Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?

Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?

Yesterday I spoke about the human condition, where moral rules, codes, and such are masking the predatory nature of humans…

Predatory simply means: me at your expense… and it is mostly, among animals, at the expense of another species, but there are exceptions.

I live on nuts, nuts are about 40% of the nutrition I take any given day. Why? I can’t eat much anything else and stay well beyond my expiration date… which, for all intents and purposes was in August last year.

So I got an extension, on conditions that I do life in a particular way… Continue reading “Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?”

Fighting your demons, expecting to win one day

Fighting your demons, expecting to win one day

You and I spend most of our lives trying to fix something that never happened. Not only that it wasn’t wrong… but it never actually happened. Something that was never factually true. Even though you keep telling the story as if it were true. And you don’t know that you are lying.

Some people call these demons… even though there are no demons… but nevertheless, using the expression: fighting your demons is very accurate, if you don’t believe that demons are entities. There are no entities in the visible or invisible Universe.

And yet we are fighting… I call it an itch… a compulsion… something that makes you weird.

The ITCH that tells you that unless you get what you say you didn’t get in that story, at whatever price, even extorting it, you cannot be OK. Continue reading “Fighting your demons, expecting to win one day”

One of the sticky issues in life is the past

One of the sticky issues in life is the past

Everyone and their brother say you can’t change the past… But what if you can?

One of my favorite movies is ‘Back to the Future 3’

Somehow, by magic, our hero, whose name I forgot. Michael J. Fox plays the character. Yeah, I remember now. His name was Marty. Marty gets that when he hears someone call him a coward, a yellow belly, it makes him do things that destroy his life. So he makes a different choice, in that past, and changes his future… dramatically.

Every time I watch it, my eyes tear up… I find myself weeping. I am sooo proud of him.

Continue reading “One of the sticky issues in life is the past”

You don’t want what you say you want… It’s inauthenticity that’s speaking

You don’t want what you say you want… It’s inauthenticity that’s speaking

Many people want to run their own business, they want to be entrepreneurs.

But when you observe their behavior, everything points to the fact that that is a pretense.

Why would anyone pretend that? Ultimately that is an expensive pretense… like the boy’s you cried ‘wolf’. Ultimately people stop believing you, and only people who are engaged in the same pretense will.

How do you know what you really want?

Simple: you observe yourself, jot down how much time and attention you give to each thing that occupies your day, and do it for a week.

What you want will stand out: that is what you give the most time to. Continue reading “You don’t want what you say you want… It’s inauthenticity that’s speaking”

Authenticity: Beware the barrenness of a busy life… ~Socrates

Authenticity: Beware the barrenness of a busy life… ~Socrates

Beware the barrenness of a busy life. ~ Socrates

There is never a time when new distraction will not show up; we sow them, so several will grow from the same seed. ~ Seneca the elder

You better train yourself to manage your attention. Focus determines the quality of your life

These above are all quotes… We read them we nod, or not, and we continue not having a clue why our life sucks.

Your experience is what you agree to attend to. Not necessarily with words: you agree with your actions, what you pay attention to. Continue reading “Authenticity: Beware the barrenness of a busy life… ~Socrates”

Authenticity… your power belongs to you

Authenticity… your power belongs to you

Authenticity examined through movies…

When I watch TV series on Netflix or Amazon, or read thrillers, I working… wouldn’t you like to get a job like that? lol.

When I was in high school, I joined every group, every course, went to every seminar that spoke about movie making, the art.

When I had my high school final exams, I got lucky and I pulled question #40 on movie making… I so fascinated the three teachers that were the “jury” that I upset the exam schedule…

The trick (what I didn’t know} was that I watched the movies on all levels, auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. I felt the feelings of the characters, while I saw them and while I heard them.

360 degree experience.

My experience is that I can go to the movies with anyone, and come out and find out that we saw two different movies… Very weird.

Anyway… One of the phenomenon I can see, hear and feel, that most people can’t, is authenticity.
Continue reading “Authenticity… your power belongs to you”

Take away from longevity studies regardless your age

Take away from longevity studies regardless your age

Ever since I discovered that I can measure numbers about health, the health of different organs, and even biological age, I have been interested in listening to anti-aging, longevity “experts”.

I admit, my grasp, my understanding is sketchy at best, and yet some of the health measurement numbers and my knowledge about the person they belong to start making more sense, than not.

So I am going to share with you, here, some of the valid insights I have gained. I say valid because I muscletest and Source says “true” “not true” “truth value” Continue reading “Take away from longevity studies regardless your age”

life is an iterative game. change how you play it

life is an iterative game. change how you play it

Thinking of life as an iterative game changes how you play it… Life. Positioning yourself for the future carries more weight than ‘winning’ in the moment.

I read that yesterday, and it immediately clicked with me…

Let me explain:

My methodology, my approach to life, to work, to transformation, to everything, is iterative.

Even in architecture: I was attracted to iterative design… the growing house… starting with just a tiny house that was designed with the big house in mind.

Iterative means: I start with an incomplete execution of an idea… and I improve on it after lots of testing, and go through this cycle several times.

I used that approach to raise my vibration from 35 to 991 in 35 years. Continue reading “life is an iterative game. change how you play it”

How do you measure success?

How do you measure success?

Some people who blog like me measure their success by how many people open their articles, how many ‘read’ them, how many ‘clap’ for them.

For me those are not the numbers I am interested to know.

I want to know how many people actually BENEFIT from what I write, from what I teach, from what I create. and I want to increase that number.

It’s a harder number to know, because

1. People lie

People lie to themselves, and then they lie to me… they (I just learned this expression) virtue-signal… they want to look good, they want to look important to me, they want to get the praise, the applause, whatever.

They are NEEDY.

2. People think that all they have to do is buy the darned thing… . Continue reading “How do you measure success?”

Whenever there is a gap between your habits and your goals, your habits will always win.

Whenever there is a gap between your habits and your goals, your habits will always win.

If you ever wondered why you haven’t been accomplishing as much as you intend, wish, desire to accomplish, that quote should be your guide: Whenever there is a gap between your habits and your goals, your habits will always win.

What habits are we talking about? Interestingly, here, we are mostly interested in the how, instead of the what habits.

I have students who seemingly do the right things… but their results fall way behind what the effort would suggest.

The reason is in the how… Continue reading “Whenever there is a gap between your habits and your goals, your habits will always win.”