Do you really want to get more out of life? We shall see…

Do you really want to get more out of life? We shall see…

One of the clues I have for proof that I am taking the idea of soul correction seriously

My soul correction is “Forget Thyself”… meaning: I believe that I am the alpha and the omega, and that anything and everything other people say has to be filtered through MY genius, my experience, or it is not to be taken seriously.

My soul correction that makes me a very slow learner…

I don’t even have questions when I read something, when I hear something. I am not one of the people who have a question of the speaker at the end of a talk. I first let it all in, no resistance, and let the brain work out whatever the brain wants to work out, and let the brain bring out the questions if there are any, or let the brain quietly discard what I heard/read without even consulting with me, the conscious me…

It takes quiet and it takes time. Continue reading “Do you really want to get more out of life? We shall see…”

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

These come up as questions, because… hell, because I don’t know if they do… If you do… Do YOU?

I don’t think currently living humans appreciate what that question means, I don’t think YOU know what being smart entails.

I think you think that smarts are only

  • to win in computer games
  • finish homework fast… or maybe even skip doing it… after all smart people just get it! this used to be me…
  • entertain and impress people at parties
  • if you have little kids… get them to go to bed earlier… that needs smarts, somehow
  • if you are still in mating age (I am not), get the other want to have sex with you… or if you are tired… be appeased faster
  • get to understand the instructions at work, for DIY jobs, for many thing… understanding is the key word
  • oh, and let’s not forget about remembering stuff… that would make you really smart, right?

And yes, those results all need some kind of smarts. Continue reading “Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?”

Hopeful or hopeless, both say you don’t want to change

Hopeful or hopeless, both say you don’t want to change

hopefulHopelessness is a wind… a real nasty wind to walk into. And “Why bother… it’ll never change” is the real enemy to personal growth.

I have made a deal with Source about a decade ago, to do Source’s work. Source doesn’t have a thumb… I do..

I had been courting Source, for decades, but I was rejected.

I am a nudnik. Persistent, annoying, a gadfly… I rarely give up. The only thing I have EVER given up on was becoming a Landmark Education Forum Leader. It still hurts. I am the person who you kick out but he comes back through the window. You fire her and she says: you can’t fire me from MY job.

You have to kill me to stop me…
Continue reading “Hopeful or hopeless, both say you don’t want to change”

Behaviors that hold you back from success

Behaviors that hold you back from success

behavior icebergThere is a behavior that I used to have, and have successfully beaten.

The behavior  is the “out of sight/out of mind”, “now that I am doing something else, I don’t remember the things I have been doing, promised, supposed to do…”

The behavior of a person who cannot keep 2-3-4-5 habits going concurrently.

If they are busy looking at something, they are so busy, that their water is not energized, their food list is not honored, they don’t practice their guitar, they don’t read, nothing. Just do that one thing.

With social media, smart phones, this is getting even worse… and I didn’t think it could get any worse than it was before.

What is the cause?

Continue reading “Behaviors that hold you back from success”

Rule-making, rule-accepting separates you from reality

Rule-making, rule-accepting separates you from reality

You live life as if some things were better than others, as if some things are wrong, and other things are right.

Truth is, these are all memes 1. This is not how life works.

Life works with physical laws, some of them we know, others we don’t, but they are laws nevertheless.

The difference between a physical/natural law and a rule is that for a law to be law you don’t have to agree to it for it to do what it does… But rules for them to be working on all involved, have to be accepted, agreed to, and bear the consequences if you don’t. Continue reading “Rule-making, rule-accepting separates you from reality”

Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?

Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?
Almost all Source energies, almost all my energy products are co-creative

co-creative examples: in the ham and eggs dish the ham and the dish co-create. A male and a female co-create the offspring.. Continue reading “Why feeling your feelings is a good thing?”

Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?

Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?
Inspiration… what is it and why do you want to have it?

Inspiration, breathing life into inert or unconscious matter… is the difference between a machine and a Man…

An inspired action, an inspired life, an inspired person is vastly different from most people, most actions, most lives on the planet. How? in that what guides those is what is beyond the 10% reality, and beyond the emotional dramatic interpretation. And beyond the meaning based lives humans live nowadays. Continue reading “Are you inspirable? Can you even be inspired?”

When life looks hopeless, too hard, unmanageable…

When life looks hopeless, too hard, unmanageable…

What do you do, where do you go, when life seems to tell you that you are not enough? When you feel you are pushed into overwhelm 1

When your precious I gets threatened?

When you get a glimpse that you are, in fact, not the knight in shining armor…

I think I am becoming more empathic. I think I am becoming more sensitive to your unhappiness. Maybe even more compassionate?

Compassion is seeing where you are at, seeing that I’ve been there before, and offering a helping hand to help you get through it. 2

This is not how you had it, am I right?

Anyway, back to topic… what do you do when you find that you are not enough, you are not a match to life? Continue reading “When life looks hopeless, too hard, unmanageable…”

What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?

What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?

Just look at your actions. Words are cheap. Only what you do counts, only what you do testifies about what is important to you.

It seems that being right, looking good, avoid domination of anyone or anything, including your own word, hoping, expecting the impossible… etc, etc, has been really important to you.

Where you are is where you are supposed to be, given all your actions.

Do all actions count? Talking, thinking, watching videos?

Only to a certain degree.

One of the people who have inspired me for many years is Werner Erhard, the founder of the est training.

What did he do? Continue reading “What’s important to you? Do your actions mirror that?”

Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?

Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?

First let me clarify the terminology: vibration is an invented logarithmic number… It indicates the level you are on the level of evolutionary scale in every area of life, including intellectually, spiritually, emotionally.

Butterfly life:

you can live life on the horizontal plane (caterpillar life) where everything feels personal, attacking, dangerous, offending, painful, dramatic, or the vertical plane, what we could call “heaven on earth” where you are not bothered by stuff… where you experience joy, enthusiasm, love, caring, etc… and get things done, so your life feels worth living.

One of the most frequent things people find my site with, is the question: what is the real difference between a butterfly and a caterpillar, and why you can’t talk butterfly language with caterpillar people. Continue reading “Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?”