What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?

What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?

One of the biggest difficulties in raising your vibration, raising your consciousness, is your vocabulary. Connecting it to your life.

Unless you know what being, how, who words really really really mean, your vibration cannot rise. Your vocabulary makes you not just live in the world, but be OF THE WORLD… i.e. have the consciousness, awareness, attitude and vibration of the world… which is, at this point, has hit an all time low.

So I continue writing about your one thing…

…the one thing that can 10x your results and make everything else easier or not necessary.

Continue reading “What makes Keanu Reeves someone you’d want to learn from?”

The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing

The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing
The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing…

But do you even know, have you even decided what is the MAIN THING?

The internet is full of articles by people who know exactly how to solve the other guy’s problems. They do this with how to do this or that in 3-7 steps articles and books… but they are all wrong, and those ‘solutions’ are not solutions at all. Continue reading “The main thing is keeping the main thing the main thing”