Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you too busy?

Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you too busy?

Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you trying to be busy all the time? What does that say about you?

Your soul, your spirit, knows right from wrong

If your soul only had an opportunity to talk to you. To be heard. You’d probably consider stopping doing the wrongs, the unproductive, the irrelevant things that you do. If only to have peace inside, to have less tension, to have more joy. Continue reading “Do you spend time with yourself? Or are you too busy?”

Love is wanting for you what you want for yourself…

Love is wanting for you what you want for yourself…

Maybe love is wanting even more for you than you want for yourself… but I am not sure about that.

Because of great love one is courageous. And coaching you is a lot like training tigers to act like pussycats… And as dangerous.

A coach wants for you what you say you want for yourself… Continue reading “Love is wanting for you what you want for yourself…”

Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause

Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause

attention energyThe question is: are YOU causing your attention? Are you causing what you want to cause?

I always thought I was curious, but I am finding out: you cannot be curious if you are not open.

One of the issues of my soul correction is not being open. Self-protection, personal-reality protection. Continue reading “Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause”

What cabbage mind? I don’t have a cabbage mind!

What cabbage mind? I don’t have a cabbage mind!

This is an important post… Either read it thoroughly, or just skip it… Please. OK?

Every Sunday morning, for the past 14 years, I have had a 90 minute conversation with a guy who I met at Pam Ragland’s Quantum Thought Shifting course back in 2007. Continue reading “What cabbage mind? I don’t have a cabbage mind!”

Three questions to cause you to implement what you learn

Three questions to cause you to implement what you learn

Most people feel stuck. It doesn’t feel good. And they want to be unstuck… but they don’t know how.

Three questions can take you from where you are at now to movement… onto the path to wherever you would like to be.

I have lead a workshop about a hundred times that asked slightly different questions, and it strikes me funny now, that maybe I have been asking the questions that are ‘fixing’ based… not what I wanted.

The old workshop asked:

what’s working
what’s not working?
What are you doing in that area? Who are you being? (attitude) What are you having? (results)
Who would you need to be so what isn’t working can start working, maybe even brilliantly? Continue reading “Three questions to cause you to implement what you learn”

Authenticity: what does being authentic get you?

Authenticity: what does being authentic get you?

authenticityI am a foreigner. I learned the English words, one by one. Since the age of 10… English was my third language. I have become fluent in 6 languages thus far.

I only started to learn the beingness words when I came to the United States at age 38 and started working on my transformation.

First, let me say what I mean by transformation: I don’t mean change, I don’t mean losing weight, I don’t mean that I or something outside of me changes. What does change is what I see… by looking at things differently.

And because your actions will be ALWAYS consistent with what you see, as a result my actions, my attitude, my mood will change, automatically.

I had had a glimpse of what’s possible for me… but it’s taken me a few decades to be able to see the world from a place from where life feels OK, I feel OK, and from where I can feel joy, freedom, and peace of mind, almost 24/7.

Back to beingness words

The first beingness word I looked into was generosity. I was a total beginner at distinguishing. Continue reading “Authenticity: what does being authentic get you?”

Stone Soup: the fairy tale. Case studies galore

Stone Soup: the fairy tale. Case studies galore

stone soupCapacities, distinctions, intelligence, and success in life: there is a strong correlation. The Stone Soup fairy tale is an excellent teaching story.

Let’s start with debunking the current worldview, that intelligence is inborn. We are all born tabula raza… a blank slate.

Your intelligence depends on the number of large chunks, neural connections permanently formed in your brain firing together automatically. Those chunks are created in learning. Not learning about… no, actual learning a skill to unconscious competence.  Driving a vehicle is unconscious competence for most. Reading and comprehending? not so much. Continue reading “Stone Soup: the fairy tale. Case studies galore”

Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause…

Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause…

Are you tired or are you weak?

I am starting to see why my students loved me, rallied for me back in 2012-2013-2014…

It’d been puzzling me… what did I do differently then?

Today I saw it.

I had a private call with a brand new client from Australia, and it was a video call on zoom (don’t ask… first time zoom user myself!) so I could see her, and the changes the conversation was creating in her. Continue reading “Are you tired or are you weak? Revealing the root cause…”

What makes a good thing go to sh!t?

What makes a good thing go to sh!t?

disharmonyHarmony, joy can be destroyed by a consistently dissonant voice

I had been enjoying the New Tricks BBS TV show on Amazon Prime… until yesterday.

It’s an ensemble show, or better said: it used to be.

Ensemble means that every participant is there for both themselves and for the show. Desire to receive for the sake of sharing. Not a dissonant chord.

Then one person, for reason only they know, decided that he is more important then the show and the others, and the thing falls apart.

You can hear it before they even know it themselves… someone playing out of tune. Continue reading “What makes a good thing go to sh!t?”

What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…

What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…

I know you don’t want to talk about this topic, but I am afraid we need to. Hate me, I can take it.

I know it is holiday month, you only want to think of Christmas, and nice-nice, and gifts… but the quality of your life depends on what you do every day… so maybe you want to talk about that…

So what is character? Character, some say, is how you behave when no one is watching.

But that is vague… so let’s look at Wikipedia… here is a short quote from there Continue reading “What is the Strength of YOUR character? A must look…”