The puzzle that is called “human”. Your theory matters…

Humans are an unpredictable mystery, and therefore have given rise to many many theories.

The way humans examine things to make sense of them is by taking them apart. It works relative well with people, but with a living thing, it is not that effective.

So humans make up parts and elements… and some seem to work to one degree or another, but nothing quite works perfectly.

The mechanical models medical “sciences” use doesn’t work well at all… we have more diseases than before…

The psychological models of ego, and subconscious, and beliefs, and such don’t work well either… How do we know? Because the results are temporary, or there are no results. Life is simple… The results are the shadow… showing that the method worked or didn’t work. Continue reading “The puzzle that is called “human”. Your theory matters…”

What is communication? Can you learn it through a course?

What is communication? Can you learn it through a course?

I don’t offer a communication course… I have done Landmark Education’s courses, over and over, and then more. I have learned some moves, but did I really learn the art of communication? No, THAT I haven’t…

But it is time for me to learn it. Now or never. lol.

How do I know? Well, I just said so… but other than that: I am noticing some envy that is always a sign of aspiration: the secret yearning of the soul. I noticed it, recognized it, and now I am going to act on it.

So it’s time. Now or never. Or as they say it at the wedding ceremony: speak now or forever hold your peace…

I am speaking now. Continue reading “What is communication? Can you learn it through a course?”

What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?

What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?

Just look at your actions. Words are cheap. Only what you do counts, only what you do testifies about what is important to you.

It seems that being right, looking good, avoid domination of anyone or anything, including your own word, hoping, expecting the impossible… etc, etc, has been really important to you.

Where you are is where you are supposed to be, given all your actions.

Do all actions count? Talking, thinking, watching videos?

Only to a certain degree.

One of the people who have inspired me for many years is Werner Erhard, the founder of the est training.

What did he do? Continue reading “What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?”

Build on what you have, instead of starting something new… Integrate or eliminate

I just got an email from one-time coach of mine in internet marketing.

He says that one of the reasons he loves information products because he gets to see the difference it makes in people’s lives.

I muscletestes that statement, and muscletest says it was a lie. Or more precisely, it had a 1% truth value.

One of the most important things for you to learn from me, is that people lie.

They buy something because they want the result it promises, the result it can produce if the person who buys it uses it the way it was meant to be used. Continue reading “Build on what you have, instead of starting something new… Integrate or eliminate”

Integrity, integration, creating or embracing?

Integrity, integration, creating or embracing?
What’s missing for you to escape the human condition of the horizontal plane?

No matter who you are, no matter how high is your vibration, one thing is certain about you: you bring a skewing, slanted, distorting view to life, to every question you ask, to every answer you get.

I just caught myself… and I’ll share it with you… even though it is quite terrifying to get naked with you. Continue reading “Integrity, integration, creating or embracing?”

What is your best that you could be offering to the world?

I have been listening to old calls, webinars, courses, with fascination.

The latest call I listened to was a workshop style call for the upcoming course, back in 2013, Called the Pebble In Your Shoe.

I started to see something I could not even fathom six years ago: that we, the current humanity, deny having anything good on ourselves… expect the fake goodness we may pretend.

Essentially we deny our divine origin, our souls, and the soul’s desire, the spirit’s desire to soar.

Mind you, not everybody. Continue reading “What is your best that you could be offering to the world?”

Why, in spite of a good process you are taught, you don’t live a transformed life?

So I am listening to the “itch” calls from 2014, and I am mortified at the level of transformation… It is near zero.

Sometimes I put the cart in front of the horse…

The insight (the horse) on the two selves that unless they become a team, no transformation can happen, came since I did those amazing Itch calls in 2014… so no wonder that the results are missing…

What am I talking about?

Your machine, your particular machine, was built based on an incident. Or better said: a decision you made by you (or accepted about yourself) as a child. 1

So far so good… but the process doesn’t stop there.

There is a series of “therefores”… behaviors, that come from that early decision, and all of them are ugly. Fake. Pretentious. All try to fix what wasn’t true to begin with. Continue reading “Why, in spite of a good process you are taught, you don’t live a transformed life?”

Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket

Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket

I don’t think I have ever really distinguished the difference between these two similar sounding activities… so it’s time.

As usual, I had to distinguish the difference for myself… the hard way.

I almost didn’t make it…

My strength deteriorated to the degree that I was having heart pain and exhaustion from just going from one end of the apartment to the other… So I started to mentally prepare myself to meet my maker, so to say.

The weird stuff was, that Source answered all my “diagnostic” questions with no… not my heart, not my lungs, not this and not that… yet it agreed that I was dying… Weird, right? Continue reading “Correcting vs fixing or how illness is my racket”

The difference between knowing and transformation

The difference between knowing and transformation

As you know, I have been learning the difference between information and transformation the hard way…

Even though I have “known” this difference already ten years ago (I have a video of myself to prove it,) even the knowledge of that isn’t transformation. Continue reading “The difference between knowing and transformation”

Do you live by your definition of yourself?

Do you live by your definition of yourself?

I thought I have written all I wanted to write today, but man plans, god laughs.

It’s Monday, time to read the Monday Morning Memo by Roy Williams… the highlight, often, of the week ahead.

Today especially, because what he is doing is echoing my own teaching: The main principle of Life is the Anna Karenina Principle: the principle of the strait and narrow…

Attention: I am trying to teach you how to see beyond the obvious, beyond the surface… Continue reading “Do you live by your definition of yourself?”