Reality is highly patterned. But do you see reality?

Reality is highly patterned. But do you see reality?

Reality is highly patterned… except that you don’t often SEE reality beyond getting an occasional glimpse.

Scientists know that reality is patterned… because they were looking for it. Continue reading “Reality is highly patterned. But do you see reality?”

Why does a billionaire read books on physics?

Why does a billionaire read books on physics?

Patterns… or Why do billionaires read books on physics, the ice ages, the shorelines of our planet?

There are many ways to deal with the Universe, with reality, and most of them are ineffective.

The more effectively you ‘deal’ with reality, the more you get out of your life. Continue reading “Why does a billionaire read books on physics?”

The curious phenomenon of losing your vibration…

The curious phenomenon of losing your vibration…

…and then restoring it

Unless you understand what robbed you of your vibration, you won’t be able to restore it.

First off: what is the vibration measure measure?

I would say intelligence, if intelligence were a word that we all agree about. But we don’t. So I’ll dig deeper. Continue reading “The curious phenomenon of losing your vibration…”

Finding out you live in the Valley of The Shadow of Death

Finding out you live in the Valley of The Shadow of Death

I had a brainstorm the other day.

For a while I have been having an identity crisis: what is that I am really doing… who am I?

So the other day, way before the sun came up, I was looking at files on my hard drive from long time ago. By what I found I could see how my thinking was then, I could see how my thinking has changed, and how it has become murkier and murkier.

Before I called myself the pathfinder coach… Continue reading “Finding out you live in the Valley of The Shadow of Death”

Transformation? Can a frog really transform into a prince?

Transformation? Can a frog really transform into a prince?

What is transformation? How does transformation help you to live a life of purpose, grace and ease? And how is transfiguration a whole different ball of wax? Continue reading “Transformation? Can a frog really transform into a prince?”

The results of coaching depend on the client

The results of coaching depend on the client

No matter how skillful the guidance, the teaching, the coaching, the results will depend on the guided… On their skill and diligence.

And willingness.

Any guidance, any teaching, any coaching is choosing. And when you choose, unless you unchoose something you’ll stop and flail and stop moving. Continue reading “The results of coaching depend on the client”

Teaching the way a fig tree grows… from the top down

Teaching the way a fig tree grows… from the top down

fig tree: growing top to bottomFor 17 miserable years I was an architect in three countries. Unfortunately I brought myself with me…

I was, for a time, part of a team that introduced a new building method: building from the top down…

I won an architectural competition with it, I also won an award of excellence for a building built that way.

The method may work in architecture, and it definitely works for the fig tree… Continue reading “Teaching the way a fig tree grows… from the top down”

What cabbage mind? I don’t have a cabbage mind!

What cabbage mind? I don’t have a cabbage mind!

This is an important post… Either read it thoroughly, or just skip it… Please. OK?

Every Sunday morning, for the past 14 years, I have had a 90 minute conversation with a guy who I met at Pam Ragland’s Quantum Thought Shifting course back in 2007. Continue reading “What cabbage mind? I don’t have a cabbage mind!”

Learn to change the context to raise your TLB

Learn to change the context to raise your TLB

I read articles. And I found this one in my inbox today… I could have said: I already know this… and I would have missed a conclusion that is very important to YOU…

Don’t know what TLB is?… It is your Twitchy Little Bastard score… when it is low, you are weak at doing the deed… You run for the hill, you quit, you have no patience, no vision… You are likely a disappointed little victim of life. But you can read this article and get some surprising tools. I’ll summarize it at the end. Continue reading “Learn to change the context to raise your TLB”

How fast can you raise your vibration? to get…

How fast can you raise your vibration? to get…

raise your vibrationYou want to raise your vibration, Right? You do… That is why you are here…

And you can. Your next question is probably: how fast?

There are two main issues for that question, how fast. Lack of courage and lack of humility, that if you have them, you probably won’t be able to raise your vibration until you overcome these two issues. Continue reading “How fast can you raise your vibration? to get…”