 2%
Holosync as methodology and theory for self-growth: truth value: 7%

Holosync is a mechanical operation, a lot like breathing, that may leave you with permanent improvement of your machine, your brain.
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Case Study #8: Radical Undoing and other breathing programs

Originally posted 2011-06-29 15:03:23.

Controlled breathing changes your physiology. It can help calm you down, clear your mind, and change the brain wave frequency both during and shortly after the breathing exercise.

Controlled breathing changes your physiology. It can help calm you down, clear your mind, and change the brain wave frequency both during and shortly after the breathing exercise.

It is like flossing: it doesn’t effect you permanently, and it does not effect the unconscious. It is a great practice, and I recommend it to anyone.
Continue reading “Case Study #8: Radical Undoing and other breathing programs”

Attunement Or Activation? An Idea Whose Time Has Come… Not yet

Originally posted 2011-06-28 16:45:36.


Attunement or activation?

People who are familiar with energy healing ask me if my activator downloads are the same as an attunement.

I had to do some research, because, though I have been attuned a few times, with Omega Shakti System energies, and Reiki, I didn’t know what really happened.

That’s quite normal. I notice that people who get the activator downloads don’t quite know what hit them… lol

Here is a page from the Omega Shakti Systems site spelling out what attunement is:

What Attunements Are

hot hands of attunement An attunement works with the subtle energy pathways of the body. It uses the nadis and the specific five filaments of the nadis like a wiring schematic. It also uses brain waves, yours and mine, the electrical energy produced by the heart, and something akin to prayer. Because of the way the attunement is diagrammed and the way you and I are wired, it pulls out of that energy conglomerate described before exactly what is needed. It creates certain “currents” that will help heal the body’s tissue, the heart’s emotions, and the mind’s turbulence.

That’s the easy part to understand because it deals with natural science, and the physics of it. More difficult to understand is the mystical component that I won’t deny exists. It is difficult to explain, but really easy to experience, time and time again. Experiencing these consistently replicatable experiences is what convinced this skeptic, otherwise I wouldn’t have been doing this work for a couple of decades now. There is a sacred Majesty to the process – done right.

An attunement is a procedure derived from unimaginably ancient methods that have worked, like acupuncture and Qi Gong, for thousands of years.

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Case Study #7: Theta Healing as a healing modality

Originally posted 2011-06-28 15:03:18.

Case Study #7: Theta Healing as a healing modality

logarithmic scale of consciousness created by David Hawkins Vibrational Review 1/14/2012

This review was written almost six months ago: since then much has changed for me.

Vianna personal vibration: 570 Update 10/7/2013: 170… wow. Update 2/22/2021: 100
Theta Healing methodology of healing: 7%
Teaches to connect effectively: no

Theta Healing is ‘Da Bomb.’

Of all the modalities I have tested and measured and used, this is the one that can actually connect YOU to the Creator, which means, it is up to you to what level of vibration you are willing to go. No go-between, no guru to follow, no trips to spirit and entity land, no animal spirits… no, you connect to the Creator, and you experience going home.

The modality vibrates near 800 160, because it doesn’t put anything between you and the Creator, not even itself. The originator, Vianna Stibal, who could have played the usual game, where she puts herself in the way, like a gatekeeper, completely gives the method away: I learned it from her $20 book I bought on

The same cannot be said about its practitioners.

Continue reading “Case Study #7: Theta Healing as a healing modality”

Vibrational Review: The Healing Codes

Originally posted 2011-06-27 15:03:34.

Vibrational Review:  The Healing Codes

Vibrational Review 1/12/2012

Updated 3/14/2015

Dr Alex Loyd personal vibration: 210
The methodology: 200
the company: 200
truth value: 13%. Why is it so low? Because

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Case Study #5: The Kabbalah Centre… red string, kabbalah

Originally posted 2011-06-26 13:25:19.

Case Study #5: The Kabbalah Centre… red string, kabbalah

In this article I intend to show that all man-made disciplines separate you from the Creator. This is true for Kabbalah as well. Though I love Kabbalah, and can thank a lot to Kabbalah… if delivers itself as a go-between, that reduces the risk of the Original Design.
Seven years ago, right after my incident with the free holosync cd, my friend Nancy called me to join her at Barnes and Noble.

When Nancy calls I jump. She has never driven me astray. Continue reading “Case Study #5: The Kabbalah Centre… red string, kabbalah”

Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs

Originally posted 2011-06-25 13:04:23.

Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs

Werner Erhard, founder of est and the original source of Landmark EducationI first participated in what is now called Landmark Education back in 1985, the last weekend of August, in Haifa Israel.

I lived in an immigration hostel, I worked as an architect and town planner in Jerusalem and I was miserable.

In quick succession two Russian immigrants killed themselves: I knew and liked them both. One of them was so determined that she manage to hang herself from the window bars, even though the window sill was only about 20 inches… Knee high.

I was going to be next. Except that someone invited me to something on a Wednesday evening.

Continue reading “Case Study #4: Landmark Education and its programs”

Defending Your Life Movie Illustrating Raising Your Vibration

Originally posted 2011-06-25 09:03:24.

Defending Your Life and higher vibrationDefending Your Life

This is a review of the movie, Defending Your Life, from the point of view of raising your vibration.

How does higher vibration look to you if it is your own higher vibration? How would you know? What would the world look like?

These are the questions I attempt to answer in this article.

In my conversation with Nancy I said “little brains” and I would like to say where it came from… in some way say, that I didn’t mean what it implies, I was quoting from a movie.

The movie, Defending Your Life from 1991, is a movie by Albert Brooks, starring himself and Meryl Streep. It’s a comedy, and it’s wonderful.

The synopsis of Defending Your Life is interesting: Our hero, Albert Brooks, quite a knucklehead, dies of a driving mistake.

He finds himself alive on a bus with other people, who, it turns out, also died that same day.

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