Will I refuse to sell The Sight capacity to you?

Will I refuse to sell The Sight capacity to you?
Life cannot change unless what you see changes. And what you see won’t change unless you have The Sight capacity.

Here is an interesting illustration: Warren Buffet started out trading in tiny stocks. Until his new friend then partner, Charlie Munger suggested that the risk is the same with bigger stocks, he never traded bigger stocks.

But it was Charlie Munger who saw that. Charlie Munger has The Sight capacity open. Continue reading “Will I refuse to sell The Sight capacity to you?”

Your brain is shrinking from not enough use…

Your brain is shrinking from not enough use…

They say you use all of your brain… but it is still shrinking… My testing shows that you are only using 1% of what your brain is capable of.

You live and learn… but not necessarily from books

Sometimes one thing happening doesn’t drive things home. You need a jackhammer… Or two, seemingly independent occurrences.

This is what happened yesterday.

A little bit of preamble: I have noticed that hordes of people come to my site looking for ’emotional intelligence’ and I was puzzled. I didn’t understand what the expression means, but instinctively knew that it had something to do with recognizing emotions, expressions of emotions accurately. But little did I know… Continue reading “Your brain is shrinking from not enough use…”

Muddling through… muddle till you get there

Muddling through… muddle till you get there

There are many ways to get things done. My way is to muddle through it.

By the way, according to muscletest, this is the way 70% of humanity can get things done… if they can break through the barrier I am experiencing now.

I don’t do well with planning and working my plan… Why? I think a wheel has dropped somewhere from my four wheel drive… I can’t do it.

I have tried. The moment there is a plan, I become stilted, and all creativity, all inspiration. all my connection to Source and the beyond go out the window, and I am remaining: bored, stiff, and boring.

I am 72 years old. I have had four, maybe five businesses if you count my years being a massage therapist, countless projects, and my only way to be having a good time is when I am muddling through. Continue reading “Muddling through… muddle till you get there”

What Causes Weather Extremes? Floods, Earthquakes, Draught?

What Causes Weather Extremes? Floods, Earthquakes, Draught?

Why didn’t the world end like the Mayan predicted?

The Universe is not exactly a cause and effect phenomenon, it is too complex to detect causality in it. From the limited perspective of the human mind, no causality can be detected… it looks random and capricious.

Humans always wanted to reduce the risk that Life is, always wanted to understand how it works, always wanted to reduce Life to a formula. This is what gave rise to religions.

Religion, organized religion, puts you in the cause and effect mindset. They are doing it to control you, to control your behavior. It puts you in a false sense of security: you are doing the right things, so only good things can come out of it… Continue reading “What Causes Weather Extremes? Floods, Earthquakes, Draught?”

The pull and push system of growth… How inspiration is proving to be stronger

The pull and push system of growth… How inspiration is proving to be stronger

I have been ‘playing’ this self-improvement, self-development game for 35 years. It germinated and grew into a full ‘tree’ in me, while in others it remained stunted, or maybe even died.

What was the difference between those others and myself?

The main difference was, I thought, is that I saw going up incredibly inspiring, while others focused on protecting their egos. We call it precious I in my work.

I had a precious I too, but I could see that what it had given me is grief, so I was willing to think and do things that offended or scared my precious I, because what I saw was available was inspiring enough for me to do so. Continue reading “The pull and push system of growth… How inspiration is proving to be stronger”

Soul correction: your only way to raise your vibration

Soul correction: your only way to raise your vibration

“The planets may impel but not compel” say Rob Brezsny, and, if in nothing else, we agree on this point.

If the planets compelled, then soul correction, as a trajectory, would be an oxymoron… leopards don’t change their spots.

My soul correction is “Forget Thyself” which impels me to place myself higher than anyone else, including any authority, including Source.

Today that soul correction, that behavior, that attitude only shows up about 10% of the time. I say this in celebration of free will… how I behave, what attitude I bring to life is up to me: I can bend even though the planets impel me to be rigid.

According to Kabbalah, somewhat the bedrock of my mindset, free will is what created the physical universe. Continue reading “Soul correction: your only way to raise your vibration”

It is time to grow up…

It is time to grow up…

As people do the 67 step coaching, it becomes obvious to me that they have a very small social circle of people who they can count on.

Yes, some people have family, but I would not count on family, or only family if I were you.

When you have no one to call who is happy to take your call, you go through bouts of loneliness, aloneness, and maybe even depression. Even if you are in a position to have a lot of students, like I do.

You can’t and should not call your students when you are lonely… that would be using them for something they didn’t sign up for.

When I look, all the friends I have are from some course, program, that was long enough for me to build a relationship. And when I say ‘build’ I mean blood sweat and tears… Continue reading “It is time to grow up…”

Are you astute? Do you think I am saying something bad?

Are you astute? Do you think I am saying something bad?

Astuteness is being able to identify what’s in front of you, what’s happening, what might be the issue, the problem, and match solutions with problems successfully.

It seems that one of elements, or sub-capacities of astuteness is missing for nearly every person… and this capacity is easier to turn on by asking a simple question… while the whole sink and caboodle of astuteness comes to bear only AFTER you go through the first fundamental step.

This step is being able to separate, to tell apart what is relevant and what isn’t.

When you have a capacity open, you suspect that everyone has it open and functional, and fall flat on your face when it turns out that people don’t have it, can’t see it, and it isn’t missing for them that it’s missing for them.

This is what happened with this capacity. Continue reading “Are you astute? Do you think I am saying something bad?”

It is not the smartest, it is not the strongest that make it

It is not the smartest, it is not the strongest that make it

Whether Darwin said that anything like that, or he didn’t… doesn’t concern me. The principle is true, whether a famous person said it or not.

In the evolutionary sense, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Continue reading “It is not the smartest, it is not the strongest that make it”

Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?

Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?

Humans, as a species, are not good. They are an invasive species. Destroying the planet they live on.

This is not a moral judgment. I am do not subscribe to any moral system…

Morality is a human invention. There is no morality in reality, in nature. Morality is invented by rulers and governments, and churches, to keep the hordes at bay, to make them behave in a way that is counter to their nature. Continue reading “Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?”