Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…

Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…

hitting bottom is a good thingIn numerology, each number has a special meaning… and even the components of your final destiny number…

My main number is 7, my secondary number is 4.

I like 4. Four symbolizes a chimney: there is only one way to go: up.

Most numbers have sideways moves… and that is what most people do to avoid growing. To avoid what it takes, work, pain, telling the truth… avoiding these at all cost… even if the cost is everything and anything they ever wanted…

So as a coach, I have to take them to a magical turning point: I need to force them to hit bottom. If they let me… 🙁

I had two workshops yesterday… And in the second, two of my participants volunteered to declare that they hit bottom. Continue reading “Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…”

The battle to death of the virtues and the vices…

  • aristotele's golden meanI have been reading articles, studies, even books to get more effective at teaching you. Yesterday I learned some new words for my accurate vocabulary:
  • intellectual virtues/intellectual vices
  • character virtues/character vices
  • physical virtues/physical vices

In my field… self-evolution, self-improvement, self-growth, one of the things I am seeing makes my stomach turn: a widespread phenomenon of being a Milque Toast… i.e. squeamish, i.e. looking only at the bright side of things.

If you tell someone a thousands things to be, VIRTUES, and they manage to be that way, you can raise their numbers, consciousness, vibration, etc. maybe 10%. ugh… very ineffective. Continue reading “The battle to death of the virtues and the vices…”

Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?

Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?

change is the result of true learningEither everybody counts or nobody counts… this is the principle that makes Michael Connelly’s books so dear to me. Obviously, to me, that labels me as a commie, a Democrat, a lefty… but I really don’t care… It’s your issue, not mine. My job is to be true to my principles.

I like crime novels. Most of them are clean and most of them go into the details that allow me to be forced to ride on the surface, to turn the page too eagerly, but stay on the page I am on: savoring it. Rare to find books like that.

No FOMO, I am where I am supposed to be. No desire to be anywhere else, doing anything other than what I am doing.

Priceless. Continue reading “Does everybody really count, or is that a seductive slogan?”

Today’s solution is tomorrow’s bigger problem… if you are not connected to Consciousness

your holy grailI have updated this post… clarified some things, so read it again…

Humans, YOU, want to fix things…

Fixing is forceful, and narrow cone of vision.

Fixing is low consciousness…

Today’s solution is tomorrow’s bigger problem.

frankenstein... cobbled togetherYour identity, the things you are known for, your typical behavior have all been fixes… solution to some perceived problem and now you are like a puppet on a string… powerless, inauthentic, and incapable of being happy, peaceful, joyful, and fulfilled.

1. For example, as a kid, I experienced getting hurt because I trusted someone… so I decided to never ever ever ever trust anyone again… I became fiercely independent… in everything. Continue reading “Today’s solution is tomorrow’s bigger problem… if you are not connected to Consciousness”

Why doesn’t the “Law of Attraction” work for you?

Why doesn’t the “Law of Attraction” work for you? Why are you getting sh*t rained on you instead of abundance?

the law of cause and effectWhy doesn’t the “Law of Attraction” work for you? Why are you getting sh*t rained on you instead of abundance?

This article isn’t about the law of attraction… it is about the Law of Cause and Effect… about time and about how nature cannot be tricked… it will give you what you paid for… eventually…

You can look at your activities and predict what your life is like, and whether you are building a life, i.e. investing, or harvesting and harvesting and harvesting without ever sawing.

I spend 60% of my time listening to audios, partner calls, the book of The Art of Hunting Humans, 20% of my time reading and the remaining 20% is for talking, writing, or cooking.

This means: I have a headset on me every waking hour, even while I am reading… Not music, it is hearing myself breathe on the Big Bundle energy audio.

Why am I sharing this with you?

Because I am working TOWARDS something… and I am investing my time. 99% of my activities are investing type. I am investing in two things:

  • a life that is longer than I had earned until now, and
  • knowledge and insights that can turn into real teaching for altering the future of the planet… Yeah, big things… big things worth investing in.

Continue reading “Why doesn’t the “Law of Attraction” work for you?”

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

These come up as questions, because… hell, because I don’t know if they do… If you do… Do YOU?

I don’t think currently living humans appreciate what that question means, I don’t think YOU know what being smart entails.

I think you think that smarts are only

  • to win in computer games
  • finish homework fast… or maybe even skip doing it… after all smart people just get it! this used to be me…
  • entertain and impress people at parties
  • if you have little kids… get them to go to bed earlier… that needs smarts, somehow
  • if you are still in mating age (I am not), get the other want to have sex with you… or if you are tired… be appeased faster
  • get to understand the instructions at work, for DIY jobs, for many thing… understanding is the key word
  • oh, and let’s not forget about remembering stuff… that would make you really smart, right?

And yes, those results all need some kind of smarts. Continue reading “Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?”

Human blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification

Human blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification

exponential growthHuman blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification… and their relationship to your misery.

The famous story that teaches geometric vs. linear growth creates insights that disappear about as fast as your dreams after you wake up. 1

Homo Sapiens, even the ones who understood mathematics in school, are famous for near-sightedness.

In the story between the ant and the grasshopper, humans are the grasshopper, and even the ants of humanity are more hoarders, than intelligent beings…

What are you talking about Sophie… what is this b.s. again? You ask… because you think I am putting you and all of humanity down.

But what I am doing is bringing some distinctions, shades of gray, into your black and white world that has been leaving you miserable… utterly miserable. Continue reading “Human blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification”

You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?

You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?

I have a new downstairs neighbor, after three whole years of no neighbor: that apartment sat empty.

I got used to no noise, no energies, silence… and now, suddenly I need to get used to a new configuration, energetically.

I don’t want to… baaaaah! lol

The new tenant is the landlord’s cousin, and though I have been tolerated thus far, so far for 16 years, I have only been a source of income for the landlord, not a person. Now I am someone who lives in THEIR house… at least that is how I translate her attitude towards me. A bother…

So I find myself, suddenly, needing my own course, the Playground. Now I am not just leading it, I am also a participant/client.

This situation is all about me… that is one of the wake-up questions you need to answer in the script: to what degree, what is happening, is about you. It is all about me.

I find myself feeling fear, really terror, I haven’t felt in years… I wake up when there is noise downstairs, or I can’t fall asleep: I am afraid. Very familiar from a long time ago… Continue reading “You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?”

Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless

Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless

One of the major differences between winners and losers: winners have the ability to look at reality, and look long enough so all the filters get revealed and they actually see things for what they are.

Another difference between winners and losers is that winners love setbacks, love failures, maybe even more than success. Losers love success and HATE failures, or setbacks. Continue reading “Powerful Debriefing: How to be a winner regardless”

Hopeful or hopeless, both say you don’t want to change

Hopeful or hopeless, both say you don’t want to change

hopefulHopelessness is a wind… a real nasty wind to walk into. And “Why bother… it’ll never change” is the real enemy to personal growth.

I have made a deal with Source about a decade ago, to do Source’s work. Source doesn’t have a thumb… I do..

I had been courting Source, for decades, but I was rejected.

I am a nudnik. Persistent, annoying, a gadfly… I rarely give up. The only thing I have EVER given up on was becoming a Landmark Education Forum Leader. It still hurts. I am the person who you kick out but he comes back through the window. You fire her and she says: you can’t fire me from MY job.

You have to kill me to stop me…
Continue reading “Hopeful or hopeless, both say you don’t want to change”