Empty The Future or else the undertow will wiiiiii

I read this article ten years ago… and saved it. The truth value is somewhat ‘high’… 10%… the average article has only 7% truth value on the internet.I’ll put the article in the footnotes… so you can read it…What is true in that article? the concept that you need to remove everything that is in … Continue reading “Empty The Future or else the undertow will wiiiiii”

Why Shackleton’s famous ad was a lie

A course really begins when you sign up to itAny course, any journey… A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step… says the Chinese proverb. If it doesn’t terrify you, then it will not be significant… then it will be just a walk in the park…The guidance the Universe has for you … Continue reading “Why Shackleton’s famous ad was a lie”

Inner Authority… What is it? A superpower?

Inner Authority… What is it? A superpower?Or is it fake certainty? Is it even something that can be taught? Activated?In this article I’ll give you a few ways Inner Authority can work, and Inner Authority could change your life… if you had it.Oops…You have it… but it is like a superpower that you don’t even … Continue reading “Inner Authority… What is it? A superpower?”

Reality? Collective hunch at best… at the very best

One person who I often trust sent me an email with a link to a video. Must watch, he said.I watched, so far, an hour and 20 minutes… I rarely can tolerate anything longer.Then I read the comments… and was (was I really?) surprised, appalled, and then confused by the comments.The video was a lecture … Continue reading “Reality? Collective hunch at best… at the very best”

The path to plenty is not more… it’s pruning

Mercilessly pruning, mercilessly weeding… this is the counter-intuitive path to plenty.Everyone thinks, and it is natural to think that, that if they could add this and that to their lives, then they could be happy, healthy and wise…Whether it is a sharper brain, whether it is a supportive family, whether it is more education, more … Continue reading “The path to plenty is not more… it’s pruning”

Can you tell when you are lied-to, when someone is fibbing?

Are you being lied-to?I get guidance. I ‘obey’ guidance.Guidance is not a full blown sentence, just a nudge. And often it is so that what I am supposed to see is down many days, many weeks, and I need to trust. I am supposed to do what the guidance says I am to do. Do … Continue reading “Can you tell when you are lied-to, when someone is fibbing?”

How is responsibility the key to power? Real power…

As usual, I am going to take the scenic route… I hope you’ll walk it with me, and get the enormous power of responsibility in causing yourself to have a life you can love.Let’s start with looking at the word: MentalityThe word mentality is a lot similar to attitude, but while attitude is emotional, mentality … Continue reading “How is responsibility the key to power? Real power…”

The constructive use of the proverbial hammer…

The proverbial hammer? The law of the instrument, law of the hammer, Abraham Maslow’s hammer is a cognitive bias that involves an over-reliance on a familiar tool. As Abraham Maslow said in 1966, ‘I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a … Continue reading “The constructive use of the proverbial hammer…”

You cannot get the motivation to go from 0 to 1? Stuck?

Preamble: society, to confuse you, makes the words motivation, ambition, desire, greed mean different things… and that is how society controls your mind. By sawing confusion… get clear.It takes energy to get anything done. Even to lose weight. Even to sleep… to sleep well. Getting that everything needs energy and that energy can get weakened, … Continue reading “You cannot get the motivation to go from 0 to 1? Stuck?”

How to get transformed into happy and fulfilled by simply reading articles?

If you could be transformed through reading articles, you’d be a unique and incredibly special human. this article is about how to become that special humanIf you look through my site, I have more than 4000 articles. All meaty, full of information, 99.99% Tree of Life… my personal knowledge.All free and all teaching you to … Continue reading “How to get transformed into happy and fulfilled by simply reading articles?”