I am depleted. Where did my energy go? Running on empty

I am depleted. Where did my energy go? Running on empty

I could say ‘I am depleted’ as I have always said: I am running on empty. I could also say: I feel emotionally and intellectually empty. But like you, I can benefit from adding to my vocabulary of state-expressing words, and feeling-indicating words.

When I don’t feel energized, when I am not full of creativity and when I don’t have three new articles almost ready to write, when I don’t feel like I have new programs to launch, then eventually I start to wonder, maybe even worry.

It’s not like me to have nothing to say.

Why? What happened? Where did my energy go? Continue reading “I am depleted. Where did my energy go? Running on empty”

Integrity, integration, creating or embracing?

Integrity, integration, creating or embracing?
What’s missing for you to escape the human condition of the horizontal plane?

No matter who you are, no matter how high is your vibration, one thing is certain about you: you bring a skewing, slanted, distorting view to life, to every question you ask, to every answer you get.

I just caught myself… and I’ll share it with you… even though it is quite terrifying to get naked with you. Continue reading “Integrity, integration, creating or embracing?”

The escape route from the dungeons of the human condition

The escape route from the dungeons of the human condition

Escape route differs from jailbreak… Unless you plan how you’ll be, where you’ll go, what you’ll do after you break out of jail, you’ll be taken back on short notice…

Why and how the “human condition” have come to signify wretchedness, evil, and ugly?

I wrote the first part of this article about 18 months ago…

This article has been researched for more than two years. but it was just getting puzzling and more puzzling.

Finally, today, as I was pondering the issue, the expression “human condition” opened it up for me.

So, here is the result of more than two years of research into the biggest puzzle I have ever dealt with.

Why are humans so bad? Continue reading “The escape route from the dungeons of the human condition”

What is the fastest way to lose your vibration?

What is the fastest way to devolve… the greased chute 1 to lose your vibration? To move yourself to the horizontal plane…

  • Sometimes I write articles to solve an issue for myself… Tai calls this chess-like assiduity… 2 lol.
  • Sometimes I write articles to address and issue one or more clients are dealing with… and help them solve it for themselves. Because, remember, when things don’t go well… there is something that you don’t know/don’t see
  • And sometimes I write articles to prevent an issue for a client, and issue that is predictably coming.

This article fits category two and three… Some clients are struggling with an issue the other clients are about to encounter…

The issue is devolving. Greased chute to hell… Not a happy issue, is it?

So, let’s get starting.
Continue reading “What is the fastest way to lose your vibration?”

Heaven and Hell… The bald spot on my head…

Heaven and Hell… The bald spot on my head…
How do you know that you are slipping onto the horizontal plane… the plane of the valley of the shadow of death? hell…

It is on the vertical plane where you can say: A is A. Fully accepting reality, resisting none of it. Having no need to hide from it, changing it, wishing it away. 1

Reality is the way it is. You are a guest to it… and like a guest, you’ll find that it is not the way YOU would run the show… and that is OK. The show goes the way the show goes.

If you add anything, out loud or in your head or in your feelings… then A is not A, and you are not on the vertical. You are on the horizontal plane, where A is not A, where reality’s rules are resisted, and where you can only be unhappy, forcing your will, or resign to never have what you want.

For decades I had thinning hair.

When I looked in the mirror, there was a balding circle on my skull… The size of two of my palms. Continue reading “Heaven and Hell… The bald spot on my head…”

Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… And you can…

Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… Updated

water doesn't exist for the fishThis article is from 2014…

Often anything can kick you into the horizontal plane 1 . I got kicked into it… the horizontal plane, and now I am working my way off… it is not that easy. I can’t even connect to muscletest… the horizontal plane is sticky. It wants you, all of you. It eats your life for breakfast.

Let me explain: Humanity (you!) lives on the horizontal plane at this stage of evolution. It is both the starting point and the end state…

On the horizontal plane everything is about comparison. More, better, different…

The good old days…
I want what they have, because I don’t have it… and I want it.
Continue reading “Abundance Or Scarcity? Choose… And you can…”

Know Thyself is a principle… but how do you do it?

Know thyself is what is one of the 147 maxims (a short, pithy statement expressing a general truth or rule of conduct. Not the same as a principle, but there are many overlaps… Most of these maxims are virtues. My favorites are “Know what you have learned” and “Be/Know yourself”, because they are maybe the most important. Do yourself a favor, and read them, and ponder.) inscribed in Delphi… 1

In fact, it is a principle.

A principle is something to live by, something to get guidance from.

When we talk about principle driven life, any of those 147, and countless other principles will do your life justice.

When I look at people, when I observe them, their lives have no rhyme, no purpose…

Looking good is not a principle.
Wanting to be right is not a principle
I am pretty/smart/stupid is not a principle
I want to be rich is not a principle Continue reading “Know Thyself is a principle… but how do you do it?”

Recognize the deadly undertow… the rip current…

Recognize the deadly undertow… the rip current…

There is a saying: man makes plans, god laughs… but how do you explain it without god… I am an atheist. This article is about what it means “god laughs” and what happens to you and your plans if you don’t know what it means, and how to recognize it.

I found something I have never seen before.

As I have said before, the case, your case, is a shape-shifter, and it knows more tricks than are found in all the trick books out there.

As you know, my case is that I am dead, should be dead, who knows how long I have…

Now, learning, starting a new business, learning a software is for the long term. And I have found myself a non-starter in that. I have more programs I have never even started to work with that cost me more money than I could afford.

And I never understood why I don’t do anything with them. Continue reading “Recognize the deadly undertow… the rip current…”

Context will decide if you’re happy, miserable, rich or poor

the first thing for you to learn, if you EVER want to visit the vertical plane, is CONTEXT

this will likely be a series

dictionary: context = the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which it can be fully understood and assessed.

How much of what you hear, read, see, gets through to you?

How much of what you hear, read, see, gets through to you? And how much of it is replaced with noise? on the energies…

I had a webinar yesterday where I am talking with my students about the Avatar State Activator energies, and how to use them to get the most results.

If you are a subscriber, I am posting it in the subscribers’ area on this page. You have to be a subscriber and confirm your email address to view that page.

It was a very interesting call: I learned a lot. Continue reading “How much of what you hear, read, see, gets through to you?”